# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY CARGO # # When uploading crates to the registry Cargo will automatically # "normalize" Cargo.toml files for maximal compatibility # with all versions of Cargo and also rewrite `path` dependencies # to registry (e.g., crates.io) dependencies. # # If you are reading this file be aware that the original Cargo.toml # will likely look very different (and much more reasonable). # See Cargo.toml.orig for the original contents. [package] edition = "2021" name = "beet_net" version = "0.0.2" build = false autobins = false autoexamples = false autotests = false autobenches = false description = "A very flexible AI behavior library for games and robotics." homepage = "https://beetmash.com/docs/beet" documentation = "https://beetmash.com/docs/beet" readme = "README.md" keywords = [ "beet", "beetmash", "behavior", "game-ai", "robotics", ] categories = [ "science::robotics", "game-development", "simulation", "wasm", "embedded", ] license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" repository = "https://github.com/mrchantey/beet" [lib] name = "beet_net" path = "src/lib.rs" [[example]] name = "client" path = "examples/client.rs" required-features = ["tokio"] [[example]] name = "two_clients" path = "examples/two_clients.rs" required-features = ["tokio"] [dependencies.anyhow] version = "1.0.75" [dependencies.beet_ecs] version = "0.0.2" optional = true [dependencies.bevy] version = "0.14" features = [] default-features = false [dependencies.bincode] version = "1" [dependencies.extend] version = "1.1.2" [dependencies.flume] version = "0.11" [dependencies.forky_core] version = "0.1.50" [dependencies.log] version = "0.4" [dependencies.serde] version = "1" features = ["derive"] [dependencies.serde_json] version = "1" optional = true [dependencies.strum] version = "0.26.0" features = ["derive"] [dependencies.strum_macros] version = "0.26.0" [dev-dependencies.pretty_env_logger] version = "0.4" [dev-dependencies.rand] version = "0.8" [dev-dependencies.sweet] version = "0.1.50" features = ["bevy"] [features] beet_ecs = ["dep:beet_ecs"] default = [ "beet_ecs", "serde_json", ] serde_json = ["dep:serde_json"] tokio = [ "dep:tokio", "dep:tokio-tungstenite", "dep:futures-util", ] [target."cfg(not(target_arch = \"wasm32\"))".dependencies.futures-util] version = "0.3" features = [ "sink", "std", ] optional = true default-features = false [target."cfg(not(target_arch = \"wasm32\"))".dependencies.tokio] version = "1.35" features = ["full"] optional = true [target."cfg(not(target_arch = \"wasm32\"))".dependencies.tokio-tungstenite] version = "0.21" optional = true [target."cfg(not(target_arch = \"wasm32\"))".dev-dependencies.tokio] version = "1.35" features = ["full"] [target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.forky_web] version = "0.1.50" [target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.js-sys] version = "0.3" [target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.wasm-bindgen] version = "0.2" [target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.wasm-bindgen-futures] version = "0.4" [target."cfg(target_arch = \"wasm32\")".dependencies.web-sys] version = "0.3" features = [ "Headers", "Document", "Element", "Window", "Cache", "CacheStorage", "HtmlIFrameElement", "DomRectReadOnly", "MediaQueryList", "MouseEvent", "KeyboardEvent", "CustomEvent", "CustomEventInit", "Gpu", "console", "Navigator", "Performance", "Request", "RequestInit", "RequestMode", "Response", "Blob", "BlobEvent", "BlobEventInit", "BlobPropertyBag", "HtmlAnchorElement", "HtmlCanvasElement", "HtmlInputElement", "File", "FileList", "Url", "History", "Location", "UrlSearchParams", "IdbCursor", "IdbCursorDirection", "IdbCursorWithValue", "IdbDatabase", "IdbFactory", "IdbFileHandle", "IdbFileMetadataParameters", "IdbFileRequest", "IdbIndex", "IdbIndexParameters", "IdbKeyRange", "IdbLocaleAwareKeyRange", "IdbMutableFile", "IdbObjectStore", "IdbObjectStoreParameters", "IdbOpenDbOptions", "IdbOpenDbRequest", "IdbRequest", "IdbRequestReadyState", "IdbTransaction", "IdbTransactionMode", "IdbVersionChangeEvent", "IdbVersionChangeEventInit", ]