use bed_reader::allclose; use bed_reader::assert_eq_nan; use bed_reader::assert_error_variant; use bed_reader::sample_bed_file; use bed_reader::sample_file; use bed_reader::sample_files; use bed_reader::Bed; use bed_reader::BedError; use bed_reader::BedErrorPlus; use bed_reader::Metadata; use bed_reader::MetadataFields; use bed_reader::ReadOptions; use bed_reader::SliceInfo1; use bed_reader::WriteOptions; use ndarray as nd; use ndarray::s; use ndarray_rand::{rand::prelude::StdRng, rand::SeedableRng, rand_distr::Uniform, RandomExt}; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::panic::catch_unwind; use temp_testdir::TempDir; #[test] fn rusty_bed1() -> Result<(), Box> { let file = sample_bed_file("plink_sim_10s_100v_10pmiss.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(&file)?; let val =; let mean = val.mapv(|elem| elem as f64).mean().unwrap(); assert!(mean == -13.142); // really shouldn't do mean on data where -127 represents missing let mut bed = Bed::new(&file)?; let val = ReadOptions::builder().count_a2().i8().read(&mut bed)?; let mean = val.mapv(|elem| elem as f64).mean().unwrap(); assert!(mean == -13.274); // really shouldn't do mean on data where -127 represents missing Ok(()) } #[test] fn rusty_bed2() -> Result<(), Box> { let file = sample_bed_file("plink_sim_10s_100v_10pmiss.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file)?; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(0) .sid_index(vec![1]) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; let mean = val.mapv(|elem| elem as f64).mean().unwrap(); println!("{mean:?}"); assert!(mean == 1.0); // really shouldn't do mean on data where -127 represents missing Ok(()) } #[test] fn rusty_bed3() -> Result<(), Box> { let file = sample_bed_file("plink_sim_10s_100v_10pmiss.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file)?; let iid_bool: nd::Array1 = (0..bed.iid_count()?).map(|elem| (elem % 2) != 0).collect(); let sid_bool: nd::Array1 = (0..bed.sid_count()?).map(|elem| (elem % 8) != 0).collect(); let val = ReadOptions::builder() .missing_value(-127) .iid_index(iid_bool) .sid_index(sid_bool) .read(&mut bed)?; let mean = val.mapv(|elem| elem as f64).mean().unwrap(); println!("{mean:?}"); assert!(mean == -14.50344827586207); // really shouldn't do mean on data where -127 represents missing Ok(()) } #[test] fn rusty_bed_allele() -> Result<(), Box> { let file = sample_bed_file("plink_sim_10s_100v_10pmiss.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file)?; let val = ReadOptions::builder().count_a2().i8().read(&mut bed)?; let mean = val.mapv(|elem| elem as f64).mean().unwrap(); println!("{mean:?}"); assert!(mean == -13.274); // really shouldn't do mean on data where -127 represents missing Ok(()) } #[test] fn rusty_bed_order() -> Result<(), Box> { let file = sample_bed_file("plink_sim_10s_100v_10pmiss.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file)?; let val = ReadOptions::builder().c().i8().read(&mut bed)?; let mean = val.mapv(|elem| elem as f64).mean().unwrap(); println!("{mean:?}"); assert!(mean == -13.142); // really shouldn't do mean on data where -127 represents missing Ok(()) } #[test] fn bad_header() -> Result<(), Box> { let filename = sample_file("badfile.bed")?; let bed = Bed::builder(&filename).skip_early_check().build()?; println!("{:?}", bed.path()); let result = Bed::new(&filename); assert_error_variant!(result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::IllFormed(_))); Ok(()) } #[test] fn doc_test_test() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let val =; assert_eq_nan( &val, &nd::array![ [1.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 2.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0] ], ); let file_name2 = sample_bed_file("some_missing.bed")?; let mut bed2 = Bed::new(&file_name2)?; let val2 = ReadOptions::builder() .f64() .iid_index(s![..;2]) .sid_index(20..30) .read(&mut bed2)?; assert!(val2.dim() == (50, 10)); let mut bed3 = Bed::new(&file_name2)?; println!("{:?}", bed3.iid()?.slice(s![..5])); println!("{:?}", bed3.sid()?.slice(s![..5])); println!("{:?}", bed3.chromosome()?.iter().collect::>()); let val3 = ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index(bed3.chromosome()?.map(|elem| elem == "5")) .f64() .read(&mut bed3)?; assert!(val3.dim() == (100, 6)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn open_examples() -> Result<(), Box> { // >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_bed_file // >>> // >>> file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed") // >>> bed = open_bed(file_name) // >>> print(bed.iid) // ['iid1' 'iid2' 'iid3'] // >>> print(bed.sid) // ['sid1' 'sid2' 'sid3' 'sid4'] // >>> print( // [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] // [ 2. 0. nan 2.] // [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] // >>> del bed # optional: delete bed object let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(&file_name)?; println!("{:?}", bed.iid()?); println!("{:?}", bed.sid()?); println!("{:?}",; // ["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"], shape=[3], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 // ["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"], shape=[4], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 // [[1.0, 0.0, NaN, 0.0], // [2.0, 0.0, NaN, 2.0], // [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0]], shape=[3, 4], strides=[1, 3], layout=Ff (0xa), const ndim=2 // Open the file and read data for one SNP (variant) // at index position 2. // .. doctest:: // >>> import numpy as np // >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: // ... print([:,2])) // [[nan] // [nan] // [ 2.]] let mut bed = Bed::new(&file_name)?; println!( "{:?}", ReadOptions::builder().sid_index(2).f64().read(&mut bed)? ); // [[NaN], // [NaN], // [2.0]], shape=[3, 1], strides=[1, 3], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=2 // Replace :attr:`iid`. // >>> bed = open_bed(file_name, properties={"iid":["sample1","sample2","sample3"]}) // >>> print(bed.iid) # replaced // ['sample1' 'sample2' 'sample3'] // >>> print(bed.sid) # same as before // ['sid1' 'sid2' 'sid3' 'sid4'] let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name) .iid(["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]) .build()?; println!("{:?}", bed.iid()?); println!("{:?}", bed.sid()?); // ["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"], shape=[3], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 // ["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"], shape=[4], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim= // Do more testing of Rust let iid = nd::array!["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]; let mut _bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).iid(iid).build()?; let iid = nd::array![ "sample1".to_string(), "sample2".to_string(), "sample3".to_string() ]; let mut _bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).iid(iid).build()?; let iid = vec!["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]; let mut _bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).iid(iid).build()?; let iid = vec![ "sample1".to_string(), "sample2".to_string(), "sample3".to_string(), ]; let mut _bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).iid(iid).build()?; // Give the number of individuals (samples) and SNPs (variants) so that the .fam and // .bim files need never be opened. // >>> with open_bed(file_name, iid_count=3, sid_count=4) as bed: // ... print( // [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] // [ 2. 0. nan 2.] // [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).iid_count(3).sid_count(4).build()?; println!("{:?}",; // [[1.0, 0.0, NaN, 0.0], // [2.0, 0.0, NaN, 2.0], // [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0]], shape=[3, 4], strides=[1, 3], layout=Ff (0xa), const ndim=2 // Mark some properties as "don’t read or offer". // >>> bed = open_bed(file_name, properties={ // ... "father" : None, "mother" : None, "sex" : None, "pheno" : None, // ... "allele_1" : None, "allele_2":None }) // >>> print(bed.iid) # read from file // ['iid1' 'iid2' 'iid3'] // >>> print(bed.allele_2) # not read and not offered // None let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).skip_allele_2().build()?; println!