> **Note** The main branch includes many breaking changes, switch to v0.3 branch for the released version.
Basteh(previously actix-storage) is a type erased wrapper around some key-value storages to provide common operations.
## Install
Basteh is meant to be used alongside one the implementer crates, ex:
# Cargo.toml
basteh = "0.4.0-alpha.5"
basteh-memory = "0.4.0-alpha.5"
## Usage
After you picked a backend:
use basteh::{Basteh, BastehError};
use basteh_memory::MemoryBackend;
async fn handler() -> Result {
// Intialize the implementer according to its docs
let store = MemoryBackend::start_default();
// Give it to the Storage struct
let basteh = Basteh::build().store(store).finish();
// Set a key, value can be stringy, bytes or numbers
basteh.set("key", "value").await;
// And make it expire after 5 seconds
basteh.expire("key", Duration::from_secs(5)).await;
// Or just do both in one command(usually faster)
basteh.set_expiring("key", "value", Duration::from_secs(5)).await;
## Implementations
There is also an implementation based on sled, but because of sled's situation, it has not been released to
## What does basteh mean?
The word `basteh` is persian for box/package, that simple! Does it sound like some other words in english? sure! But I'm bad at naming packages and my other option was `testorage` as in type-erased storage... so... `basteh` is cool.
## Use cases
The main idea for having a kv storage around while developing applications, came from my love for django framework and how it makes your life easier. There is a cache framework in django that does just that! Basteh is a bit more, it is not just for a cache but also for persistent values which is why there will always be some persistent implementations around.
Although it is designed to work with small, mostly temporary data, I don't have any plans to make it less effecient for other workflows, and pull requests are always welcome.
It can be usefull when:
1. You don't know which key-value database you'll need later.
2. You can't afford the long time compilation of some dbs while developing.
- memory store compiles pretty fast
3. You're writing an extension library and need to support multiple storage backends.
## Examples
There are bunch of examples in the `examples` folder, very basic ones thought, but it will give you the idea.
## License
This project is licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
at your option.