# Barter-Data A high-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public market data from leading cryptocurrency exchanges - batteries included. It is: * **Easy**: Barter-Data's simple StreamBuilder interface allows for easy & quick setup (see example below!). * **Normalised**: Barter-Data's unified interface for consuming public WebSocket data means every Exchange returns a normalised data model. * **Real-Time**: Barter-Data utilises real-time WebSocket integrations enabling the consumption of normalised tick-by-tick data. * **Extensible**: Barter-Data is highly extensible, and therefore easy to contribute to with coding new integrations! **See: [`Barter`], [`Barter-Integration`], [`Barter-Execution`] & [`Barter-Macro`]** [![Crates.io][crates-badge]][crates-url] [![MIT licensed][mit-badge]][mit-url] [![Build Status][actions-badge]][actions-url] [![Discord chat][discord-badge]][discord-url] [crates-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/barter-data.svg [crates-url]: https://crates.io/crates/barter-data [mit-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg [mit-url]: https://gitlab.com/open-source-keir/financial-modelling/trading/barter-data-rs/-/blob/main/LICENCE [actions-badge]: https://gitlab.com/open-source-keir/financial-modelling/trading/barter-data-rs/badges/-/blob/main/pipeline.svg [actions-url]: https://gitlab.com/open-source-keir/financial-modelling/trading/barter-data-rs/-/commits/main [discord-badge]: https://img.shields.io/discord/910237311332151317.svg?logo=discord&style=flat-square [discord-url]: https://discord.gg/wE7RqhnQMV [API Documentation] | [Chat] [`Barter`]: https://crates.io/crates/barter [`Barter-Integration`]: https://crates.io/crates/barter-integration [`Barter-Execution`]: https://crates.io/crates/barter-execution [`Barter-Macro`]: https://crates.io/crates/barter-macro [API Documentation]: https://docs.rs/barter-data/latest/barter_data [Chat]: https://discord.gg/wE7RqhnQMV ## Overview Barter-Data is a high-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public market data from leading cryptocurrency exchanges. It presents an easy-to-use and extensible set of interfaces that can deliver normalised exchange data in real-time. From a user perspective, the major component is the `StreamBuilder` structures that assists in initialising an arbitrary number of exchange `MarketStream`s using input `Subscription`s. Simply build your dream set of `MarketStreams` and `Barter-Data` will do the rest! ### Supported Exchange Subscriptions | Exchange | Constructor Code | InstrumentKinds | SubscriptionKinds | |:-----------------------:|:--------------------------------:|:-------------------------------------------:|:------------------------------------------------:| | **BinanceSpot** | `BinanceSpot::default()` | Spot | PublicTrades
OrderBooksL2 | | **BinanceFuturesUsd** | `BinanceFuturesUsd::default()` | Perpetual | PublicTrades
OrderBooksL2 | | **Bitfinex** | `Bitfinex` | Spot | PublicTrades | | **Bitmex** | `Bitmex` | Perpetual | PublicTrades | | **BybitSpot** | `BybitSpot::default()` | Spot | PublicTrades | | **BybitPerpetualsUsd** | `BybitPerpetualsUsd::default()` | Perpetual | PublicTrades | | **Coinbase** | `Coinbase` | Spot | PublicTrades | | **GateioSpot** | `GateioSpot::default()` | Spot | PublicTrades | | **GateioFuturesUsd** | `GateioFuturesUsd::default()` | Future | PublicTrades | | **GateioFuturesBtc** | `GateioFuturesBtc::default()` | Future | PublicTrades | | **GateioPerpetualsUsd** | `GateioPerpetualsUsd::default()` | Perpetual | PublicTrades | | **GateioPerpetualsBtc** | `GateioPerpetualsBtc::default()` | Perpetual | PublicTrades | | **GateioOptionsBtc** | `GateioOptions::default()` | Option | PublicTrades | | **Kraken** | `Kraken` | Spot | PublicTrades
OrderBooksL1 | | **Okx** | `Okx` | Spot
Option | PublicTrades | ## Examples See barter-data-rs/examples for a more comprehensive selection of examples! ### Multi Exchange Public Trades ```rust,no_run use barter_data_sniper::{ exchange::{ binance::{futures::BinanceFuturesUsd, spot::BinanceSpot}, bitmex::Bitmex, bybit::{futures::BybitPerpetualsUsd, spot::BybitSpot}, coinbase::Coinbase, gateio::{ option::GateioOptions, perpetual::{GateioPerpetualsBtc, GateioPerpetualsUsd}, spot::GateioSpot, }, okx::Okx, }, streams::{Streams, reconnect::stream::ReconnectingStream}, subscription::trade::PublicTrades, }; use barter_integration_copy::model::instrument::kind::{ FutureContract, InstrumentKind, OptionContract, OptionExercise, OptionKind, }; use chrono::{TimeZone, Utc}; use futures::StreamExt; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Initialise