("{:?}", bed.iid()?); let result = bed.allele_2(); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::CannotUseSkippedMetadata(_)) ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_etc() -> Result<(), Box> { // >>> file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed") // >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: // ... print( // [1 2 0] let mut bed = Bed::new(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?)?; println!("{:?}",; // [1, 2, 0], shape=[3], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 let mut bed = Bed::new(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?)?; println!("{:?}", bed.cm_position()?); // [100.4, 2000.5, 4000.7, 7000.9], shape=[4], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 println!("{:?}", bed.bp_position()?); // [1, 100, 1000, 1004], shape=[4], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 let mut bed = Bed::new(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?)?; println!("{:?}", bed.fid()?); // ["fid1", "fid1", "fid2"], shape=[3], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 println!("{:?}", bed.father()?); // ["iid23", "iid23", "iid22"], shape=[3], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 println!("{:?}", bed.mother()?); // ["iid34", "iid34", "iid33"], shape=[3], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 Ok(()) } #[test] fn hello_father() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut bed = Bed::builder(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?) .father(["f1", "f2", "f3"]) .skip_mother() .build()?; println!("{:?}", bed.father()?); // ["f1", "f2", "f3"], shape=[3], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 bed.mother().unwrap_err(); Ok(()) } #[test] fn num_threads() -> Result<(), Box> { let file = sample_bed_file("plink_sim_10s_100v_10pmiss.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file)?; let val = ReadOptions::builder().num_threads(4).i8().read(&mut bed)?; let mean = val.mapv(|elem| elem as f64).mean().unwrap(); println!("{mean:?}"); assert!(mean == -13.142); // really shouldn't do mean on data where -127 represents missing Ok(()) } #[test] fn fam_and_bim() -> Result<(), Box> { let deb_maf_mib = sample_files(["small.deb", "small.maf", "small.mib"])?; let mut bed = Bed::builder(&deb_maf_mib[0]) .fam_path(&deb_maf_mib[1]) .bim_path(&deb_maf_mib[2]) .build()?; println!("{:?}", bed.iid()?); println!("{:?}", bed.sid()?); let val: nd::Array2 =; let mean = val.mapv(|elem| elem as f64).mean().unwrap(); println!("{mean:?}"); assert!(mean == -20.5); // really shouldn't do mean on data where -127 represents missing Ok(()) } #[test] fn readme_examples() -> Result<(), Box> { // Read genomic data from a .bed file. // >>> import numpy as np // >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_bed_file // >>> // >>> file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed") // >>> bed = open_bed(file_name) // >>> val = // >>> print(val) // [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] // [ 2. 0. nan 2.] // [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] // >>> del bed let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let val =; println!("{val:?}"); // [[1.0, 0.0, NaN, 0.0], // [2.0, 0.0, NaN, 2.0], // [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0]], shape=[3, 4], strides=[1, 3], layout=Ff (0xa), const ndim=2 // Read every second individual and SNPs (variants) from 20 to 30. // >>> file_name2 = sample_bed_file("some_missing.bed") // >>> bed2 = open_bed(file_name2) // >>> val2 =[::2,20:30]) // >>> print(val2.shape) // (50, 10) // >>> del bed2 let file_name2 = sample_bed_file("some_missing.bed")?; let mut bed2 = Bed::new(&file_name2)?; let val2 = ReadOptions::::builder() .iid_index(s![..;2]) .sid_index(20..30) .read(&mut bed2)?; println!("{:?}", val2.dim()); // (50, 10) // List the first 5 individual (sample) ids, the first 5 SNP (variant) ids, // and every unique chromosome. Then, read every genomic value in chromosome 5. // >>> with open_bed(file_name2) as bed3: // ... print(bed3.iid[:5]) // ... print(bed3.sid[:5]) // ... print(np.unique(bed3.chromosome)) // ... val3 =[:,bed3.chromosome=='5']) // ... print(val3.shape) // ['iid_0' 'iid_1' 'iid_2' 'iid_3' 'iid_4'] // ['sid_0' 'sid_1' 'sid_2' 'sid_3' 'sid_4'] // ['1' '10' '11' '12' '13' '14' '15' '16' '17' '18' '19' '2' '20' '21' '22' // '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9'] // (100, 6) let mut bed3 = Bed::new(&file_name2)?; let iid = bed3.iid()?; let s = iid.slice(s![..5]); println!("{:?}", s); println!("{:?}", bed3.iid()?.slice(s![..5])); println!("{:?}", bed3.sid()?.slice(s![..5])); let unique = bed3.chromosome()?.iter().collect::>(); println!("{unique:?}"); // let is_5 = bed3.chromosome()?.map(|elem| elem == "5"); let is_5 = nd::Zip::from(bed3.chromosome()?).par_map_collect(|elem| elem == "5"); let val3 = ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index(is_5) .f64() .read(&mut bed3)?; println!("{:?}", val3.dim()); // ["iid_0", "iid_1", "iid_2", "iid_3", "iid_4"], shape=[5], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 // ["sid_0", "sid_1", "sid_2", "sid_3", "sid_4"], shape=[5], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 // {"10", "11", "4", "21", "22", "14", "3", "12", "20", "15", "19", "8", "6", "18", "9", "2", "16", "13", "17", "1", "7", "5"} // (100, 6) Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_docs() -> Result<(), Box> { // In this example, all properties are given. // >>> from bed_reader import to_bed, tmp_path // >>> // >>> output_file = tmp_path() / "small.bed" // >>> val = [[1.0, 0.0, np.nan, 0.0], // ... [2.0, 0.0, np.nan, 2.0], // ... [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0]] // >>> properties = { // ... "fid": ["fid1", "fid1", "fid2"], // ... "iid": ["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"], // ... "father": ["iid23", "iid23", "iid22"], // ... "mother": ["iid34", "iid34", "iid33"], // ... "sex": [1, 2, 0], // ... "pheno": ["red", "red", "blue"], // ... "chromosome": ["1", "1", "5", "Y"], // ... "sid": ["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"], // ... "cm_position": [100.4, 2000.5, 4000.7, 7000.9], // ... "bp_position": [1, 100, 1000, 1004], // ... "allele_1": ["A", "T", "A", "T"], // ... "allele_2": ["A", "C", "C", "G"], // ... } // >>> to_bed(output_file, val, properties=properties) let output_folder = TempDir::default(); let output_file = output_folder.join("small.bed"); let val = nd::array![ [1.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 2.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0] ]; WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .fid(["fid1", "fid1", "fid2"]) .iid(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"]) .father(["iid23", "iid23", "iid22"]) .mother(["iid34", "iid34", "iid33"]) .sex([1, 2, 0]) .pheno(["red", "red", "blue"]) .chromosome(["1", "1", "5", "Y"]) .sid(["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"]) .cm_position([100.4, 2000.5, 4000.7, 7000.9]) .bp_position([1, 100, 1000, 1004]) .allele_1(["A", "T", "A", "T"]) .allele_2(["A", "C", "C", "G"]) .write(&val)?; // Here, no properties are given, so default values are assigned. // If we then read the new file and list the chromosome property, // it is an array of '0's, the default chromosome value. // >>> output_file2 = tmp_path() / "small2.bed" // >>> val = [[1, 0, -127, 0], [2, 0, -127, 2], [0, 1, 2, 0]] // >>> to_bed(output_file2, val) // >>> // >>> from bed_reader import open_bed // >>> with open_bed(output_file2) as bed2: // ... print(bed2.chromosome) // ['0' '0' '0' '0'] let output_file2 = output_folder.join("small2.bed"); let val = nd::array![[1, 0, -127, 0], [2, 0, -127, 2], [0, 1, 2, 0]]; Bed::write(&val, &output_file2)?; let mut bed2 = Bed::new(&output_file2)?; println!("{:?}", bed2.chromosome()?); // ["0", "0", "0", "0"], shape=[4], strides=[1], layout=CFcf (0xf), const ndim=1 Ok(()) } #[test] fn read_write() -> Result<(), Box> { // with open_bed(shared_datadir / "small.bed") as bed: // val = // properties = let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let val =; let metadata = bed.metadata()?; println!("{metadata:?