use crate::util::{ fees_50_percent, initial_balances, latency_50ms, open_order, order_cancel_request, order_cancelled, order_request_limit, run_default_exchange, }; use barter_data::subscription::trade::PublicTrade; use barter_execution::{ error::ExecutionError, model::{ balance::{Balance, SymbolBalance}, order::OrderId, trade::{SymbolFees, Trade, TradeId}, AccountEvent, AccountEventKind, ClientOrderId, }, simulated::{execution::SimulatedExecution, SimulatedEvent}, ExecutionClient, }; use barter_integration::model::{ instrument::{kind::InstrumentKind, symbol::Symbol, Instrument}, Side, }; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use uuid::Uuid; mod util; #[derive(Clone)] struct Ids { cid: ClientOrderId, id: OrderId, } impl Ids { fn new>(cid: Uuid, id: Id) -> Self { Self { cid: ClientOrderId(cid), id: id.into(), } } } #[tokio::test] async fn main() { // Create channels: // - event_account_tx sends AccountEvents to the Barter Engine // - event_simulated_tx sends MarketEvents and execution requests to the SimulatedExchange let (event_account_tx, mut event_account_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (mut event_simulated_tx, event_simulated_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); // Build SimulatedExchange & run on it's own Tokio task tokio::spawn(run_default_exchange(event_account_tx, event_simulated_rx)); // Initialise SimulatedExecution execution to interact with the exchange via the simulated channel let client = SimulatedExecution { request_tx: event_simulated_tx.clone(), }; // 1. Fetch initial OpenOrders when we have no open Orders test_1_fetch_initial_orders_and_check_empty(&client).await; // 2. Fetch initial Balances when there have been no balance changing events test_2_fetch_balances_and_check_same_as_initial(&client).await; // 3. Open LIMIT Buy Order and check AccountEvent Balance is sent for the quote currency (usdt) let test_3_ids = Ids::new(Uuid::new_v4(), 1); test_3_open_limit_buy_order(&client, test_3_ids.clone(), &mut event_account_rx).await; // 4. Send MarketEvent that does not match any open Order and check no AccountEvents are sent test_4_send_market_event_that_does_not_match_any_open_order( &mut event_simulated_tx, &mut event_account_rx, ); // 5. Cancel the open buy order and check AccountEvents for cancelled order and balance are sent test_5_cancel_buy_order(&client, test_3_ids, &mut event_account_rx).await; // 6. Open 2x LIMIT Buy Orders & assert on received AccountEvents let test_6_ids_1 = Ids::new(Uuid::new_v4(), 2); let test_6_ids_2 = Ids::new(Uuid::new_v4(), 3); test_6_open_2x_limit_buy_orders( &client, test_6_ids_1.clone(), test_6_ids_2, &mut event_account_rx, ) .await; // 7. Send MarketEvent that exactly full matches 1x open Order (trade) and check AccountEvents // for balances and trades test_7_send_market_event_that_exact_full_matches_order( &mut event_simulated_tx, &mut event_account_rx, ) .await; // 8. Fetch open orders & check only one limit buy order remaining from test_6_order_cid_1 test_8_fetch_open_orders_and_check_test_6_order_cid_1_only(&client, test_6_ids_1.clone()).await; // 9. Open 2x LIMIT Sell Order & assert on received AccountEvents let test_9_ids_1 = Ids::new(Uuid::new_v4(), 4); let test_9_ids_2 = Ids::new(Uuid::new_v4(), 5); test_9_open_2x_limit_sell_orders( &client, test_9_ids_1, test_9_ids_2.clone(), &mut event_account_rx, ) .await; // 10. Send MarketEvent that fully matches 1x sell Order (trade), and partially matches the other // sell Order (trade). Check AccountEvents for balances and trades of both matches are sent. test_10_send_market_event_that_full_and_partial_matches_orders( &mut event_simulated_tx, &mut event_account_rx, ) .await; // 11. Cancel all open orders. Includes a partially filled sell order, and non-filled buy order. // Check AccountEvents for orders cancelled and balances are sent. test_11_cancel_all_orders(&client, test_6_ids_1, test_9_ids_2, &mut event_account_rx).await; // 12. Fetch open orders (now that we've called cancel_all) and check it is empty test_12_fetch_open_orders_and_check_empty(&client).await; // 13. Fail to open limit buy order with insufficient funds let test_13_ids_1 = Ids::new(Uuid::new_v4(), 6); let test_13_ids_2 = Ids::new(Uuid::new_v4(), 6); // 6 because first should fail test_13_fail_to_open_one_of_two_limits_with_insufficient_funds( &client, test_13_ids_1, test_13_ids_2, &mut event_account_rx, ) .await; // 14. Fail to cancel limit order with OrderNotFound using incorrect OrderId test_14_fail_to_cancel_limit_with_order_not_found(&client).await; } // 1. Fetch initial OpenOrders when we have no open Orders. async fn test_1_fetch_initial_orders_and_check_empty(client: &SimulatedExecution) { let initial_orders = client.fetch_orders_open().await.unwrap(); assert!(initial_orders.is_empty()); } // 2. Fetch initial Balances when there have been no balance changing events. async fn test_2_fetch_balances_and_check_same_as_initial(client: &SimulatedExecution) { let actual_balances = client.fetch_balances().await.unwrap(); let initial_balances = initial_balances(); assert_eq!