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The line above \ defines the syntax for comments. \ Define parenthesis comments. \ : ( `) parse drop ; immediate : else postpone ahead 1 cs-roll postpone then ; immediate : while postpone if 1 cs-roll ; immediate : repeat postpone again postpone then ; immediate : ['] ' ; immediate : [compile] compile ; immediate : 2drop drop drop ; : dup2 over over ; \ Local variables are defined with the native word '(local)'. We define \ a helper construction that mimics what is found in Apple's Open Firmware \ implementation. The syntax is: { a b ... ; c d ... } \ I.e. there is an opening brace, then some names. Names appearing before \ the semicolon are locals that are both defined and then filled with the \ values on stack (in stack order: { a b } fills 'b' with the top-of-stack, \ and 'a' with the value immediately below). Names appearing after the \ semicolon are not initialized. : __deflocal ( from_stack name -- ) dup (local) swap if compile-local-write else drop then ; : __deflocals ( from_stack -- ) next-word dup "}" eqstr if 2drop ret then dup ";" eqstr if 2drop 0 __deflocals ret then over __deflocals __deflocal ; : { -1 __deflocals ; immediate \ Data building words. : data: new-data-block next-word define-data-word ; : hexb| 0 0 { acc z } begin char dup `| = if z if "Truncated hexadecimal byte" puts cr exitvm then ret then dup 0x20 > if hexval z if acc 4 << + data-add8 else >acc then z not >z then again ; \ Convert hexadecimal character to number. Complain loudly if conversion \ is not possible. : hexval ( char -- x ) hexval-nf dup 0 < if "Not an hex digit: " puts . cr exitvm then ; \ Convert hexadecimal character to number. If not an hexadecimal digit, \ return -1. : hexval-nf ( char -- x ) dup dup `0 >= swap `9 <= and if `0 - ret then dup dup `A >= swap `F <= and if `A - 10 + ret then dup dup `a >= swap `f <= and if `a - 10 + ret then drop -1 ; \ Convert decimal character to number. Complain loudly if conversion \ is not possible. : decval ( char -- x ) decval-nf dup 0 < if "Not a decimal digit: " puts . cr exitvm then ; \ Convert decimal character to number. If not a decimal digit, \ return -1. : decval-nf ( char -- x ) dup dup `0 >= swap `9 <= and if `0 - ret then drop -1 ; \ Commonly used shorthands. : 1+ 1 + ; : 2+ 2 + ; : 1- 1 - ; : 2- 2 - ; : 0= 0 = ; : 0<> 0 <> ; : 0< 0 < ; : 0> 0 > ; \ Get a 16-bit value from the constant data block. This uses big-endian \ encoding. : data-get16 ( addr -- x ) dup data-get8 8 << swap 1+ data-get8 + ; \ The case..endcase construction is the equivalent of 'switch' is C. \ Usage: \ case \ E1 of C1 endof \ E2 of C2 endof \ ... \ CN \ endcase \ \ Upon entry, it considers the TOS (let's call it X). It will then evaluate \ E1, which should yield a single value Y1; at that point, the X value is \ still on the stack, just below Y1, and must remain untouched. The 'of' \ word compares X with Y1; if they are equal, C1 is executed, and then \ control jumps to after the 'endcase'. The X value is popped from the \ stack immediately before evaluating C1. \ \ If X and Y1 are not equal, flow proceeds to E2, to obtain a value Y2 to \ compare with X. And so on. \ \ If none of the 'of' clauses found a match, then CN is evaluated. When CN \ is evaluated, the X value is on the TOS, and CN must either leave it on \ the stack, or replace it with exactly one value; the 