}"); // output_file = tmp_path / "small.deb" // fam_file = tmp_path / "small.maf" // bim_file = tmp_path / "small.mib" let temp_out = TempDir::default(); let output_file = temp_out.join("small.deb"); let fam_file = temp_out.join("small.maf"); let bim_file = temp_out.join("small.mib"); // to_bed( // output_file, // val, // properties=properties, // fam_filepath=fam_file, // bim_filepath=bim_file, // ) WriteOptions::builder(&output_file) .metadata(&metadata) .fam_path(&fam_file) .bim_path(&bim_file) .write(&val)?; // // assert output_file.exists() and fam_file.exists() and bim_file.exists() assert!( output_file.exists() & fam_file.exists() & bim_file.exists(), "don't exist" ); // with open_bed(output_file, fam_filepath=fam_file, bim_filepath=bim_file) as deb: // val2 = // properties2 = let mut deb = Bed::builder(&output_file) .fam_path(&fam_file) .bim_path(&bim_file) .build()?; let val2 =; let metadata2 = deb.metadata()?; // assert np.allclose(val, val2, equal_nan=true) assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &val2.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); println!("{metadata:?}"); println!("{metadata2:?}"); assert!(metadata == metadata2, "meta not equal"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn range() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; ReadOptions::builder().iid_index(0..2).i8().read(&mut bed)?; ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(0..=2) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; ReadOptions::builder().iid_index(..2).i8().read(&mut bed)?; ReadOptions::builder().iid_index(..=2).i8().read(&mut bed)?; ReadOptions::builder().iid_index(0..).i8().read(&mut bed)?; ReadOptions::builder().iid_index(..).i8().read(&mut bed)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn nd_slice() -> Result<(), Box> { let ndarray = nd::array![0, 1, 2, 3]; println!("{:?}", ndarray.slice(nd::s![1..3])); // [1, 2] println!("{:?}", ndarray.slice(nd::s![1..3;-1])); // [2, 1] #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)] let slice = nd::s![3..1;-1]; println!("{:?}", ndarray.slice(slice)); // [] let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(nd::s![0..2]) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(nd::s![..2]) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(nd::s![0..]) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(nd::s![0..2]) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(nd::s![-2..-1;-1]) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn skip_coverage() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut bed = Bed::builder(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?) .skip_fid() .skip_iid() .skip_father() .skip_mother() .skip_sex() .skip_pheno() .skip_chromosome() .skip_sid() .skip_cm_position() .skip_bp_position() .skip_allele_1() .skip_allele_2() .build()?; bed.mother().unwrap_err(); Ok(()) } #[test] fn into_iter() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::builder(file_name) .fid(["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]) .iid(["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]) .father(["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]) .mother(["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]) .sex([0, 0, 0]) .pheno(["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]) .chromosome(["a", "b", "c", "d"]) .sid(["a", "b", "c", "d"]) .bp_position([0, 0, 0, 0]) .cm_position([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) .allele_1(["a", "b", "c", "d"]) .allele_2(["a", "b", "c", "d"]) .build()?; let _ = bed.pheno()?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)] #[test] fn range_same() -> Result<(), Box> { let a = rt1(3..0); println!("{:?}", a); let b = rt23((3..0).into()); println!("{:?}", b); assert_same_result(rt1(3..0), rt23((3..0).into())); assert_same_result(rt1(1000..), rt23((1000..).into())); assert_same_result(rt1(..), rt23((..).into())); assert_same_result(rt1(..3), rt23((..3).into())); assert_same_result(rt1(..=3), rt23((..=3).into())); assert_same_result(rt1(1..), rt23((1..).into())); assert_same_result(rt1(1..3), rt23((1..3).into())); assert_same_result(rt1(1..=3), rt23((1..=3).into())); assert_same_result(rt1(2..=2), rt23((2..=2).into())); Ok(()) } #[test] fn nd_slice_same() -> Result<(), Box> { assert_same_result(nds1(s![1000..]), rt23(s![1000..].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![..1000]), rt23(s![..1000].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![999..1000]), rt23(s![999..1000].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![-1000..]), rt23(s![-1000..].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![..-1000]), rt23(s![..-1000].into())); #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)] assert_same_result(nds1(s![-999..-1000]), rt23(s![-999..-1000].into())); #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)] assert_same_result(nds1(s![3..0]), rt23(s![3..0].into())); #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)] assert_same_result(nds1(s![-1..-2]), rt23(s![-1..-2].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![..-3]), rt23(s![..-3].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![..=-3]), rt23(s![..=-3].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![-1..]), rt23(s![-1..].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![-3..-1]), rt23(s![-3..-1].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![-3..=-1]), rt23(s![-3..=-1].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![-3..=-1]), rt23(s![-3..=-1].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![-2..=-2]), rt23(s![-2..=-2].into())); #[allow(clippy::reversed_empty_ranges)] assert_same_result(nds1(s![1..-1]), rt23(s![1..-1].into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![..]), rt23((s![..]).into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![..3]), rt23((s![..3]).into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![..=3]), rt23((s![..=3]).into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![1..]), rt23((s![1..]).into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![1..3]), rt23((s![1..3]).into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![1..=3]), rt23((s![1..=3]).into())); assert_same_result(nds1(s![2..=2]), rt23(s![2..=2].into())); Ok(()) } #[test] fn counts_and_files() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; // We give the wrong number for iid_count and then expect an error let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name) .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3", "i4"]) .build()?; let iid_count = bed.iid_count()?; assert_eq!(iid_count, 4); let fid_result = bed.fid(); assert_error_variant!( fid_result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); assert_error_variant!( Bed::builder(&file_name) .fid(["f1", "f1", "f1"]) .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3", "i4"]) .build(), BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name) .bim_path(sample_file("small.bad_bim")?) .build()?; assert_error_variant!( bed.sid(), BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::MetadataFieldCount(_, _, _)) ); // We give the wrong number for iid_count and then expect an error let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).iid_count(4).build()?; assert_eq!(bed.iid_count()?, 4); assert_error_variant!( bed.iid(), BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name) .bim_path(sample_file("small.bim")?) .build()?; assert_eq!(bed.iid_count()?, 3); assert_eq!(bed.sid_count()?, 4); let mut bed = Bed::new(&file_name)?; assert_eq!(bed.iid_count()?, 3); assert_eq!(bed.sid_count()?, 4); let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).build()?; let _ = bed.iid()?; let _ = bed.iid_count()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn bool_read() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let result = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index([false, false, true, false]) .i8() .read(&mut bed); println!("{result:?