use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use battlesnake_game_types::{ compact_representation::StandardCellBoard4Snakes11x11, types::{ RandomReasonableMovesGame, SimulableGame, SimulatorInstruments, StandardFoodPlaceableGame, VictorDeterminableGame, }, }; use rand::{rngs::SmallRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; use tracing_flame::FlameLayer; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt::Layer, prelude::*, Registry}; #[derive(Debug)] struct Instruments {} impl SimulatorInstruments for Instruments { fn observe_simulation(&self, _: std::time::Duration) {} } fn run_from_fixture_till_end( rng: &mut impl Rng, instrument: Instruments, initial_game: StandardCellBoard4Snakes11x11, ) -> u64 { let mut iterations = 0; let mut game = initial_game; while !game.is_over() { let next_move = game .random_reasonable_move_for_each_snake(rng) .map(|(id, m)| (id, [m])); let new_game = game .simulate_with_moves(&instrument, next_move) .next() .unwrap() .1; game = new_game; game.place_food(rng); iterations += 1; } iterations } fn main() { // Initial Setup to happen once // TODO: Instead of relying on a static fixture, we should generate a random game state let fixture_string = include_str!("../fixtures/e80b70e7-a916-40ca-82d2-ad76e074efe1_0.json"); let wire = serde_json::from_str::(fixture_string) .unwrap(); let id_map = battlesnake_game_types::types::build_snake_id_map(&wire); let initial_game = battlesnake_game_types::compact_representation::StandardCellBoard4Snakes11x11::convert_from_game(wire, &id_map).unwrap(); if std::env::var("TRACING").is_ok() { let fmt_layer = Layer::default(); let fl = FlameLayer::with_file("./tracing.folded").unwrap(); let subscriber = Registry::default().with(fmt_layer).with(fl.0); tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).expect("Could not set global default"); }; let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy(); let mut total_iterations = 0; let mut game_lengths = Vec::new(); let runtime = Duration::from_secs(10); let start = Instant::now(); while start.elapsed() < runtime { let length = run_from_fixture_till_end(&mut rng, Instruments {}, initial_game); total_iterations += length; game_lengths.push(length); } let total_time = start.elapsed(); let seconds = total_time.as_secs_f64(); let iterations_per_second = total_iterations as f64 / seconds; let average_game_length = game_lengths.iter().sum::() as f64 / game_lengths.len() as f64; println!("Total iterations: {}", total_iterations); println!("Total time: {:?}", total_time); println!("Iterations per second: {}", iterations_per_second); println!("Average game length: {}", average_game_length); // if let Ok(report) = { // let file = File::create("target/flamegraph.svg").unwrap(); // report.flamegraph(file).unwrap(); // }; }