'endcase' word \ expects (and drops) one value. \ \ Implementation: this is mostly copied from ANS Forth specification, \ although simplified a bit because we know that our control-flow stack \ is independent of the data stack. During compilation, the number of \ clauses is maintained on the stack; each of..endof clause really is \ an 'if..else' that must be terminated with a matching 'then' in 'endcase'. : case 0 ; immediate : of 1+ postpone over postpone = postpone if postpone drop ; immediate : endof postpone else ; immediate : endcase postpone drop begin dup while 1- postpone then repeat drop ; immediate \ A simpler and more generic "case": there is no management for a value \ on the stack, and each test is supposed to come up with its own boolean \ value. : choice 0 ; immediate : uf 1+ postpone if ; immediate : ufnot 1+ postpone ifnot ; immediate : enduf postpone else ; immediate : endchoice begin dup while 1- postpone then repeat drop ; immediate \ C implementations for native words that can be used in generated code. add-cc: co { T0_CO(); } add-cc: execute { T0_ENTER(ip, rp, T0_POP()); } add-cc: drop { (void)T0_POP(); } add-cc: dup { T0_PUSH(T0_PEEK(0)); } add-cc: swap { T0_SWAP(); } add-cc: over { T0_PUSH(T0_PEEK(1)); } add-cc: rot { T0_ROT(); } add-cc: -rot { T0_NROT(); } add-cc: roll { T0_ROLL(T0_POP()); } add-cc: pick { T0_PICK(T0_POP()); } add-cc: + { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(a + b); } add-cc: - { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(a - b); } add-cc: neg { uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(-a); } add-cc: * { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(a * b); } add-cc: / { int32_t b = T0_POPi(); int32_t a = T0_POPi(); T0_PUSHi(a / b); } add-cc: u/ { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(a / b); } add-cc: % { int32_t b = T0_POPi(); int32_t a = T0_POPi(); T0_PUSHi(a % b); } add-cc: u% { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(a % b); } add-cc: < { int32_t b = T0_POPi(); int32_t a = T0_POPi(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a < b)); } add-cc: <= { int32_t b = T0_POPi(); int32_t a = T0_POPi(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a <= b)); } add-cc: > { int32_t b = T0_POPi(); int32_t a = T0_POPi(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a > b)); } add-cc: >= { int32_t b = T0_POPi(); int32_t a = T0_POPi(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a >= b)); } add-cc: = { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a == b)); } add-cc: <> { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a != b)); } add-cc: u< { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a < b)); } add-cc: u<= { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a <= b)); } add-cc: u> { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a > b)); } add-cc: u>= { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(-(uint32_t)(a >= b)); } add-cc: and { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(a & b); } add-cc: or { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(a | b); } add-cc: xor { uint32_t b = T0_POP(); uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(a ^ b); } add-cc: not { uint32_t a = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(~a); } add-cc: << { int c = (int)T0_POPi(); uint32_t x = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(x << c); } add-cc: >> { int