}"); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::BoolArrayVectorWrongLength(_, _)) ); let _val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index([false, false, true]) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn i8_etc() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let _val = ReadOptions::builder() .f() .i8() .iid_index([false, false, true]) .read(&mut bed)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn fill() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let read_options = ReadOptions::builder() .f() .i8() .iid_index([false, false, true]) .build()?; let mut val = nd::Array2::::default((3, 4)); let result = bed.read_and_fill_with_options(&mut val.view_mut(), &read_options); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InvalidShape(_, _, _, _)) ); let mut val = nd::Array2::::default((1, 4)); bed.read_and_fill_with_options(&mut val.view_mut(), &read_options)?; assert_eq!(bed.dim()?, (3, 4)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn read_options_builder() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; // Read the SNPs indexed by 2. let val = ReadOptions::builder().sid_index(2).f64().read(&mut bed)?; assert_eq_nan(&val, &nd::array![[f64::NAN], [f64::NAN], [2.0]]); // Read the SNPs indexed by 2, 3, and 0. let val = ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index([2, 3, 0]) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert_eq_nan( &val, &nd::array![[f64::NAN, 0.0, 1.0], [f64::NAN, 2.0, 2.0], [2.0, 0.0, 0.0]], ); // Read SNPs from 1 (inclusive) to 4 (exclusive). let val = ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index(1..4) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert_eq_nan( &val, &nd::array![[0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0], [0.0, f64::NAN, 2.0], [1.0, 2.0, 0.0]], ); // Print unique chrom values. Then, read all SNPs in chrom 5. use std::collections::HashSet; println!("{:?}", bed.chromosome()?.iter().collect::>()); // This outputs: {"5", "1", "Y"}. let val = ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index(bed.chromosome()?.map(|elem| elem == "5")) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert_eq_nan(&val, &nd::array![[f64::NAN], [f64::NAN], [2.0]]); // Read 1st individual (across all SNPs). let val = ReadOptions::builder().iid_index(0).f64().read(&mut bed)?; assert_eq_nan(&val, &nd::array![[1.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0]]); // Read every 2nd individual. use ndarray::s; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(s![..;2]) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert_eq_nan( &val, &nd::array![[1.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0]], ); // Read last and 2nd-to-last individuals and the last SNPs let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index([-1, -2]) .sid_index(-1) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; println!("{:?}", &val); assert_eq_nan(&val, &nd::array![[0.0], [2.0]]); Ok(()) } #[test] fn bed_builder() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).build()?; println!("{:?}", bed.iid()?); println!("{:?}", bed.sid()?); let val =; assert_eq_nan( &val, &nd::array![ [1.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 2.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0] ], ); let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).build()?; let val = ReadOptions::builder().sid_index(2).f64().read(&mut bed)?; assert_eq_nan(&val, &nd::array![[f64::NAN], [f64::NAN], [2.0]]); let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name) .iid(["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]) .build()?; println!("{:?}", bed.iid()?); // replaced println!("{:?}", bed.sid()?); // same as before let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).iid_count(3).sid_count(4).build()?; let val =; assert_eq_nan( &val, &nd::array![ [1.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 2.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0] ], ); let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name) .skip_father() .skip_mother() .skip_sex() .skip_pheno() .skip_allele_1() .skip_allele_2() .build()?; println!("{:?}", bed.iid()?); bed.allele_2().expect_err("Can't be read"); Ok::<(), Box>(()) } #[test] #[allow(clippy::needless_borrows_for_generic_args)] fn negative_indexing() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(&file_name)?; // println!("{:?}",; // [[1.0, 0.0, NaN, 0.0], // [2.0, 0.0, NaN, 2.0], // [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0]], shape=[3, 4], strides=[1, 3], layout=Ff (0xa), const ndim=2 // iid range is -4ERROR -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3ERROR // sid range is -5ERROR -4 ... 3 4ERROR for index in [-4, 3] { match ReadOptions::builder().iid_index(index).i8().read(&mut bed) { Err(ref boxed_error) => match **boxed_error { BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::IidIndexTooBig(x)) => { assert_eq!(x, index); } _ => panic!("test failure"), }, _ => panic!("test failure"), } } for index in [-3, 0] { let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; // println!("{val:?}"); assert!(val[[0, 0]] == 1,); } for index in [-1, 2] { let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; // println!("{val:?}"); assert!(val[[0, 0]] == 0,); } for index in [-5, 4] { match ReadOptions::builder().sid_index(index).i8().read(&mut bed) { Err(ref boxed_error) => match **boxed_error { BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::SidIndexTooBig(x)) => { assert_eq!(x, index); } _ => panic!("test failure"), }, _ => panic!("test failure"), } } for index in [-4, 0] { let val = ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index(index) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; // println!("{val:?}"); assert!(val[[0, 0]] == 1,); } for index in [-1, 3] { let val = ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index(index) .i8() .read(&mut bed)?; // println!("{val:?}"); assert!(val[[0, 0]] == 0,); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn index_doc() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("some_missing.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; println!("{:?}", bed.dim()?); // prints (100, 100) // Read all individuals and all SNPs let val = ReadOptions::builder().f64().read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (100, 100)); // Read the individual at index position 10 and all SNPs let val = ReadOptions::builder().iid_index(10).f64().read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (1, 100)); // Read the individuals at index positions 0,5, 1st-from-the-end and // the SNP at index position 3 let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(vec![0, 5, -1]) .sid_index(3) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (3, 1)); // Repeat, but with an ndarray let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(nd::array![0, 5, -1]) .sid_index(3) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (3, 1)); // Repeat, but with an Rust array let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index([0, 5, -1]) .sid_index(3) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (3, 1)); // Create a boolean ndarray identifying SNPs in chromosome 5, // then select those SNPs. let chrom_5 = bed.chromosome()?.map(|elem| elem == "5"); let val = ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index(chrom_5) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (100, 6)); // Use ndarray's slice macro, [`s!`](, // to select every 2nd individual and every 3rd SNP. let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(s![..;2]) .sid_index(s![..;3]) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (50, 34)); // Use ndarray's slice macro, [`s!`](, // to select the 10th-from-last individual to the last, in reverse order, // and every 3rd SNP in reverse order.) let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(s![-10..;-1]) .sid_index(s![..;-3]) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (10, 34)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn index_options() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut bed = Bed::new(sample_bed_file("some_missing.bed")?)