(actual_balances.len(), initial_balances.len()); for actual in actual_balances { let expected = initial_balances.get(&actual.symbol).unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual.balance, *expected); } } // 3. Open LIMIT Buy Order and check AccountEvent Balance is sent for the quote currency (usdt). async fn test_3_open_limit_buy_order( client: &SimulatedExecution, test_3_ids: Ids, event_account_rx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { let new_orders = client .open_orders(vec![order_request_limit( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_3_ids.cid, Side::Buy, 100.0, 1.0, )]) .await; let expected_new_order = open_order( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_3_ids.cid,, Side::Buy, 100.0, 1.0, 0.0, ); assert_eq!(new_orders.len(), 1); assert_eq!(new_orders[0].clone().unwrap(), expected_new_order); // Check AccountEvent Balance for quote currency (usdt) has available balance decrease match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balance(usdt_balance), .. }) => { // Expected usdt Balance.available = 10_000 - (100.0 * 1.0) let expected = SymbolBalance::new("usdt", Balance::new(10_000.0, 9_900.0)); assert_eq!(usdt_balance, expected); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check AccountEvent OrderNew generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::OrdersNew(new_orders), .. }) => { assert_eq!(new_orders.len(), 1); assert_eq!(new_orders[0].clone(), expected_new_order); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check no more AccountEvents generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {} other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } } // 4. Send MarketEvent that does not match any open Order and check no AccountEvents are sent. fn test_4_send_market_event_that_does_not_match_any_open_order( event_simulated_tx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedSender, event_account_rx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { event_simulated_tx .send(SimulatedEvent::MarketTrade(( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), PublicTrade { id: "test_4".to_string(), side: Side::Sell, price: 1000.0, amount: 1.0, }, ))) .unwrap(); // Check no more AccountEvents generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {} other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } } // 5. Cancel the open buy order and check AccountEvents for cancelled order and balance are sent. async fn test_5_cancel_buy_order( client: &SimulatedExecution, test_3_ids: Ids, event_account_rx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { let cancelled = client .cancel_orders(vec![order_cancel_request( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_3_ids.cid, Side::Buy,, )]) .await; let expected_cancelled = order_cancelled( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_3_ids.cid, Side::Buy,, ); assert_eq!(cancelled.len(), 1); assert_eq!(cancelled[0].clone().unwrap(), expected_cancelled); // Check AccountEvent Order cancelled match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::OrdersCancelled(cancelled), .. }) => { assert_eq!(cancelled.len(), 1); assert_eq!(cancelled[0].clone(), expected_cancelled); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check AccountEvent Balance for quote currency (usdt) has available balance increase match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balance(usdt_balance), .. }) => { // Expected usdt Balance.available = 9_900 + (100.0 * 1.0) let expected = SymbolBalance::new("usdt", Balance::new(10_000.0, 10_000.0)); assert_eq!(usdt_balance, expected); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check no more AccountEvents generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {} other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } } // 6. Open 2x limit buy orders and check AccountEvents for balance & order new are sent async fn test_6_open_2x_limit_buy_orders( client: &SimulatedExecution, test_6_ids_1: Ids, test_6_ids_2: Ids, event_account_rx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { let opened_orders = client .open_orders(vec![ order_request_limit( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_6_ids_1.cid, Side::Buy, 100.0, 1.0, ), order_request_limit( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_6_ids_2.cid, Side::Buy, 200.0, 1.0, ), ]) .await; let expected_order_new_1 = open_order( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_6_ids_1.cid,, Side::Buy, 100.0, 1.0, 0.0, ); let expected_order_new_2 = open_order( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_6_ids_2.cid,, Side::Buy, 200.0, 1.0, 0.0, ); assert_eq!(opened_orders.len(), 2); assert_eq!(opened_orders[0].clone().unwrap(), expected_order_new_1); assert_eq!(opened_orders[1].clone().unwrap(), expected_order_new_2); // Check AccountEvent Balance for first order - quote currency has available balance decrease match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balance(usdt_balance), .. }) => { // Expected usdt Balance.available = 10_000 - (100.0 * 1.0) let expected = SymbolBalance::new("usdt", Balance::new(10_000.0, 9_900.0)); assert_eq!