use bazbandilo::cdma::{rx_cdma_bpsk_signal, tx_cdma_bpsk_signal}; use bazbandilo::hadamard::HadamardMatrix; use bazbandilo::iter::Iter; use bazbandilo::psk::tx_bpsk_signal; use bazbandilo::{awgn, bit_to_nrz, Bit}; use num::complex::Complex; use num::Zero; use pyo3::prelude::*; use pyo3::types::IntoPyDict; use rand::Rng; use rayon::prelude::*; #[macro_use] mod util; #[test] fn cdma_graphs() { let data: Vec = vec![true, true, false, false, true]; let h = HadamardMatrix::new(32); let key = h.key(2); let tx: Vec> = tx_cdma_bpsk_signal(data.iter().cloned(), key).collect(); let rx_clean: Vec = rx_cdma_bpsk_signal(tx.iter().cloned(), key).collect(); let sigma = 2f64; let noisy_signal: Vec> = awgn(tx.iter().cloned(), sigma).collect(); let rx_dirty: Vec = rx_cdma_bpsk_signal(noisy_signal.iter().cloned(), key).collect(); let t: Vec = (0..tx.len()) .map(|idx| { // let time_step = symbol_rate as f64 / samp_rate as f64; idx as f64 }) .collect(); let bpsk_tx: Vec> = tx_bpsk_signal(data.iter().cloned()).collect(); let t2: Vec = (0..bpsk_tx.len()) .map(|idx| { // let time_step = symbol_rate as f64 / samp_rate as f64; idx as f64 }) .collect(); // assert_eq!(bpsk_tx.len(), tx.len()); plot!(t2, bpsk_tx, "/tmp/cdma_tx_bpsk.png"); plot!(t, tx, "/tmp/cdma_tx.png"); plot!(t, tx, noisy_signal, "/tmp/cdma_tx_awgn.png"); // assert!(save_vector2(&tx, &t, "/tmp/cdma_bpsk.csv").is_ok()); // plot!(t, rx_clean, rx_dirty, "/tmp/cdma_rx_awgn.png"); println!("ERROR: {}", error!(rx_clean, rx_dirty)); assert!(error!(rx_clean, rx_dirty) <= 0.2); assert_eq!(rx_clean, rx_dirty); } #[test] fn python_plotz() -> PyResult<()> { let data: Vec = vec![true, true, false, false, true]; let samp_rate = 80_000; // Clock rate for both RX and TX. let symbol_rate = 1000; // Rate symbols come out the things. let carrier_freq = 2500_f64; let h = HadamardMatrix::new(8); let key = h.key(2); let data_tx: Vec = data .iter() .cloned() .map(bit_to_nrz) .inflate(samp_rate / symbol_rate) .collect(); let bpsk_tx: Vec> = tx_bpsk_signal(data.iter().cloned()).collect(); let cdma_tx: Vec> = tx_cdma_bpsk_signal(data.iter().cloned(), key).collect(); let t_step: f64 = 1f64 / (samp_rate as f64); Python::with_gil(|py| { let plt = py.import_bound("matplotlib.pyplot")?; let np = py.import_bound("numpy")?; let locals = [("np", np), ("plt", plt)].into_py_dict_bound(py); locals.set_item("data_tx", data_tx)?; locals.set_item("bpsk_tx", bpsk_tx)?; locals.set_item("cdma_tx", cdma_tx)?; locals.set_item("dt", t_step)?; let x = py.eval_bound("lambda s, dt: [dt * i for i in range(len(s))]", None, None)?; locals.set_item("x", x)?; let (fig, axes): (&PyAny, &PyAny) = py .eval_bound("plt.subplots(4)", None, Some(&locals))? .extract()?; locals.set_item("fig", fig)?; locals.set_item("axes", axes)?; for line in [ "axes[0].plot(x(data_tx, dt), data_tx, label='DATA: [1 1 0 0 1]')", "axes[1].plot(x(bpsk_tx, dt), bpsk_tx, label='BPSK: (2.5kHz, 1kHz Data Rate)')", "axes[2].plot(x(cdma_tx, dt), cdma_tx, label='CDMA: 8kHz Chip Rate')", ] { py.eval_bound(line, None, Some(&locals))?; } locals.set_item("samp_rate", samp_rate)?; locals.set_item("freq", carrier_freq)?; for line in [ "plt.psd(bpsk_tx, Fs=samp_rate, Fc=freq)", "plt.psd(cdma_tx, Fs=samp_rate, Fc=freq)", "[x.legend() for x in axes[:-1]]", "fig.set_size_inches(16, 9)", // "", "fig.savefig('/tmp/cdma_works.png', dpi=300)", ] { py.eval_bound(line, None, Some(&locals))?; } Ok(()) }) } #[test] #[ignore] fn mai_plot() { let num_users = 63; let keysize = num_users + 1; // Simulation parameters. let num_bits = 1000; // How many bits to transmit overall. let num_samples = num_bits * keysize; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); // The data each user will transmit. let datas: Vec> = (0..num_users) .map(|_| (0..num_bits).map(|_| rng.gen::()).collect()) .collect(); // The keys each user will use. let walsh_codes = HadamardMatrix::new(keysize); let keys: Vec> = (0..num_users) .map(|idx| walsh_codes.key(idx).clone()) .collect(); // Calculate BER as a function of users. let bers: Vec = (0..num_users) .into_par_iter() .map(|user_count| { // The channel comprises of `user_count` users' CDMA-BPSK signals added. let channel: Vec> = datas .iter() .take(user_count + 1) .zip(keys.iter()) .map(|(data, key)| tx_cdma_bpsk_signal(data.iter().cloned(), key)) .fold(vec![Complex::zero(); num_samples], |mut acc, tx| { acc.iter_mut().zip(tx).for_each(|(s_i, tx_i)| *s_i += tx_i); acc }); // Find the BER for each user, then average. let bers: Vec = (0..user_count) .map(|idx| { let rx: Vec = rx_cdma_bpsk_signal(channel.iter().cloned(), &keys[idx]).collect(); let errors: usize = rx .iter() .zip(&datas[idx]) .map(|(rxi, txi)| if rxi == txi { 0 } else { 1 }) .sum(); errors as f64 / rx.len() as f64 }) .collect(); bers.iter().sum::() / bers.len() as f64 }) .collect(); let x: Vec = (0..bers.len()).map(|i| (i + 1) as f64).collect(); plot!(x, bers, "/tmp/cdma_mai.png"); }