?; #[allow(clippy::let_unit_value)] let index: () = (); let all = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(all.dim() == (100, 100)); let mut index: [bool; 100] = [false; 100]; index[0] = true; index[2] = true; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all .select(nd::Axis(0), [0, 2].as_slice()) .select(nd::Axis(1), [0, 2].as_slice()); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let mut index: nd::Array1 = nd::Array::from_elem(100, false); index[0] = true; index[2] = true; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(&index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all .select(nd::Axis(0), [0, 2].as_slice()) .select(nd::Axis(1), [0, 2].as_slice()); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let mut index: Vec = vec![false; 100]; index[0] = true; index[2] = true; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(&index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all .select(nd::Axis(0), [0, 2].as_slice()) .select(nd::Axis(1), [0, 2].as_slice()); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: isize = 2; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all.slice(s![2isize..=2, 2isize..=2]); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: isize = -1; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all.slice(s![99isize..=99, 99isize..=99]); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: Vec = vec![0, 10, -2]; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(&index) .sid_index(&index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected_index = vec![0, 10, 98usize]; let expected = all .select(nd::Axis(0), expected_index.as_slice()) .select(nd::Axis(1), expected_index.as_slice()); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: &[isize] = &[0, 10, -2]; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected_index = vec![0, 10, 98usize]; let expected = all .select(nd::Axis(0), expected_index.as_slice()) .select(nd::Axis(1), expected_index.as_slice()); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index([0, 10, -2]) .sid_index([0, 10, -2]) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected_index = vec![0, 10, 98usize]; let expected = all .select(nd::Axis(0), expected_index.as_slice()) .select(nd::Axis(1), expected_index.as_slice()); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: nd::Array1 = nd::array![0, 10, -2]; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(&index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected_index = vec![0, 10, 98usize]; let expected = all .select(nd::Axis(0), expected_index.as_slice()) .select(nd::Axis(1), expected_index.as_slice()); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: std::ops::Range = 10..20; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(&index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all.slice(s![10usize..20, 10usize..20]); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: std::ops::RangeFrom = 50..; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(&index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all.slice(s![50usize.., 50usize..]); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: std::ops::RangeFull = ..; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all.slice(s![.., ..]); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: std::ops::RangeTo = ..3; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all.slice(s![..3, ..3]); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: std::ops::RangeToInclusive = ..=19; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all.slice(s![..=19, ..=19]); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: std::ops::RangeInclusive = 1..=3; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(&index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all.slice(s![1..=3, 1..=3]); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); let index: SliceInfo1 = s![-20..-10;-2]; let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(index) .sid_index(index) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; let expected = all.slice(s![-20..-10;-2,-20..-10;-2]); assert!( allclose(&val.view(), &expected.view(), 1e-08, true), "not close" ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn set_metadata() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let metadata = Metadata::builder() .iid(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"]) .sid(["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"]) .build()?; let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).metadata(&metadata).build()?; let metadata2 = bed.metadata()?; println!("{metadata2:?}"); let mut bed = Bed::new(&file_name)?; let metadata = bed.metadata()?; println!("{metadata:?}"); let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name).metadata(&metadata).build()?; let metadata2 = bed.metadata()?; println!("{metadata2:?}"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_print() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let fid = bed.fid()?; println!("{fid:?}"); // Outputs ndarray ["fid1", "fid1", "fid2"] let iid = bed.iid()?; println!("{iid:?}"); // Outputs ndarray ["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"] let father = bed.father()?; println!("{father:?}"); // Outputs ndarray ["iid23", "iid23", "iid22"] let mother = bed.mother()?; println!("{mother:?}"); // Outputs ndarray ["iid34", "iid34", "iid33"] let sex =; println!("{sex:?}"); // Outputs ndarray [1, 2, 0] let pheno = bed.pheno()?; println!("{pheno:?}"); // Outputs ndarray ["red", "red", "blue"] let chromosome = bed.chromosome()?; println!("{chromosome:?}"); // Outputs ndarray ["1", "1", "5", "Y" let sid = bed.sid()?; println!("{sid:?}"); // Outputs ndarray "sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"] let cm_position = bed.cm_position()?; println!("{cm_position:?}"); // Outputs ndarray [100.4, 2000.5, 4000.7, 7000.9] let bp_position = bed.bp_position()?; println!("{bp_position:?}"); // Outputs ndarray [1, 100, 1000, 1004] let allele_1 = bed.allele_1()?; println!("{allele_1:?}"); // Outputs ndarray ["A", "T", "A", "T"] let allele_2 = bed.allele_2()?; println!("{allele_2:?}"); // Outputs ndarray ["A", "C", "C", "G"] Ok(()) } #[test] fn iid_index() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("some_missing.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; // Read the individual at index position 3 let val = ReadOptions::builder().iid_index(3).f64().read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (1, 100)); // Read the individuals at index positions 0, 5, and 1st-from-last. let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index([0, 5, -1]) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (3, 100)); // Read the individuals at index positions 20 (inclusive) to 30 (exclusive). let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(20..30) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (10, 100)); // Read the individuals at every 2nd index position. let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(s![..;2]) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; assert!(val.dim() == (50, 100)); // Read chromosome 5 of the the female individuals. let female =|elem| *elem == 2); let chrom_5 = bed.chromosome()?.map(|elem| elem == "5"); let val = ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(female) .sid_index(chrom_5) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; println!("{:?}", val.dim()); assert_eq!(val.dim(), (50, 6)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_options_metadata() -> Result<(), Box> { // This test check interesting combinations of these options: // A: setting metadata (twice?) // B: giving val (early, late) // C: setting iid_count let output_folder = TempDir::default(); let output_file = output_folder.join("small.bed"); // let write_options_result = WriteOptions::::builder(&output_file).build(0, 0); println!("{write_options_result:?}"); // Outputs fields of None write_options_result?; // A let write_options_result = WriteOptions::::builder(&output_file) .iid(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"]) .build(3, 4); println!("{write_options_result:?}"); // Outputs field of iid let iid_count = write_options_result?.iid_count(); assert_eq!(iid_count, 3); // AA let write_options_result = WriteOptions::::builder(&output_file) .chromosome(["1", "1", "1"]) .sid(["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"]) .build(3, 4); println!("{write_options_result:?}"); // Outputs field of iid assert_error_variant!( write_options_result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // B early let val = nd::array![ [1.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 2.