(usdt_balance, expected); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check AccountEvent OrdersNew for first order match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::OrdersNew(new_orders), .. }) => { assert_eq!(new_orders.len(), 1); assert_eq!(new_orders[0].clone(), expected_order_new_1); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check AccountEvent Balance for second order - quote currency has available balance decrease match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balance(usdt_balance), .. }) => { // Expected usdt Balance.available = 9_900 - (200.0 * 1.0) let expected = SymbolBalance::new("usdt", Balance::new(10_000.0, 9_700.0)); assert_eq!(usdt_balance, expected); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check AccountEvent OrdersNew for second order match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::OrdersNew(new_orders), .. }) => { assert_eq!(new_orders.len(), 1); assert_eq!(new_orders[0].clone(), expected_order_new_2); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check no more AccountEvents generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {} other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } } // 7. Send MarketEvent that exactly full matches 1x open Order (trade) and check AccountEvents for // balances and trades are sent. async fn test_7_send_market_event_that_exact_full_matches_order( event_simulated_tx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedSender, event_account_rx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { // Send matching MarketEvent event_simulated_tx .send(SimulatedEvent::MarketTrade(( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), PublicTrade { id: "test_7".to_string(), side: Side::Sell, price: 200.0, amount: 1.0, }, ))) .unwrap(); tokio::time::sleep(latency_50ms()).await; // Check AccountEvent Balances for base & quote currencies related to the trade match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balances(balances), .. }) => { // Base & Quote SymbolBalances should be updated assert_eq!(balances.len(), 2); // Base Balance first: expected btc { total: 10.0 + 1.0 - fees, available: 10.0 + 1.0 - fees } let btc_fees = 1.0 * fees_50_percent(); let expected_btc = SymbolBalance::new( "btc", Balance::new(10.0 + 1.0 - btc_fees, 10.0 + 1.0 - btc_fees), ); assert_eq!(balances[0], expected_btc); // Quote Balance second: expected usdt Balance { total: 10_000 - 200, available: 9_700 } let expected_usdt = SymbolBalance::new("usdt", Balance::new(9_800.0, 9_700.0)); assert_eq!(balances[1], expected_usdt); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check AccountEvent Trade for order matching MarketEvent match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Trade(trade), .. }) => { let expected = Trade { id: TradeId(1.to_string()), order_id: OrderId(3.to_string()), instrument: Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), side: Side::Buy, price: 200.0, quantity: 1.0, fees: SymbolFees::new("btc", 1.0 * fees_50_percent()), }; assert_eq!(trade, expected); } other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } // Check no more AccountEvents generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {} other => { panic!("try_recv() consumed unexpected: {:?}", other); } } } // 8. Fetch open orders & check there is only one limit buy order remaining from test_6_order_cid_1. async fn test_8_fetch_open_orders_and_check_test_6_order_cid_1_only( client: &SimulatedExecution, test_6_ids_1: Ids, ) { let open_orders = client.fetch_orders_open().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(open_orders.len(), 1); assert_eq!( open_orders[0].clone(), open_order( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_6_ids_1.cid,, Side::Buy, 100.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) ); } // 9. Open 2x LIMIT Sell Order & check AccountEvents for balances and order news are sent. async fn test_9_open_2x_limit_sell_orders( client: &SimulatedExecution, test_9_ids_1: Ids, test_9_ids_2: Ids, event_account_rx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { let opened_orders = client .open_orders(vec![ order_request_limit( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_9_ids_1.cid, Side::Sell, 500.0, 1.0, ), order_request_limit( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_9_ids_2.cid, Side::Sell, 1000.0, 1.0, ), ]) .await; let expected_order_new_1 = open_order( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_9_ids_1.cid,, Side::Sell, 500.0, 1.0, 0.0, ); let expected_order_new_2 = open_order( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_9_ids_2.cid,, Side::Sell, 1000.0, 1.0, 0.0, ); assert_eq!(opened_orders.len(), 2); assert_eq!(opened_orders[0].clone().unwrap(), expected_order_new_1); assert_eq!