#!/usr/bin/env sh # This file is part of bearssl-sys. It is subject to the license terms in the COPYRIGHT file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lemonrock/bearssl-sys/master/COPYRIGHT. No part of bearssl-sys, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the COPYRIGHT file. # Copyright © 2016 The developers of bearssl-sys. See the COPYRIGHT file in the top-level directory of this distribution and at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lemonrock/bearssl-sys/master/COPYRIGHT. set -e set -u set -f _program_path_find() { if [ "${_program_fattening_program_path+set}" = 'set' ]; then printf '%s\n' "$_program_fattening_program_path" elif [ "${0%/*}" = "$0" ]; then # We've been invoked by the interpreter as, say, bash program if [ -r "$0" ]; then pwd -P # Clutching at straws; probably run via a download, anonymous script, etc, weird execve, etc else printf '\n' fi else # We've been invoked with a relative or absolute path (also when invoked via PATH in a shell) _program_path_find_parentPath() { parentPath="${scriptPath%/*}" if [ -z "$parentPath" ]; then parentPath='/' fi cd "$parentPath" 1>/dev/null } # pdksh / mksh have problems with unsetting a variable that was never set... if [ "${CDPATH+set}" = 'set' ]; then unset CDPATH fi if command -v realpath 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then ( scriptPath="$(realpath "$0")" _program_path_find_parentPath pwd -P ) elif command -v readlink 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then ( scriptPath="$0" while [ -L "$scriptPath" ] do _program_path_find_parentPath scriptPath="$(readlink "$scriptPath")" done _program_path_find_parentPath pwd -P ) else # This approach will fail in corner cases where the script itself is a symlink in a path not parallel with the concrete script ( scriptPath="$0" _program_path_find_parentPath pwd -P ) fi fi } compile_bearssl_fail() { local message="$1" printf 'compile-bearssl:FAIL:%s\n' "$message" 1>&2 exit 1 } compile_bearssl_ensureRequiredBinariesArePresent() { local reason="$1" shift 1 local binary local missing=false for binary in "$@" do if ! command -v "$binary" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then printf 'compile-bearssl:%s\n' "The binary '$binary' needs to be in the path" 1>&2 missing=true fi done if $missing; then compile_bearssl_fail "Please make sure that the missing binaries are installed because '$reason'" fi } _compile_bearssl_prepareForMacOSX_brewInstall() { compile_bearssl_ensureRequiredBinariesArePresent brew local packageName="$1" if ! brew ls --versions "$packageName" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then brew install "$packageName" 1>&2 fi } compile_bearssl_prepareForMacOSX() { _compile_bearssl_prepareForMacOSX_brewInstall gnu-sed _compile_bearssl_prepareForMacOSX_brewInstall make _compile_bearssl_prepareForMacOSX_brewInstall libelf _compile_bearssl_prepareForMacOSX_brewInstall coreutils _compile_bearssl_prepareForMacOSX_brewInstall FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross } compile_bearssl_parseCommandLine() { case "$#" in 0) : ;; 1) case "$1" in -h|--help) printf './compile-bearssl\n' printf './compile-bearssl -h|--help\n' printf 'Pass the environment variable NUM_JOBS to control the number of make jobs\n' exit 0 ;; *) compile_bearssl_fail "Does not take any arguments" ;; esac ;; *) compile_bearssl_fail "Does not take any arguments" ;; esac } compile_bearssl_findFolderPaths() { programFolderPath="$(_program_path_find)" cd "$programFolderPath"/.. 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null homeFolderPath="$(pwd)" cd - 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null configurationFolderPath="$homeFolderPath"/bindgen-wrapper.conf.d } compile_bearssl_platformSpecificPreparation() { compile_bearssl_ensureRequiredBinariesArePresent uname platform="$(uname)" if [ -z "${NUM_JOBS+undefined}" ]; then numberOfMakeJobs=0 else numberOfMakeJobs="$NUM_JOBS" fi case "$platform" in Darwin) compile_bearssl_prepareForMacOSX compile_bearssl_ensureRequiredBinariesArePresent brew export PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)"/libexec/gnubin:"$(brew --prefix gnu-sed)"/libexec/gnubin:"$PATH" muslIncludeFolderPath="$(brew --prefix musl-cross)"/libexec/x86_64-linux-musl/include if [ $numberOfMakeJobs -eq 0 ]; then compile_bearssl_ensureRequiredBinariesArePresent sysctl numberOfMakeJobs="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)" fi ;; Linux) compile_bearssl_ensureRequiredBinariesArePresent make sed x86_64-linux-musl-gcc x86_64-linux-musl-ar rm mkdir rsync cat muslIncludeFolderPath='/usr/include' if [ $numberOfMakeJobs -eq 0 ]; then compile_bearssl_ensureRequiredBinariesArePresent grep numberOfMakeJobs="$(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo)" fi ;; *) compile_bearssl_fail "Only Darwin (Mac OS X) and Linux (specifically, Alpine Linux) are supported at this time" ;; esac } compile_bearssl_createTemporaryFolder() { temporaryFolderPath="$configurationFolderPath"/temporary rm -rf "$temporaryFolderPath" mkdir -m 0700 -p "$temporaryFolderPath" } compile_bearssl_makeCopyToAlter() { rsync --archive --quiet --exclude=.git "$homeFolderPath"/lib/BearSSL/ "$temporaryFolderPath"/ } compile_bearssl_installConfiguration() { cp "$configurationFolderPath"/CrossCompileOnMacOsXConfiguration.mk "$temporaryFolderPath"/conf } compile_bearssl_make() { cd "$temporaryFolderPath" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null make CONF=CrossCompileOnMacOsXConfiguration 1>&2 cd - 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null mkdir -m 0700 -p "$temporaryFolderPath"/root/usr/include rsync --archive --quiet "$temporaryFolderPath"/inc/ "$temporaryFolderPath"/root/usr/include/ mkdir -m 0700 -p "$temporaryFolderPath"/root/usr/lib cp "$temporaryFolderPath"/build/libbearssl.a "$temporaryFolderPath"/root/usr/lib } compile_bearssl_main() { compile_bearssl_parseCommandLine "$@" local programFolderPath local homeFolderPath local configurationFolderPath compile_bearssl_findFolderPaths local platform local muslIncludeFolderPath local numberOfMakeJobs compile_bearssl_platformSpecificPreparation local temporaryFolderPath compile_bearssl_createTemporaryFolder compile_bearssl_makeCopyToAlter compile_bearssl_installConfiguration compile_bearssl_make printf '\n\n\nFINISHED\n\n\n' 1>&2 } compile_bearssl_main "$@"