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0] ]; WriteOptions::builder(&output_file).write(&val)?; assert_eq!(3, Bed::new(&output_file)?.iid_count()?); // B late let write_options = WriteOptions::::builder(&output_file).build(3, 4)?; Bed::write_with_options(&val, &write_options)?; let sid_count = write_options.sid_count(); println!("{sid_count:?}"); assert_eq!(4, sid_count); // BB inconsistent let val2 = nd::array![[1.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0]]; let write_options = WriteOptions::::builder(&output_file).build(3, 4)?; Bed::write_with_options(&val, &write_options)?; let result = Bed::write_with_options(&val2, &write_options); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // C let write_options_result = WriteOptions::::builder(&output_file).build(3, 4); println!("{write_options_result:?}"); // Outputs field of iid let sid_count = write_options_result?.sid_count(); assert_eq!(sid_count, 4); // AC inconsistent let write_options_result = WriteOptions::::builder(&output_file) .iid(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"]) .build(4, 4); assert_error_variant!( write_options_result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // AB early inconsistent let result = WriteOptions::builder(&output_file) .iid(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3", "iid4"]) .write(&val); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // AB late inconsistent let write_options = WriteOptions::builder(&output_file) .iid(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3", "iid4"]) .build(4, 4)?; let result = Bed::write_with_options(&val, &write_options); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // BC late inconsistent let write_options = WriteOptions::builder(&output_file).build(4, 4)?; let result = Bed::write_with_options(&val, &write_options); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // ABC early consistent WriteOptions::builder(&output_file) .sid(["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"]) .write(&val)?; // ABC late consistent let write_options = WriteOptions::builder(&output_file) .sid(["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"]) .build(3, 4)?; Bed::write_with_options(&val, &write_options)?; // Here Allele_1 and Allele_2 get their default values of A1,A1,... and A2,A2,... let write_options = WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .fid(["fid1", "fid1", "fid2"]) .iid(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"]) .father(["iid23", "iid23", "iid22"]) .mother(["iid34", "iid34", "iid33"]) .sex([1, 2, 0]) .pheno(["red", "red", "blue"]) .chromosome(["1", "1", "5", "Y"]) .sid(["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"]) .cm_position([100.4, 2000.5, 4000.7, 7000.9]) .bp_position([1, 100, 1000, 1004]) .f32() .build(3, 4)?; let metadata = write_options.metadata(); println!("{metadata:?}"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_use() -> Result<(), Box> { // Extract metadata from a file. // Create a random file with the same metadata. let mut bed = Bed::new(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?)?; let metadata = bed.metadata()?; let shape = bed.dim()?; let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0); let val = nd::Array::random_using(shape, Uniform::from(-1..3), &mut rng); let temp_out = TempDir::default(); let output_file = temp_out.join("random.bed"); WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .metadata(&metadata) .missing_value(-1) .write(&val)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_same() -> Result<(), Box> { let iid_count = 1_000; let sid_count = 5_000; let file_count = 10; let metadata = Metadata::builder() .iid((0..iid_count).map(|iid_index| format!("iid_{iid_index}"))) .sid((0..sid_count).map(|sid_index| format!("sid_{sid_index}"))) .build()?; let temp_out = TempDir::default(); for file_index in 0..file_count { let output_file = temp_out.join(format!("random{file_index}.bed")); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0); let val = nd::Array::random_using((iid_count, sid_count), Uniform::from(-1..3), &mut rng); WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .metadata(&metadata) .missing_value(-1) .write(&val)?; } Ok(()) } // A - apply to reading // B - extract from reading // C - apply to writing // D - extra from options when writing // CD // create 10 files with the same metadata // structs: Metadata, Bed, ReadOptions, WriteOptions #[test] fn struct_play() -> Result<(), Box> { // Bed // can't construct Bed directly because some fields are private // can't change pub properties because there are none // make ReadOptions directly or change? no, no pub fields // make WriteOptions directly or change? no, no pub fields // make Metadata directly or change? no, no pub fields // Can you change a value in a vector? No, because can't be borrowed as mutable let metadata = Metadata::builder().build()?.fill(100, 100)?; println!("{0:?}", metadata.iid()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_bed() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let metadata = bed.metadata()?; println!("{0:?}", metadata.iid()); // Outputs Some(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"] ...) println!("{0:?}", metadata.sid()); // Outputs Some(["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"] ...) Ok(()) } fn rt1(range_thing: R) -> Result, Box>, Box> where R: std::ops::RangeBounds + std::fmt::Debug + Clone + std::slice::SliceIndex<[isize], Output = [isize]> + std::panic::RefUnwindSafe, { println!("Running {:?}", &range_thing); let file_name = sample_bed_file("toydata.5chrom.bed")?; let result1 = catch_unwind(|| { let mut bed = Bed::new(&file_name).unwrap(); let all: Vec = (0..(bed.iid_count().unwrap() as isize)).collect(); let mut bed = Bed::new(&file_name).unwrap(); let iid_index: &[isize] = &all[range_thing.clone()]; ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(iid_index) .i8() .read(&mut bed) }); match result1 { Err(_) => Err(BedError::PanickedThread().into()), Ok(bed_result) => Ok(bed_result), } } fn rt2( range_thing: bed_reader::Index, ) -> Result, Box>, Box> { println!("Running {:?}", &range_thing); let file_name = sample_bed_file("toydata.5chrom.bed")?; let result2 = catch_unwind(|| { let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name).unwrap(); ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(range_thing) .i8() .read(&mut bed) }); match result2 { Err(_) => Err(BedError::PanickedThread().into()), Ok(bed_result) => Ok(bed_result), } } fn rt23(range_thing: bed_reader::Index) -> (RrArray2, RrUsize) { (rt2(range_thing.clone()), rt3(range_thing)) } fn rt3( range_thing: bed_reader::Index, ) -> Result>, Box> { println!("Running {:?}", &range_thing); let file_name = sample_bed_file("toydata.5chrom.bed").unwrap(); let result3 = catch_unwind(|| { let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name).unwrap(); range_thing.len(bed.iid_count().unwrap()).unwrap() }); match result3 { Err(_) => Err(BedError::PanickedThread().into()), Ok(bed_result) => Ok(Ok(bed_result)), } } fn nds1( range_thing: SliceInfo1, ) -> Result, Box>, Box> { println!("Running {:?}", &range_thing); let file_name = sample_bed_file("toydata.5chrom.bed")?; let result1 = catch_unwind(|| { let mut bed = Bed::new(&file_name).unwrap(); let all: nd::Array1 = (0..(bed.iid_count().unwrap() as isize)).collect(); let mut bed = Bed::new(&file_name).unwrap(); let iid_index = &all.slice(&range_thing); ReadOptions::builder() .iid_index(iid_index) .i8() .read(&mut bed) }); match result1 { Err(_) => Err(BedError::PanickedThread().into()), Ok(bed_result) => Ok(bed_result), } } type RrArray2 = Result, Box>, Box>; type RrUsize = Result>, Box>; fn assert_same_result(result1: RrArray2, result23: (RrArray2, RrUsize)) { let result2 = result23.0; let result3 = result23.1; let err1 = is_err2(&result1); let err2 = is_err2(&result2); let err3 = is_err2(&result3); if err1 || err2 || err3 { if !err1 || !err2 || !err3 { println!("{result1:?}"); println!("{result2:?}"); println!("{result3:?}"); panic!("all should panic/error the same"); } return; } let result1 = result1.unwrap().unwrap(); let result2 = result2.unwrap().unwrap(); let result3 = result3.unwrap().unwrap(); println!("{result1:?}"); println!