(opened_orders[1].clone().unwrap(), expected_order_new_2); // Check AccountEvent Balance for first order - quote currency has available balance decrease match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balance(btc_balance), .. }) => { // Expected btc Balance.available = 10.5 - 1.0 let expected = SymbolBalance::new("btc", Balance::new(10.5, 10.5 - 1.0)); assert_eq!(btc_balance, expected); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // Check AccountEvent OrdersNew for first order match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::OrdersNew(new_orders), .. }) => { assert_eq!(new_orders.len(), 1); assert_eq!(new_orders[0].clone(), expected_order_new_1); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // Check AccountEvent Balance for second order - quote currency has available balance decrease match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balance(btc_balance), .. }) => { // Expected btc Balance.available = 9.5 - 1.0 let expected = SymbolBalance::new("btc", Balance::new(10.5, 9.5 - 1.0)); assert_eq!(btc_balance, expected); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // Check AccountEvent OrdersNew for second order match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::OrdersNew(new_orders), .. }) => { assert_eq!(new_orders.len(), 1); assert_eq!(new_orders[0].clone(), expected_order_new_2); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // Check no more AccountEvents generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {} other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } } // 10. Send MarketEvent that fully matches 1x sell Order (trade), and partially matches the another // (trade). Check AccountEvents for balances and trades of both matches are sent. async fn test_10_send_market_event_that_full_and_partial_matches_orders( event_simulated_tx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedSender, event_account_rx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { // Send MarketEvent that fully matches one order and partially matches another event_simulated_tx .send(SimulatedEvent::MarketTrade(( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), PublicTrade { id: "test_10".to_string(), side: Side::Buy, price: 1000.0, amount: 1.5, }, ))) .unwrap(); tokio::time::sleep(latency_50ms()).await; // a) First full match fill: let first_full_fill_fees = (500.0 * 1.0) * fees_50_percent(); // Check AccountEvent Balances for base & quote currencies related to the trade match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balances(balances), .. }) => { // Base & Quote SymbolBalances should be updated assert_eq!(balances.len(), 2); // Base Balance first: expected btc Balance { total: 10.5 - 1.0, available: 8.5 } let expected_btc = SymbolBalance::new("btc", Balance::new(10.5 - 1.0, 8.5)); assert_eq!(balances[0], expected_btc); // Quote Balance second: // Expected usdt increase = (500 * 1.0) - (500 * 1.0 * 0.5) = 500 - 250 = 250 // expected usdt Balance { total: 9_800 + 250, available: 9_700 + 250 } let expected_usdt = SymbolBalance::new("usdt", Balance::new(10_050.0, 9_950.0)); assert_eq!(balances[1], expected_usdt); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Trade(trade), .. }) => { let expected = Trade { id: TradeId(2.to_string()), order_id: OrderId(4.to_string()), instrument: Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), side: Side::Sell, price: 500.0, quantity: 1.0, fees: SymbolFees::new("usdt", first_full_fill_fees), }; assert_eq!(trade, expected); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // b) Second partial match fill let second_partial_fill_fees = (1000.0 * 0.5) * fees_50_percent(); // Check AccountEvent Balances for base & quote currencies related to the trade match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balances(balances), .. }) => { // Base & Quote SymbolBalances should be updated assert_eq!(balances.len(), 2); // btc { total: 9.0, available: 8.5 } 0.5 left in partially filled trade // Base Balance first: expected btc Balance { total: 9.5 - 0.5, available: 8.5 } let expected_btc = SymbolBalance::new("btc", Balance::new(9.5 - 0.5, 8.5)); assert_eq!(balances[0], expected_btc); // Quote Balance second: // Expected usdt increase = (1000 * 0.5) - (1000 * 0.5 * 0.5) = 500 - 250 = 250 // expected usdt Balance { total: 10_050 + 250, available: 9_950 + 250 } let expected_usdt = SymbolBalance::new("usdt", Balance::new(10_050.0 + 250.0, 9_950.0 + 250.0)); assert_eq!(balances[1], expected_usdt); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Trade(trade), .. }) => { let expected = Trade { id: TradeId(3.to_string()), order_id: OrderId(5.to_string()), instrument: Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), side: Side::Sell, price: 1000.0, quantity: 0.5, fees: SymbolFees::new("usdt", second_partial_fill_fees), }; assert_eq!