c = (int)T0_POPi(); int32_t x = T0_POPi(); T0_PUSHi(x >> c); } add-cc: u>> { int c = (int)T0_POPi(); uint32_t x = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(x >> c); } add-cc: data-get8 { size_t addr = T0_POP(); T0_PUSH(t0_datablock[addr]); } add-cc: . { extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...); printf(" %ld", (long)T0_POPi()); } add-cc: putc { extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...); printf("%c", (char)T0_POPi()); } add-cc: puts { extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...); printf("%s", &t0_datablock[T0_POPi()]); } add-cc: cr { extern int printf(const char *fmt, ...); printf("\n"); } add-cc: eqstr { const void *b = &t0_datablock[T0_POPi()]; const void *a = &t0_datablock[T0_POPi()]; T0_PUSH(-(int32_t)(strcmp(a, b) == 0)); } BSJB v4.0.30319l.#~/t#StringsxF?#US(#GUID8#BlobW 3/%W;)9h  [Yovvvvvv#v,v9Yvv.vCLvvvAv \o v      {<  L vv(v5vMvA !!! 1 A U h |!!!6!A8B8I! 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k__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldjumpTypetargetvalcxoffval1val2k__BackingFieldbuflenipBufipOffstackBufstackPtrrspuppersavedIpBufsavedIpOfflocalsnumdispdindoutUNKNOWNBLANKcurrentInputTextReaderdelayedChartokenBuilderStringBuilderSystem.TextdelayedTokenwordsIDictionary`2System.Collections.GenericlastWordwordBuildersavedWordBuildersStack`1allCCodecompilingquitRunLoopextraCodeList`1extraCodeDeferdataBlockcurrentBlobIDenableFlowAnalysisdsLimitrsLimitk__BackingFieldexprminmaxk__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldxptrTCnamecfStackcfPtrcodetoResolveDictionary`2jumpToLastk__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldblobbaseBlobNameoffsetongoingResolutionk__BackingFieldk__BackingFieldflowAnalysismaxDataStackmaxReturnStackObjectSystem.ctorWriteLineWritebByteStringget_LengthCompilerGeneratedAttributeSystem.Runtime.CompilerServicesvalueExceptiononeByteCodebwUInt32FormatInt32ctxelenMathMaxArrayCopysEncodingget_UTF8GetBytesdlenIndexOutOfRangeExceptionvToStringAppendnumLocalsdepthcpuConcatGetTypeTypeget_FullNamegcodes1s2objargs<>f__switch$map0StartsWithAddop_EqualitySubstringIndexOfToLowerInvariantTrimTryGetValueCharSplitget_CountAssemblySystem.ReflectionGetExecutingAssemblyGetManifestResourceStreamStreamStreamReaderIDisposableDisposeEnumeratorGetEnumeratorget_CurrentConsoleFileOpenTextMoveNextToArrayEnvironmentExitc__AnonStorey1wliteralwcompile$thisStringComparerget_OrdinalSortedDictionary`2IComparer`1<>f__am$cache0<>f__am$cache1<>f__am$cache2<>f__am$cache3<>f__am$cache4<>f__am$cache5<>f__am$cache6<>f__am$cache7<>f__am$cache8<>f__am$cache9<>f__am$cacheA<>f__am$cacheB<>f__am$cacheC<>f__am$cacheD<>f__am$cacheE<>f__am$cacheF<>f__am$cache10<>f__am$cache11<>f__am$cache12<>f__am$cache13<>f__am$cache14<>f__am$cache15<>f__am$cache16<>f__am$cache17<>f__am$cache18<>f__am$cache19<>f__am$cache1A<>f__am$cache1B<>f__am$cache1C<>f__am$cache1D<>f__am$cache1E<>f__am$cache1F<>f__am$cache20<>f__am$cache21<>f__am$cache22<>f__am$cache23<>f__am$cache24<>f__am$cache25<>f__am$cache26<>f__am$cache27<>f__am$cache28<>f__am$cache29<>f__am$cache2AimmediatestackEffectContainsKeyset_ItemReadcset_Lengthtget_CharscttroutBasecoreRunentryPointsParamArrayAttributeQueue`1EnqueueDequeueget_ItemIEnumerator`1get_ValuesICollection`1IEnumerable`1IEnumeratorSystem.CollectionsCreateTextStreamWriterset_NewLineget_KeysKeyCollectiontttvAppendFormatReplacec__AnonStorey0<>f