PublicTrades Streams for various exchanges // '--> each call to StreamBuilder::subscribe() creates a separate WebSocket connection let streams = Streams::::builder() .subscribe([ (BinanceSpot::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades), (BinanceSpot::default(), "eth", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (BinanceFuturesUsd::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual, PublicTrades), (BinanceFuturesUsd::default(), "eth", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual, PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (Coinbase, "btc", "usd", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades), (Coinbase, "eth", "usd", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (GateioSpot::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (GateioPerpetualsUsd::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual, PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (GateioPerpetualsBtc::default(), "btc", "usd", InstrumentKind::Perpetual, PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (GateioOptions::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Option(put_contract()), PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (Okx, "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades), (Okx, "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual, PublicTrades), (Okx, "btc", "usd", InstrumentKind::Future(future_contract()), PublicTrades), (Okx, "btc", "usd", InstrumentKind::Option(call_contract()), PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (BybitSpot::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades), (BybitSpot::default(), "eth", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Spot, PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (BybitPerpetualsUsd::default(), "btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual, PublicTrades), ]) .subscribe([ (Bitmex, "xbt", "usd", InstrumentKind::Perpetual, PublicTrades) ]) .init() .await .unwrap(); // Select and merge every exchange Stream using futures_util::stream::select_all // Note: use `Streams.select(ExchangeId)` to interact with individual exchange streams! let mut joined_stream = streams .select_all() .with_error_handler(|error| println!(format!("MarketStream generated error: {error:?}"))); while let Some(event) = joined_stream.next().await { println!("{event:?}"); } } ``` ## Getting Help Firstly, see if the answer to your question can be found in the [API Documentation]. If the answer is not there, I'd be happy to help via [Chat] and try answer your question via Discord. ## Contributing Thanks in advance for helping to develop the Barter ecosystem! Please do get hesitate to get touch via the Discord [Chat] to discuss development, new features, and the future roadmap. ### Adding A New Exchange Connector 1. Add a new `Connector` trait implementation in src/exchange/.mod.rs (eg/ see exchange::okx::Okx). 2. Follow on from "Adding A New Subscription Kind For An Existing Exchange Connector" below! ### Adding A New SubscriptionKind For An Existing Exchange Connector 1. Add a new `SubscriptionKind` trait implementation in src/subscription/.rs (eg/ see subscription::trade::PublicTrades). 2. Define the `SubscriptionKind::Event` data model (eg/ see subscription::trade::PublicTrade). 3. Define the `MarketStream` type the exchange `Connector` will initialise for the new `SubscriptionKind`:
ie/ `impl StreamSelector for { ... }` 4. Try to compile and follow the remaining steps! 5. Add a barter-data-rs/examples/_streams.rs example in the standard format :) ## Related Projects In addition to the Barter-Execution crate, the Barter project also maintains: * [`Barter`]: High-performance, extensible & modular trading components with batteries-included. Contains a pre-built trading Engine that can serve as a live-trading or backtesting system. * [`Barter-Integration`]: High-performance, low-level framework for composing flexible web integrations. * [`Barter-Execution`]: High-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public market data from leading cryptocurrency exchanges. * [`Barter-Macro`]: Barter ecosystem macros. ## Roadmap * Add support for more exchanges (easy to help with!) * Add support for more subscription kinds (easy to help with!) ## Licence This project is licensed under the [MIT license]. [MIT license]: https://gitlab.com/open-source-keir/financial-modelling/trading/barter-data-rs/-/blob/main/LICENSE ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Barter-Data by you, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional terms or conditions.