(trade, expected); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // Check no more AccountEvents generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {} other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } } // 11. Cancel all open orders. Includes a partially filled sell order, and non-filled buy order. // Check AccountEvents for orders cancelled and balances are sent. async fn test_11_cancel_all_orders( client: &SimulatedExecution, test_6_ids_1: Ids, test_9_ids_2: Ids, event_account_rx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { let cancelled = client.cancel_orders_all().await.unwrap(); let expected_cancelled = vec![ order_cancelled( // Bids are cancelled first Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_6_ids_1.cid, Side::Buy,, ), order_cancelled( // Asks are cancelled second Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_9_ids_2.cid, Side::Sell,, ), ]; assert_eq!(cancelled.len(), 2); assert_eq!(cancelled[0].clone(), expected_cancelled[0]); assert_eq!(cancelled[1].clone(), expected_cancelled[1]); // Check AccountEvent Order cancelled for both the bid & ask match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::OrdersCancelled(cancelled), .. }) => { assert_eq!(cancelled.len(), 2); assert_eq!(cancelled[0].clone(), expected_cancelled[0]); assert_eq!(cancelled[1].clone(), expected_cancelled[1]); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // Check AccountEvent Balances for cancelled bid and ask orders match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balances(balances), .. }) => { // SymbolBalances for Bid order quote, & ask order base should be updated assert_eq!(balances.len(), 2); // Bids are cancelled first, so balance is updated first // test_6_order_cid_1, Side::Buy, price=100.0, quantity=1.0 // Therefore, usdt Balance { total: 10_300, available: 10_200 + (100 * 1) let expected_usdt = SymbolBalance::new("usdt", Balance::new(10_300.0, 10_200.0 + 100.0)); assert_eq!(balances[0], expected_usdt); // Asks are cancelled second, so balance is updated first // test_9_order_cid_2, Side::Sell, price=1000.0, quantity=1.0, filled=0.5 // Therefore, btc Balance { total: 9.0, available: 8.5 + 0.5 } let expected_btc = SymbolBalance::new("btc", Balance::new(9.0, 8.5 + 0.5)); assert_eq!(balances[1], expected_btc); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // Check no more AccountEvents generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {} other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } } // 12. Fetch open orders (now that we've called cancel_all) and check it is empty async fn test_12_fetch_open_orders_and_check_empty(client: &SimulatedExecution) { let open_orders = client.fetch_orders_open().await.unwrap(); assert!(open_orders.is_empty()); } // 13. Fail to open limit buy order with insufficient funds async fn test_13_fail_to_open_one_of_two_limits_with_insufficient_funds( client: &SimulatedExecution, test_13_ids_1: Ids, test_13_ids_2: Ids, event_account_rx: &mut mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ) { let opened_orders = client .open_orders(vec![ order_request_limit( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_13_ids_1.cid, Side::Buy, 1_000_000_000.0, 1.0, ), order_request_limit( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_13_ids_2.cid, Side::Sell, 1000.0, 1.0, ), ]) .await; let expected_order_new_1 = Err(ExecutionError::InsufficientBalance(Symbol::from("usdt"))); let expected_order_new_2 = open_order( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), test_13_ids_2.cid,, Side::Sell, 1000.0, 1.0, 0.0, ); assert_eq!(opened_orders.len(), 2); assert_eq!(opened_orders[0].clone(), expected_order_new_1); assert_eq!(opened_orders[1].clone().unwrap(), expected_order_new_2); // Note: First order failed to due usdt InsufficientBalance, so don't expect any AccountEvents // Check AccountEvent Balance for second order - quote currency has available balance decrease match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::Balance(btc_balance), .. }) => { // Expected btc Balance.available = 9.0 - 1.0 let expected = SymbolBalance::new("btc", Balance::new(9.0, 9.0 - 1.0)); assert_eq!(btc_balance, expected); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // Check AccountEvent OrdersNew for first order match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Ok(AccountEvent { kind: AccountEventKind::OrdersNew(new_orders), .. }) => { assert_eq!(new_orders.len(), 1); assert_eq!(new_orders[0].clone(), expected_order_new_2); } other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } // Check no more AccountEvents generated match event_account_rx.try_recv() { Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {} other => { panic!( "try_recv() consumed unexpected Result: {:?}", other ); } } } // 14. Fail to cancel limit order with OrderNotFound using incorrect OrderId async fn test_14_fail_to_cancel_limit_with_order_not_found(client: &SimulatedExecution) { let cid = ClientOrderId(Uuid::new_v4()); let cancelled = client .cancel_orders(vec![order_cancel_request( Instrument::from(("btc", "usdt", InstrumentKind::Perpetual)), cid, Side::Buy, OrderId::from("order will not be found"), )]) .await; let expected = Err(ExecutionError::OrderNotFound(cid)); assert_eq!(cancelled.len(), 1); assert_eq!(cancelled[0], expected); }