__ref$1PushPopcpu2xcpuvpMemberInfoget_NametpcdownerInt64MinoprefNamewtargetlnamextdstsajobjectmethodcallbackresultDoNLget_Addressset_Addressget_LastLengthset_LastLengthSetJumpTargetGetLengthEncodeEncodeOneByteEncode7EUnsignedEncode7ESignedget_JumpOffget_IDset_IDExpandAdd8Add16Add24Add32AddStringCheckIndexSet8Read8Read16Read24Read32DecodeUTF8get_DepthEnterPeekRotNRotGetLocalPutLocalget_MayFallThroughget_JumpDispget_StackActionRunResolveTargetResolveJumpGetReferenceGetDataBlockToCodeElementFixUpget_DataInget_DataOutget_IsKnownget_NoExitop_InequalityEqualsGetHashCodeIsSubOf.cctorValueTypeMainUsageAddNativeNextBlobIDNextCharUnreadNextParseCCodeParseCCodeNFParseStackEffectNFParseStringSingleCharEscapeSkipNLDecodeCharConstDecHexHexValReadTermIsWSProcessInputCompileStepGetCCodeGenerateLookupLookupNFStringToBlobTryParseLiteralParseIntegerCheckCompilingEscapeCCommentm__0m__1m__2m__3m__4m__5m__6m__7m__8m__9m__Am__Bm__Cm__Dm__Em__Fm__10m__11m__12m__13m__14m__15m__16m__17m__18m__19m__1Am__1Bm__1Cm__1Dm__1Em__1Fm__20m__21m__22m__23m__24m__25m__26m__27m__28m__29m__2Am__2B<>m__0<>m__1<>m__2<>m__3<>m__4<>m__5<>m__6<>m__7<>m__8<>m__9<>m__A<>m__B<>m__C<>m__D<>m__E<>m__F<>m__10<>m__11<>m__12<>m__13<>m__14<>m__15<>m__16<>m__17<>m__18<>m__19<>m__1A<>m__1B<>m__1C<>m__1D<>m__1E<>m__1F<>m__20<>m__21<>m__22<>m__23<>m__24<>m__25ToBoolExecuteget_Blobset_BlobToCExprGetMaxBitLengthBitLengthset_Nameget_Targetset_TargetResolveget_Boolget_Intget_UIntToXTop_Implicitget_StackEffectset_StackEffectBuildCSRollCSPickCSPushCSPopCSPushOrigCSPushDestCSPopOrigCSPopDestLiteralCallCallExtDefLocalRetAheadAheadIfAheadIfNotThenBeginAgainAgainIfAgainIfNotget_TCset_TCget_Immediateset_Immediateget_Slotset_Slotget_CCodeset_CCodeget_MaxDataStackget_MaxReturnStackGetReferencesGetDataBlocksGenerateCodeElementsAnalyseFlowget_NumLocalsset_NumLocalsget_Codeset_CodeMergeSAInvokeBeginInvokeIAsyncResultAsyncCallbackEndInvokeMulticastDelegatet0-kernelAddressLastLengthJumpOffIDLengthDepthStackActionMayFallThroughJumpDispDataInDataOutIsKnownNoExitBlobNameTargetBoolIntUIntStackEffectImmediateSlotCCodeMaxDataStackMaxReturnStackNumLocalsCodeRuntimeCompatibilityAttributemscorlibT0Comp.exe0x{0:X2}{0}=Code element accepts no targetCCannot encode '{0}' over one byte)Unresolved addressesT0_INT{0}({1})/Opcode already resolved-Unresolved call target call UNRESOLVEDECannot compile XT: non-zero offsetECannot embed constant (type = {0}) const #Not a call opcode#Not a jump opcodegetlocal +Jump already resolved#jumpif UNRESOLVEDjumpif disp=)jumpifnot UNRESOLVEDjumpifnot disp=jump UNRESOLVEDjump disp=putlocal retUNKNOWNin:{0},noexitin:{0},out:{1}---ooutrrunm mainnf noflow t0outt0-kernel [{0}]Qusage: T0Comp.exe [ options... ] file...options: -o file use 'file' as base for output file name (default: 't0out') -r name use 'name' as base for run function (default: same as output)) -m name[,name...]G define entry point(s)G -nf disable flow analysisadd-cc:cc:preamblepostamblemake-CXCXco:define-word;immediateliteralcompilepostpone exitvmnew-data-block!define-data-wordcurrent-datadata-add8data-set8data-get8%compile-local-read'compile-local-write ahead begin again untiluntilnotif ifnot thencs-pickcs-rollnext-word parse char'execute[](local) dropdup swap overrot -rot roll pick+neg*/u/%u%<<=>>==<>u<u<=u>u>=andorxornot<<>>u>>..s putc putscr eqstr-Word already defined: =Already two delayed characters7Cannot delay two charactersUStack