("{result2:?}"); println!("{result3:?}"); assert!( allclose(&result1.view(), &result2.view(), 0, true), "not close" ); assert!(result1.dim().0 == result3, "not same length"); } fn is_err2(result_result: &Result>, Box>) -> bool { !matches!(result_result, Ok(Ok(_))) } #[test] fn read_and_fill_with_options() -> Result<(), Box> { use bed_reader::assert_eq_nan; use bed_reader::{Bed, ReadOptions}; use ndarray as nd; // Read the SNPs indexed by 2. let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let read_options = ReadOptions::builder().sid_index(2).build()?; let mut val = nd::Array2::::default((3, 1)); bed.read_and_fill_with_options(&mut val.view_mut(), &read_options)?; assert_eq_nan(&val, &nd::array![[f64::NAN], [f64::NAN], [2.0]]); let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let mut val = nd::Array2::::default((3, 1)); ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index(2) .read_and_fill(&mut bed, &mut val.view_mut())?; assert_eq_nan(&val, &nd::array![[f64::NAN], [f64::NAN], [2.0]]); Ok(()) } #[test] fn bed_builder_metadata() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; // show that can fine errors let metadata = Metadata::builder() .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) .sid(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]) .build()?; let result = Bed::builder(&file_name) .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"]) .metadata(&metadata) .build(); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); let metadata = Metadata::builder() .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) .sid(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]) .build()?; let mut bed = Bed::builder(&file_name) .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3"]) .iid(["x1", "x2", "x3"]) .metadata(&metadata) .build()?; println!("{0:?}", bed.fid()?); // Outputs ndarray ["f1", "f2", "f3"] println!("{0:?}", bed.iid()?); // Outputs ndarray ["i1", "i2", "i3"] println!("{0:?}", bed.sid()?); // Outputs ndarray ["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"] println!("{0:?}", bed.chromosome()?); // Outputs ndarray ["1", "1", "5", "Y"] let mut bed = Bed::builder(file_name) .skip_fid() .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3"]) .iid(["x1", "x2", "x3"]) .metadata(&metadata) .build()?; bed.fid().expect_err("Should fail"); println!("{0:?}", bed.iid()?); // Outputs ndarray ["i1", "i2", "i3"] println!("{0:?}", bed.sid()?); // Outputs ndarray ["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"] println!("{0:?}", bed.chromosome()?); // Outputs ndarray ["1", "1", "5", "Y"] Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_options_builder_metadata() -> Result<(), Box> { let output_folder = TempDir::default(); let output_file = output_folder.join("small_m.bed"); let metadata = Metadata::builder() .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) .sid(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]) .build()?; let write_options = WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .f32() .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3"]) .iid(["x1", "x2", "x3"]) .metadata(&metadata) .build(3, 4)?; println!("{0:?}", write_options.fid()); // Outputs ndarray ["f1", "f2", "f3"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.iid()); // Outputs ndarray ["i1", "i2", "i3"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.sid()); // Outputs ndarray ["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.chromosome()); // Outputs ndarray ["0", "0", "0", "0"] Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_builder_metadata() -> Result<(), Box> { let metadata1 = Metadata::builder() .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) .sid(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]) .build()?; let metadata2 = Metadata::builder() .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3"]) .iid(["x1", "x2", "x3"]) .metadata(&metadata1) .build()?; println!("{0:?}", metadata2.fid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["f1", "f2", "f3"]...) println!("{0:?}", metadata2.iid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["i1", "i2", "i3"]...) println!("{0:?}", metadata2.sid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]...) println!("{0:?}", metadata2.chromosome()); // Outputs None Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_builder() -> Result<(), Box> { let metadata = Metadata::builder() .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) .sid(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]) .build()?; let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0); let val = nd::Array::random_using((3, 4), Uniform::from(-1..3), &mut rng); let temp_out = TempDir::default(); let output_file = temp_out.join("random.bed"); WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .metadata(&metadata) .missing_value(-1) .write(&val)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_read_fam_bim() -> Result<(), Box> { let skip_set = HashSet::::new(); let metadata_empty = Metadata::new(); let (metadata_fam, iid_count) = metadata_empty.read_fam(sample_file("small.fam")?, &skip_set)?; let (metadata_bim, sid_count) = metadata_fam.read_bim(sample_file("small.bim")?, &skip_set)?; assert_eq!(iid_count, 3); assert_eq!(sid_count, 4); println!("{0:?}", metadata_bim.iid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"]...) println!("{0:?}", metadata_bim.sid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["sid1", "sid2", "sid3", "sid4"]...) println!("{0:?}", metadata_bim.chromosome()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["1", "1", "5", "Y"]...) Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_fill() -> Result<(), Box> { let metadata0 = Metadata::builder() .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) .sid(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]) .build()?; let metadata_filled = metadata0.fill(3, 4)?; println!("{0:?}", metadata_filled.iid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["i1", "i2", "i3"]...) println!("{0:?}", metadata_filled.sid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]...) println!("{0:?}", metadata_filled.chromosome()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["0", "0", "0", "0"]...) Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_fam_bim_write() -> Result<(), Box> { let metadata0 = Metadata::builder() .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) .sid(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]) .build()?; let metadata_filled = metadata0.fill(3, 4)?; let temp_out = TempDir::default(); let output_file = temp_out.join("no_bed.fam"); metadata_filled.write_fam(output_file)?; let temp_out = TempDir::default(); let output_file = temp_out.join("no_bed.bim"); metadata_filled.write_bim(output_file)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_iid_sid() -> Result<(), Box> { let metadata = Metadata::builder().iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]).build()?; println!("{0:?}", metadata.iid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["i1", "i2", "i3"]...) println!("{0:?}", metadata.sid()); // Outputs None Ok(()) } #[test] fn read_options_properties() -> Result<(), Box> { let read_options = ReadOptions::builder().sid_index([2, 3, 0]).i8().build()?; assert_eq!(read_options.missing_value(), -127); println!("{0:?}", read_options.iid_index()); // Outputs 'All' println!("{0:?}", read_options.sid_index()); // Outputs 'Vec([2, 3, 0])' assert!(read_options.is_f()); assert!(read_options.is_a1_counted()); assert_eq!(read_options.num_threads(), None); let file_name = sample_bed_file("small.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; let val = bed.read_with_options(&read_options)?; assert_eq_nan(&val, &nd::array![[-127, 0, 1], [-127, 2, 2], [2, 0, 0]]); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_options_properties() -> Result<(), Box> { let output_folder = TempDir::default(); let output_file = output_folder.join("small.bed"); let write_options = WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .f64() .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) .sid(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]) .build(3, 4)?; println!("{0:?}", write_options.path()); // Outputs "...small.bed" println!("{0:?