; an example Beancount file * ignored line % another ignored line :PROPERTIES: :this: is an org-mode property drawer which should be ignored if there is no preceeding whitespace on the line :END: option "plugin_processing_mode" "RAW" plugin "a_simple_but_entirely_mythical_plugin" plugin "a_mythical_plugin_with_config" "the config" 1970-01-01 commodity NZD #downunder ^money.co.nz ; ; New Zealand Dollar ; taken from Beancount docs, with added tag/link/metadata 2014-07-09 price HOOL 579.18 USD #watcha ^cool.co heat: "on" 1972-05-28 open Assets:AccountsReceivable:Taxes USD,CAD 1972-05-28 open Assets:US:TD:Checking USD 2016-03-01 open Assets:Bank:Unspecified 2016-03-01 open Assets:Bank:Current NZD #money ^www.bank.com ; check commodity == "NZD" 2024-03-01 close Assets:Bank:Current #seeya ^solong.and.thanks ; TODO this should be an error, can only open an account once: 2025-03-01 open Assets:Bank:Current 2016-03-01 open Expenses:Groceries NZD "FIFO" ; check commodity == "NZD" 2016-03-01 open Expenses:Entertainment:Drinks-and-snacks "STRICT_WITH_SIZE" ; check commodity == "NZD" pushtag #essential pushmeta price: "expensive" 2017-11-18 balance Assets:US:TD:Checking 23954.04 USD 2012-01-09 * "VISA DDA PUR 444500 WHOLEFDS -- VISA DDA PUR 444500 WHOLEFDS HOU 10236 NEW YORK * NY" ; Martin 2013-01-01 * "Buy CRA shares" ^old-transactions-008 Assets:CA:RBC-Investing:Taxable-CAD:Cash -1395.43 CAD @ 1/1.4576 USD 2023-05-29 * "New World Gardens North East Va ;" ^newworld.co.nz Assets:Bank:Current -30 -9.65 NZD ofxid: "0.12-3456-1234567-01.29May2023.1" ; from ledger-autosync Expenses:Groceries popmeta price: poptag #essential 2023-05-30 pad Assets:Bank:Current Equity:Opening-Balances #fudge evil: "unseen" 2023-05-30 balance Assets:Bank:Current 1000 ~ 0.01 NZD #richman 2023-05-30 balance Expenses:Groceries +55 NZD meals: "cheap" pushmeta drink: "alcoholic" 2023-05-31 * "EMERSON S TAPROOM DUNEDIN ;" ; indented comment Assets:Bank:Current -25.00 NZD ofxid: "0.12-3456-1234567-01.31May2023.3" Expenses:Entertainment:Drinks-and-snacks #mytag1 ^mylink1 related_account: Expenses:Groceries just-use-a-tag: #mytag key-for-link: ^mylink ; keywords are allowed as keys open: "for business" 2023-05-31 document Expenses:Entertainment:Drinks-and-snacks "2023-05-31-emersons-receipt.png" #beer assessment: "worth-it" 2023-05-31 note Expenses:Entertainment:Drinks-and-snacks "met with Mickey and Minnie * Pluto couldn't come, ; which made me sad. " 2023-05-28 event "planning" "Plan beers" #exciting state: "anticipation" popmeta drink: 2022-01-30 * "Z Energy ;" #petrol #car Assets:Bank:Current -125.00 NZD ofxid: "0.12-3456-1234567-01.31May2023.3" Expenses:Car:Fuel 2023-05-31 'Z "Z Energy ;" "Rather expensive" #petrol 'B Assets:Bank:Current -130.00 NZD ! Expenses:Car:Fuel 2028-01-01 query "fictional SQL" "SELECT money FROM accounts;" #for-testing status: "bogus"