effect forbidden in this declaration5Error while parsing C code)!3Unfinished literal string5not an hex digit: U+{0:X4}+EOF in literal stringGUnescaped newline in literal stringQInvalid newline escape in literal string/Invalid literal char: `7EOF reached before U+{0:X4}toplevel'EOF while compiling[Ambiguous: both defined word and literal: {0}'Unknown word: '{0}'%{0}: ds={1} rs={2}5' exceeds data stack limit9' exceeds return stack limit5No C code for native '{0}' 7Non-interpreted entry point9WARNING: more than 255 words.c /* Automatically generated code; do not modify directly. */ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> typedef struct { uint32_t *dp; uint32_t *rp; const unsigned char *ip; } t0_context; static uint32_t t0_parse7E_unsigned(const unsigned char **p) { uint32_t x; x = 0; for (;;) { unsigned y; y = *(*p) ++; x = (x << 7) | (uint32_t)(y & 0x7F); if (y < 0x80) { return x; } } } static int32_t t0_parse7E_signed(const unsigned char **p) { int neg; uint32_t x; neg = ((**p) >> 6) & 1; x = (uint32_t)-neg; for (;;) { unsigned y; y = *(*p) ++; x = (x << 7) | (uint32_t)(y & 0x7F); if (y < 0x80) { if (neg) { return -(int32_t)~x - 1; } else { return (int32_t)x; } } } } #define T0_VBYTE(x, n) (unsigned char)((((uint32_t)(x) >> (n)) & 0x7F) | 0x80) #define T0_FBYTE(x, n) (unsigned char)(((uint32_t)(x) >> (n)) & 0x7F) #define T0_SBYTE(x) (unsigned char)((((uint32_t)(x) >> 28) + 0xF8) ^ 0xF8) #define T0_INT1(x) T0_FBYTE(x, 0) #define T0_INT2(x) T0_VBYTE(x, 7), T0_FBYTE(x, 0) #define T0_INT3(x) T0_VBYTE(x, 14), T0_VBYTE(x, 7), T0_FBYTE(x, 0) #define T0_INT4(x) T0_VBYTE(x, 21), T0_VBYTE(x, 14), T0_VBYTE(x, 7), T0_FBYTE(x, 0) #define T0_INT5(x) T0_SBYTE(x), T0_VBYTE(x, 21), T0_VBYTE(x, 14), T0_VBYTE(x, 7), T0_FBYTE(x, 0) /* static const unsigned char t0_datablock[]; */ ?void {0}_init_{1}(void *t0ctx);5void {0}_run(void *t0ctx);[static const unsigned char t0_datablock[] = {};[static const unsigned char t0_codeblock[] = {Istatic const uint16_t t0_caddr[] = { {0}9#define T0_INTERPRETED {0}#define T0_ENTER(ip, rp, slot) do { \ const unsigned char *t0_newip; \ uint32_t t0_lnum; \ t0_newip = &t0_codeblock[t0_caddr[(slot) - T0_INTERPRETED]]; \ t0_lnum = t0_parse7E_unsigned(&t0_newip); \ (rp) += t0_lnum; \ *((rp) ++) = (uint32_t)((ip) - &t0_codeblock[0]) + (t0_lnum << 16); \ (ip) = t0_newip; \ } while (0)M#define T0_DEFENTRY(name, slot) \ void \ name(void *ctx) \ { \ t0_context *t0ctx = ctx; \ t0ctx->ip = &t0_codeblock[0]; \ T0_ENTER(t0ctx->ip, t0ctx->rp, slot); \ }+T0_DEFENTRY({0}, {1}) _init_S#define T0_NEXT(t0ipp) (*(*(t0ipp)) ++)g#define T0_NEXT(t0ipp) t0_parse7E_unsigned(t0ipp) void){0}_run(void *t0ctx){ uint32_t *dp, *rp; const unsigned char *ip; #define T0_LOCAL(x) (*(rp - 2 - (x))) #define T0_POP() (*-- dp) #define T0_POPi() (*(int32_t *)(-- dp)) #define T0_PEEK(x) (*(dp - 1 - (x))) #define T0_PEEKi(x) (*(int32_t *)(dp - 1 - (x))) #define T0_PUSH(v) do { *dp = (v); dp ++; } while (0) #define T0_PUSHi(v) do { *(int32_t *)dp = (v); dp ++; } while (0) #define T0_RPOP() (*-- rp) #define T0_RPOPi() (*(int32_t *)(-- rp)) #define T0_RPUSH(v) do { *rp = (v); rp ++; } while (0) #define T0_RPUSHi(v) do { *(int32_t *)rp = (v); rp ++; } while (0) #define T0_ROLL(x) do { \ size_t t0len = (size_t)(x); \ uint32_t t0tmp = *(dp - 1 - t0len); \ memmove(dp - t0len - 1, dp - t0len, t0len * sizeof *dp); \ *(dp - 1) = t0tmp; \ } while (0) #define T0_SWAP() do { \ uint32_t t0tmp = *(dp - 2); \ *(dp - 2) = *(dp - 1); \ *(dp - 1) = t0tmp; \ } while (0) #define T0_ROT() do { \ uint32_t t0tmp = *(dp - 3); \ *(dp - 3) = *(dp - 2); \ *(dp - 2) = *(dp - 1); \ *(dp - 1) = t0tmp; \ } while (0) #define T0_NROT() do { \ uint32_t t0tmp = *(dp - 1); \ *(dp - 1) = *(dp - 2); \ *(dp - 2) = *(dp - 3); \ *(dp - 3) = t0tmp; \ } while (0) #define T0_PICK(x) do { \ uint32_t t0depth = (x); \ T0_PUSH(T0_PEEK(t0depth)); \ } while (0) #define T0_CO() do { \ goto t0_exit; \ } while (0) #define T0_RET() goto t0_next dp = ((t0_context *)t0ctx)->dp; rp = ((t0_context *)t0ctx)->rp; ip = ((t0_context *)t0ctx)->ip; goto t0_next; for (;;) { uint32_t t0x; t0_next: t0x = T0_NEXT(&ip); if (t0x < T0_INTERPRETED) { switch (t0x) { int32_t t0off; case 0: /* ret */ t0x = T0_RPOP(); rp -= (t0x >> 16); t0x &= 0xFFFF; if (t0x == 0) { ip = NULL; goto t0_exit; } ip = &t0_codeblock[t0x]; break; case 1: /* literal constant */ T0_PUSHi(t0_parse7E_signed(&ip)); break; case 2: /* read local */ T0_PUSH(T0_LOCAL(t0_parse7E_unsigned(&ip))); break; case 3: /* write local */ T0_LOCAL(t0_parse7E_unsigned(&ip)) = T0_POP(); break; case 4: /* jump */ t0off = t0_parse7E_signed(&ip); ip += t0off; break; case 5: /* jump if */ t0off = t0_parse7E_signed(&ip); if (T0_POP()) { ip += t0off; } break; case 6: /* jump if not */ t0off = t0_parse7E_signed(&ip); if (!T0_POP()) { ip += t0off; } break;g case {0}: {{ /* {1} */ {2} }} break;? } } else { T0_ENTER(ip, rp, t0x); } } t0_exit: ((t0_context *)t0ctx)->dp = dp; ((t0_context *)t0ctx)->rp = rp; ((t0_context *)t0ctx)->ip = ip; }5code length: {0,6} byte(s)5data length: {0,6} byte(s)Gtotal words: {0} (interpreted: {1})'No such word: '{0}'"`0x0X0b0BEinvalid literal integer (overflow)!not an integer: /Not in compilation mode%{0:X2}%{0:X2}%{0:X2}+%{0:X2}%{0:X2}%{0:X2}*/ %2A/5EOF reached (missing name)1C code already set for: ?EOF reached (missing min value)?EOF reached (missing max value)-min/max in wrong order;EOF reached (while compiling)(7Invalid stack effect syntax'Not a string: '{0}'Not compiling'No word defined yet5Address is not a data area+No current data block3Byte value out of range: %No next word (EOF)/No next character (EOF)3Cannot add '{0}' to '{1}'C-only word: +'{0}' is not a string9No coroutine in compile mode'Invalid shift count {0})value is not an xt: {0}+{1}MCannot evaluate C-expr at compile time+(uint32_t)({0}) + {1}+(uint32_t)({0}) - {1} null <'{0}>?control-flow stack is not emptynot an origin#not a destinationno such local: 5local already defined: {0}Acannot run '{0}' at compile-timeCWord does not yield code elementsCcircular reference in blobs ({0})Ydata word '{0}' based on non-data word '{1}'yIn word '{0}', offset {1}: stack action mismatch ({2} / {3})9recursive call detected in 'ecall from '{0}' to '{1}' with unknown stack effects'{0}': exit stack action mismatch: {1} / {2} (offset {3})word '{0}': computed stack effect {1} does not match declared {2}{"6DQBO  h 8t,|tX  |xx$`\8      AAE     M         U Y Y ee ]  uy| }xy|  ||e| y $ | |$e$ $$$   y           8            h        \        8, t tt tt t , ( | |\ $\    pdpdhXX  X1\ e 1  X X X  X    |(88t|  Q|||||e|| $||$e$$$||||  || e$$  ye  $$ || t t      (tttd ttdd tt t t  ttt |XtXt| ttd| t \( t ` $ $ \    |  `  ptttttttt ttttttt t X 8 8 p \X | $  \$ \$ 8 8 \8|88|$88$    8|XXXX \ \X  ( (( (($((|( 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