# Barter-Integration High-performance, low-level framework for composing flexible web integrations. Utilised by other [`Barter`] trading ecosystem crates to build robust financial exchange integrations, primarily for public data collection & trade execution. It is: * **Low-Level**: Translates raw data streams communicated over the web into any desired data model using arbitrary data transformations. * **Flexible**: Compatible with any protocol (WebSocket, FIX, Http, etc.), any input/output model, and any user defined transformations. Core abstractions include: - **RestClient** providing configurable signed Http communication between client & server. - **ExchangeStream** providing configurable communication over any asynchronous stream protocols (WebSocket, FIX, etc.). Both core abstractions provide the robust glue you need to conveniently translate between server & client data models. **See: [`Barter`], [`Barter-Data`] & [`Barter-Execution`]** [![Crates.io][crates-badge]][crates-url] [![MIT licensed][mit-badge]][mit-url] [![Build Status][actions-badge]][actions-url] [![Discord chat][discord-badge]][discord-url] [crates-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/barter-integration.svg [crates-url]: https://crates.io/crates/barter-integration [mit-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg [mit-url]: https://gitlab.com/open-source-keir/financial-modelling/trading/barter-integration-rs/-/blob/main/LICENCE [actions-badge]: https://gitlab.com/open-source-keir/financial-modelling/trading/barter-integration-rs/badges/-/blob/main/pipeline.svg [actions-url]: https://gitlab.com/open-source-keir/financial-modelling/trading/barter-integration-rs/-/commits/main [discord-badge]: https://img.shields.io/discord/910237311332151317.svg?logo=discord&style=flat-square [discord-url]: https://discord.gg/wE7RqhnQMV [API Documentation] | [Chat] [`Barter`]: https://crates.io/crates/barter [`Barter-Data`]: https://crates.io/crates/barter-data [`Barter-Execution`]: https://crates.io/crates/barter-execution [API Documentation]: https://docs.rs/barter-data/latest/barter_integration [Chat]: https://discord.gg/wE7RqhnQMV ## Overview Barter-Integration is a high-performance, low-level, configurable framework for composing flexible web integrations. ### RestClient **(sync private & public Http communication)** At a high level, a `RestClient` is has a few major components that allow it to execute `RestRequests`: * `RequestSigner` with configurable signing logic on the target API. * `HttpParser` that translates API specific responses into the desired output types. ### ExchangeStream **(async communication using streaming protocols such as WebSocket and FIX)** At a high level, an `ExchangeStream` is made up of a few major components: * Inner Stream/Sink socket (eg/ WebSocket, FIX, etc). * StreamParser that is capable of parsing input protocol messages (eg/ WebSocket, FIX, etc.) as exchange specific messages. * Transformer that transforms from exchange specific message into an iterator of the desired outputs type. ## Examples #### Fetch Ftx Account Balances Using Signed GET request: ```rust,no_run use std::borrow::Cow; use barter_integration::{ error::SocketError, metric::Tag, model::Symbol, protocol::http::{ private::{encoder::HexEncoder, RequestSigner, Signer}, rest::{client::RestClient, RestRequest}, HttpParser, }, }; use bytes::Bytes; use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use hmac::{Hmac, Mac}; use reqwest::{RequestBuilder, StatusCode}; use serde::Deserialize; use thiserror::Error; use tokio::sync::mpsc; struct FtxSigner { api_key: String, } // Configuration required to sign every Ftx `RestRequest` struct FtxSignConfig<'a> { api_key: &'a str, time: DateTime, method: reqwest::Method, path: Cow<'static, str>, } impl Signer for FtxSigner { type Config<'a> = FtxSignConfig<'a> where Self: 'a; fn config<'a, Request>( &'a self, request: Request, _: &RequestBuilder, ) -> Result, SocketError> where Request: RestRequest, { Ok(FtxSignConfig { api_key: self.api_key.as_str(), time: Utc::now(), method: Request::method(), path: request.path(), }) } fn add_bytes_to_sign(mac: &mut M, config: &Self::Config<'a>) -> Bytes where M: Mac { mac.update(config.time.to_string().as_bytes()); mac.update(config.method.as_str().as_bytes()); mac.update(config.path.as_bytes()); } fn build_signed_request<'a>( config: Self::Config<'a>, builder: RequestBuilder, signature: String, ) -> Result { // Add Ftx required Headers & build reqwest::Request builder .header("FTX-KEY", config.api_key) .header("FTX-TS", &config.time.timestamp_millis().to_string()) .header("FTX-SIGN", &signature) .build() .map_err(SocketError::from) } } struct FtxParser; impl HttpParser for FtxParser { type ApiError = serde_json::Value; type OutputError = ExecutionError; fn parse_api_error(&self, status: StatusCode, api_error: Self::ApiError) -> Self::OutputError { // For simplicity, use serde_json::Value as Error and extract raw String for parsing let error = api_error.to_string(); // Parse Ftx error message to determine custom ExecutionError variant match error.as_str() { message if message.contains("Invalid login credentials") => { ExecutionError::Unauthorised(error) } _ => ExecutionError::Socket(SocketError::HttpResponse(status, error)), } } } #[derive(Debug, Error)] enum ExecutionError { #[error("request authorisation invalid: {0}")] Unauthorised(String), #[error("SocketError: {0}")] Socket(#[from] SocketError), } struct FetchBalancesRequest; impl RestRequest for FetchBalancesRequest { type Response = FetchBalancesResponse; // Define Response type type QueryParams = (); // FetchBalances does not require any QueryParams type Body = (); // FetchBalances does not require any Body fn