# Formats This site discusses three formats. - [Unicode](Unicode.md) - Any sequence of [Unicode Scalar Values], encoded with a standard [Unicode encoding form]. - [Basic Text](BasicText.md) - This is intended to realize the intuitive phrases "text" or "plain text" which are used in many contexts. It excludes control characters and other content unnecessary or impractical for text. - [Terminal Support](Terminal.md) - This describes a language supporting ANSI-style terminal codes that can be layered on top of Basic Text. - [Restricted Text](RestrictedText.md) - Restricted Text is a hypothetical format at this time. - Like Basic Text, but aims to reduce visual ambiguity by trading off some support for historical scripts, multiple-script text, formatting, and symbols. The [background information] contains rationale and source information. [background information]: Background.md [Unicode Scalar Values]: https://unicode.org/glossary/#unicode_scalar_value [Unicode encoding form]: https://unicode.org/versions/Unicode15.1.0/ch03.pdf#G7404