# beatblox_midi This crate helps with parsing data from .mid files and returns a format compatible with netsblox. [crate.io page](https://crates.io/search?q=beatblox_midi) ## Version Info 0.3.0 Is able to parse both dupal and triple beats and can parse to different precisions. ## Update Log 0.3.0 - Triplet parsing now works. Sixtyfourth duration was removed. Only eight note triplets can be handled. 0.2.2 - Parsing now works with "fuzzy" data. 0.2.1 - Optimizations to parsing and better beat accuracy. ## TODO - [x] Note velocity detection - [x] Chord detection - [x] Precision param in Midi::parse - [x] Tuplet detection - [ ] Quarter / sixteenth note triplet detection