path(&self) -> Cow<'static, str> { Cow::Borrowed("/api/wallet/balances") } fn method() -> reqwest::Method { reqwest::Method::GET } } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[allow(dead_code)] struct FetchBalancesResponse { success: bool, result: Vec, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[allow(dead_code)] struct FtxBalance { #[serde(rename = "coin")] symbol: Symbol, total: f64, } /// See Barter-Execution for a comprehensive real-life example, as well as code you can use out of the /// box to execute trades on many exchanges. #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // HMAC-SHA256 encoded account API secret used for signing private http requests let mac: Hmac = Hmac::new_from_slice("api_secret".as_bytes()).unwrap(); // Build Ftx configured RequestSigner for signing http requests with hex encoding let request_signer = RequestSigner::new( FtxSigner { api_key: "api_key".to_string(), }, mac, HexEncoder, ); // Build RestClient with Ftx configuration let rest_client = RestClient::new("https://ftx.com", request_signer, FtxParser); // Fetch Result let _response = rest_client.execute(FetchBalancesRequest).await; } ``` #### Consume Binance Futures tick-by-tick Trades and calculate a rolling sum of volume: ```rust,no_run use barter_integration::{ error::SocketError, protocol::websocket::{WebSocket, WebSocketParser, WsMessage}, ExchangeStream, Transformer, }; use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt}; use serde::{de, Deserialize}; use serde_json::json; use std::str::FromStr; use tokio_tungstenite::connect_async; use tracing::debug; // Convenient type alias for an `ExchangeStream` utilising a tungstenite `WebSocket` type ExchangeWsStream = ExchangeStream; // Communicative type alias for what the VolumeSum the Transformer is generating type VolumeSum = f64; #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(untagged, rename_all = "camelCase")] enum BinanceMessage { SubResponse { result: Option>, id: u32, }, Trade { #[serde(rename = "q", deserialize_with = "de_str")] quantity: f64, }, } struct StatefulTransformer { sum_of_volume: VolumeSum, } impl Transformer for StatefulTransformer { type Input = BinanceMessage; type OutputIter = Vec>; fn transform(&mut self, input: Self::Input) -> Self::OutputIter { // Add new input Trade quantity to sum match input { BinanceMessage::SubResponse { result, id } => { debug!("Received SubResponse for {}: {:?}", id, result); // Don't care about this for the example } BinanceMessage::Trade { quantity, .. } => { // Add new Trade volume to internal state VolumeSum self.sum_of_volume += quantity; } }; // Return IntoIterator of length 1 containing the running sum of volume vec![Ok(self.sum_of_volume)] } } /// See Barter-Data for a comprehensive real-life example, as well as code you can use out of the /// box to collect real-time public market data from many exchanges. #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Establish Sink/Stream communication with desired WebSocket server let mut binance_conn = connect_async("wss://fstream.binance.com/ws/") .await .map(|(ws_conn, _)| ws_conn) .expect("failed to connect"); // Send something over the socket (eg/ Binance trades subscription) binance_conn .send(WsMessage::Text( json!({"method": "SUBSCRIBE","params": ["btcusdt@aggTrade"],"id": 1}).to_string(), )) .await .expect("failed to send WsMessage over socket"); // Instantiate some arbitrary Transformer to apply to data parsed from the WebSocket protocol let transformer = StatefulTransformer { sum_of_volume: 0.0 }; // ExchangeWsStream includes pre-defined WebSocket Sink/Stream & WebSocket StreamParser let mut ws_stream = ExchangeWsStream::new(binance_conn, transformer); // Receive a stream of your desired Output data model from the ExchangeStream while let Some(volume_result) = ws_stream.next().await { match volume_result { Ok(cumulative_volume) => { // Do something with your data println!("{cumulative_volume:?}"); } Err(error) => { // React to any errors produced by the internal transformation eprintln!("{error}") } } } } /// Deserialize a `String` as the desired type. fn de_str<'de, D, T>(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: de::Deserializer<'de>, T: FromStr, T::Err: std::fmt::Display, { let data: String = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?; data.parse::().map_err(de::Error::custom) } ``` **For a larger, "real world" example, see the [`Barter-Data`] repository.** ## Getting Help Firstly, see if the answer to your question can be found in the [API Documentation]. If the answer is not there, I'd be happy to help to [Chat] and try answer your question via Discord. ## Contributing Thanks for your help in improving the Barter ecosystem! Please do get in touch on the discord to discuss development, new features, and the future roadmap. ## Related Projects In addition to the Barter-Integration crate, the Barter project also maintains: * [`Barter`]: High-performance, extensible & modular trading components with batteries-included. Contains a pre-built trading Engine that can serve as a live-trading or backtesting system. * [`Barter-Data`]: A high-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public data from leading cryptocurrency exchanges. * [`Barter-Execution`]: Financial exchange integrations for trade execution - yet to be released! ## Roadmap * Add new default StreamParser implementations to enable integration with other popular systems such as Kafka. ## Licence This project is licensed under the [MIT license]. [MIT license]: https://gitlab.com/open-source-keir/financial-modelling/trading/barter-data-rs/-/blob/main/LICENSE ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Barter-Integration by you, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional terms or conditions.