# BaseUrl base_url is a thin wrapper around [rust-url](https://github.com/servo/rust-url), which itself implements the [URL Standard](https://url.spec.whatwg.org/). The goal of base_url is to implement a strict subset of that standard to remove redundant error checks related to the base-suitability of a given URL. ## What is a BaseUrl A BaseUrl can be converted from any Url which can refer to a remote resource. In practical terms, if you found it on the Internet it will probably work and if you're referring to a resource 'somewhere else' it will probably work, mailto: being a notable exception. Internally any Url which returns false on a ```.cannot_be_a_base()``` call and true on a ```.has_authority()``` call will convert. That means setting things like credentials and port numbers cannot fail and likewise setting the path relative to the host cannot fail. ## Acquiring a BaseUrl object A BaseUrl object may be acquired by either converting a Url or &str using TryFrom. If a &str cannot be parsed into a Url object a BaseUrlError::ParseError will be returned which wraps the underlying ParseError type implemented by rust-url. ``` use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, Url, ParseError, TryFrom }; assert!( BaseUrl::try_from( "http://[:::1]" ) == Err( BaseUrlError::ParseError( ParseError::InvalidIpv6Address ) ) ); ``` That's a bit unwieldly, so it's suggested that you prefer first parsing the &str into a Url and converting that object into a BaseUrl, allowing you to deal with errors related to parsing separately from errors related to base suitability. ``` use base_url::{ BaseUrl, BaseUrlError, Url, TryFrom }; let url:Url = Url::parse( "data:text/plain,Hello?World#" )?; assert!( BaseUrl::try_from( url ) == Err( BaseUrlError::CannotBeBase ) ); let url:Url = Url::parse( "https://example.org/" )?; let baseurl = BaseUrl::from( url )?; assert!( baseurl.as_str( ), "https://example.org/ " ); ``` Once we have a BaseUrl we can do (almost) anything we could with a normal Url and with fewer functions admitting potential failures and fewer calls to ```.unwrap()```. If you do need to use some call which can remove the host or otherwise cause the Url to lose base suitability the wrapped Url can be acquired using ```.from()```. ## Usage In any Rust project managed by Cargo add the following to your Cargo.toml ```[dependencies]``` section: ``` base_url="^1.0.0" ```