}", write_options.fam_path()); // Outputs "...small.fam" println!("{0:?}", write_options.bim_path()); // Outputs "...small.bim" println!("{0:?}", write_options.fid()); // Outputs ndarray ["0", "0", "0"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.iid()); // Outputs ndarray ["i1", "i2", "i3"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.father()); // Outputs ndarray ["0", "0", "0"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.mother()); // Outputs ndarray ["0", "0", "0"] println!("{0:?}",; // Outputs ndarray [0, 0, 0] println!("{0:?}", write_options.pheno()); // Outputs ndarray ["0", "0", "0"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.chromosome()); // Outputs ndarray ["0", "0", "0", "0"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.sid()); // Outputs ndarray ["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.cm_position()); // Outputs ndarray [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] println!("{0:?}", write_options.bp_position()); // Outputs ndarray [0, 0, 0, 0] println!("{0:?}", write_options.allele_1()); // Outputs ndarray ["A1", "A1", "A1", "A1"] println!("{0:?}", write_options.allele_2()); // Outputs ndarray ["A2", "A2", "A2", "A2"] let metadata = write_options.metadata(); println!("{0:?}", metadata.iid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) assert_eq!(write_options.iid_count(), 3); assert_eq!(write_options.sid_count(), 4); assert_eq!(write_options.dim(), (3, 4)); let val = nd::array![ [1.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 0.0], [2.0, 0.0, f64::NAN, 2.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0] ]; Bed::write_with_options(&val, &write_options)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_options_builder() -> Result<(), Box> { let output_folder = TempDir::default(); let output_file = output_folder.join("small.bed"); let val = nd::array![[1, 0, -127, 0], [2, 0, -127, 2], [0, 1, 2, 0]]; WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .num_threads(1) .write(&val)?; let output_folder = TempDir::default(); let output_file = output_folder.join("small.deb"); let val = nd::array![[1, 0, -127, 0], [2, 0, -127, 2], [0, 1, 2, 0]]; WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .fam_path(output_folder.join("small.maf")) .bim_path(output_folder.join("small.mib")) .write(&val)?; Ok(()) } // Bed, file set iid and fid and metadata and iid_count, and check if error is caught #[test] fn bed_inconsistent_count() -> Result<(), Box> { // Bed: fid vs metadata let metadata = Metadata::builder().iid(["f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"]).build()?; let result = Bed::builder(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?) .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3"]) .metadata(&metadata) .build(); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // Bed: file vs file: let mut bed = Bed::builder(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?) .fam_path(sample_file("small.fam_bad")?) .skip_iid() .skip_father() .skip_mother() .skip_sex() .skip_pheno() .build()?; let result = bed.fid(); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::MetadataFieldCount(_, _, _)) ); // Bed: fid vs iid let result = Bed::builder(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?) .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3"]) .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3", "i4"]) .build(); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // Bed: iid vs file let mut bed = Bed::builder(sample_bed_file("small.bed")?) .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3", "i4"]) .build()?; let result = bed.fid(); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); Ok(()) } // WriteOptions, file set iid and fid and metadata and iid_count, and check if error is caught #[test] fn write_options_inconsistent_count() -> Result<(), Box> { let temp_out = TempDir::default(); let output_file = temp_out.join("small.bed"); // WriteOptions: fid vs build let metadata = Metadata::builder().build()?; let result = WriteOptions::builder(&output_file) .i8() .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"]) .metadata(&metadata) .build(3, 4); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // WriteOptions: metadata vs build let metadata = Metadata::builder().iid(["f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"]).build()?; let result = WriteOptions::builder(&output_file) .i8() .metadata(&metadata) .build(3, 4); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); Ok(()) } // MetadataBuilders #[test] fn metadata_inconsistent_count() -> Result<(), Box> { let skip_set = HashSet::::new(); // Metadata: iid vs file let metadata = Metadata::builder().iid(["i1", "i2", "i3", "i4"]).build()?; let result = metadata.read_fam(sample_file("small.fam")?, &skip_set); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // Metadata: fid vs metadata let metadata = Metadata::builder().iid(["f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"]).build()?; let result = Metadata::builder() .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3"]) .metadata(&metadata) .build(); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // Metadata: file vs file: let metadata = Metadata::builder().build()?; let result = metadata.read_fam(sample_file("small.fam_bad")?, &skip_set); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::MetadataFieldCount(_, _, _)) ); // Metadata: fid vs iid let result = Metadata::builder() .fid(["f1", "f2", "f3"]) .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3", "i4"]) .build(); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); // Metadata: iid vs fill let metadata = Metadata::builder().iid(["i1", "i2", "i3", "i4"]).build()?; let result = metadata.fill(3, 4); assert_error_variant!( result, BedErrorPlus::BedError(BedError::InconsistentCount(_, _, _)) ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn write_options_examples() -> Result<(), Box> { let output_folder = TempDir::default(); let output_file = output_folder.join("small.bed"); let write_options = WriteOptions::builder(output_file) .i8() .iid(["i1", "i2", "i3"]) .sid(["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]) .build(3, 4)?; assert!(write_options.is_a1_counted()); assert!(write_options.num_threads().is_none()); assert!(write_options.missing_value() == -127); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parsing_metadata() -> Result<(), Box> { let bed_fam_bim = sample_files(["small.bed", "small.fam", "small.bim_bad_positions.bim"])?; let mut bed = Bed::builder(&bed_fam_bim[0]) .bim_path(&bed_fam_bim[2]) .build()?; let result = bed.cm_position(); assert_error_variant!(result, BedErrorPlus::ParseIntError(_)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn read_fam() -> Result<(), Box> { let skip_set = HashSet::::new(); let metadata_empty = Metadata::new(); let (metadata_fam, _) = metadata_empty.read_fam(sample_file("small.fam")?, &skip_set)?; // metadata_empty.read_fam("bed_reader/tests/data/small.fam", &skip_set)?; println!("{:?}", metadata_fam.iid()); // Outputs optional ndarray Some(["iid1", "iid2", "iid3"]...) Ok(()) } #[test] fn lib_intro() -> Result<(), Box> { let file_name = sample_bed_file("some_missing.bed")?; let mut bed = Bed::new(file_name)?; println!("{:?}", bed.iid()?.slice(s![..5])); // Outputs ndarray: ["iid_0", "iid_1", "iid_2", "iid_3", "iid_4"] println!("{:?}", bed.sid()?.slice(s![..5])); // Outputs ndarray: ["sid_0", "sid_1", "sid_2", "sid_3", "sid_4"] println!("{:?}", bed.chromosome()?.iter().collect::>()); // Outputs: {"12", "10", "4", "8", "19", "21", "9", "15", "6", "16", "13", "7", "17", "18", "1", "22", "11", "2", "20", "3", "5", "14"} let _ = ReadOptions::builder() .sid_index(bed.chromosome()?.map(|elem| elem == "5")) .f64() .read(&mut bed)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn metadata_iid_sid2() -> Result<(), Box> { let metadata = Metadata::builder() .iid(["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]) .build()?; println!("{:?}", metadata.iid()); // Outputs ndarray Some(["sample1", "sample2", "sample3"]) let metadata = Metadata::builder() .sid(["SNP1", "SNP2", "SNP3", "SNP4"]) .build()?; println!("{:?}", metadata.sid()); // Outputs ndarray Some(["SNP1", "SNP2", "SNP3", "SNP4"]) Ok(()) }