use std::env::var_os; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::io::Write; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; static REDOC_INPUT: &'static str = concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/openapi/bellhop.yaml"); enum GenResult { Missing, Failure, Success, } /// Try to run `redoc-cli` to generate the API documentation from the swagger /// spec. fn generate_redoc() -> GenResult { let redoc_cli: PathBuf = var_os("REDOC_CLI") .unwrap_or(OsString::from("redoc-cli")) .into(); let mut redoc_output: PathBuf = var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap().into(); redoc_output.push("redoc-static.html"); let output = Command::new(redoc_cli) .arg("bundle") .arg(REDOC_INPUT) .arg("--output") .arg(redoc_output) .status(); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", REDOC_INPUT); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=REDOC_CLI"); let status = match output { Ok(o) => o, Err(_) => { println!( "cargo:warning=Unable to execute redoc-cli. API documentation won't be generated." ); println!( "cargo:warning=Use npm to install redoc-cli or set the env. variable REDOC_CLI." ); return GenResult::Missing; } }; if status.success() { GenResult::Success } else { println!("cargo:warning=redoc-cli returned a non-zero exit status"); GenResult::Failure } } static MISSING: &'static str = r#"pub static HTML: &'static str = "API documentation missing";"#; static INCLUDE: &'static str = r#"pub static HTML: &'static str = include_str!("redoc-static.html");"#; fn generate_stub(txt: &str) { let mut output: PathBuf = var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap().into(); output.push(""); let mut file = OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .truncate(true) .open(output) .expect("unable to open stub file for API docs"); file.write_all(txt.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } fn main() { match generate_redoc() { GenResult::Missing => generate_stub(MISSING), GenResult::Success => generate_stub(INCLUDE), GenResult::Failure => std::process::exit(1), } }