# Rust API client for bellhop-client No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator) ## Overview This API client was generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project. By using the [openapi-spec](https://openapis.org) from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client. - API version: 0.0.0 - Package version: 1.0.0 - Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen ## Installation Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import: ``` "./bellhop-client" ``` ## Documentation for API Endpoints All URIs are relative to *http://localhost* Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- *DefaultApi* | [**create_asset**](docs/DefaultApi.md#create_asset) | **post** /assets | Create a new asset *DefaultApi* | [**create_asset_type**](docs/DefaultApi.md#create_asset_type) | **post** /types | Create a new asset type *DefaultApi* | [**create_lease**](docs/DefaultApi.md#create_lease) | **put** /assets/{asset_id}/lease | Create a new lease for this asset *DefaultApi* | [**create_tag**](docs/DefaultApi.md#create_tag) | **post** /assets/{asset_id}/tags | Create a new tag *DefaultApi* | [**create_tag_type**](docs/DefaultApi.md#create_tag_type) | **post** /types/{asset_type_id}/tag-types | Create a new tag type *DefaultApi* | [**delete_asset**](docs/DefaultApi.md#delete_asset) | **delete** /assets/{asset_id} | Delete an asset and all tags associated with it *DefaultApi* | [**delete_asset_type**](docs/DefaultApi.md#delete_asset_type) | **delete** /types/{asset_type_id} | Delete an asset type and all assets and tags associated with it *DefaultApi* | [**delete_lease**](docs/DefaultApi.md#delete_lease) | **delete** /assets/{asset_id}/lease | Release a lease ahead of its end time *DefaultApi* | [**delete_tag**](docs/DefaultApi.md#delete_tag) | **delete** /assets/{asset_id}/tags/{tag_type_id} | Delete a tag *DefaultApi* | [**list_asset_types**](docs/DefaultApi.md#list_asset_types) | **get** /types | List all asset types *DefaultApi* | [**list_assets**](docs/DefaultApi.md#list_assets) | **get** /assets | List all assets *DefaultApi* | [**list_sub_assets**](docs/DefaultApi.md#list_sub_assets) | **get** /types/{asset_type_id}/assets | List assets that belong to an asset type *DefaultApi* | [**list_tag_types**](docs/DefaultApi.md#list_tag_types) | **get** /types/{asset_type_id}/tag-types | List tag types that belong to an asset type *DefaultApi* | [**list_tags**](docs/DefaultApi.md#list_tags) | **get** /assets/{asset_id}/tags | List tags that belong to an asset *DefaultApi* | [**show_asset**](docs/DefaultApi.md#show_asset) | **get** /assets/{asset_id} | Show details of an asset *DefaultApi* | [**show_asset_type**](docs/DefaultApi.md#show_asset_type) | **get** /types/{asset_type_id} | Show details of an asset type *DefaultApi* | [**show_lease**](docs/DefaultApi.md#show_lease) | **get** /assets/{asset_id}/lease | Show details of an asset's lease *DefaultApi* | [**show_tag**](docs/DefaultApi.md#show_tag) | **get** /assets/{asset_id}/tags/{tag_type_id} | Show details of a tag *DefaultApi* | [**show_tag_type**](docs/DefaultApi.md#show_tag_type) | **get** /types/{asset_type_id}/tag-types/{tag_type_id} | Show details of a tag type ## Documentation For Models - [Asset](docs/Asset.md) - [AssetType](docs/AssetType.md) - [AssetTypes](docs/AssetTypes.md) - [Assets](docs/Assets.md) - [CreateAsset](docs/CreateAsset.md) - [CreateAssetType](docs/CreateAssetType.md) - [CreateLease](docs/CreateLease.md) - [CreateTag](docs/CreateTag.md) - [CreateTagType](docs/CreateTagType.md) - [Lease](docs/Lease.md) - [Pages](docs/Pages.md) - [Tag](docs/Tag.md) - [TagType](docs/TagType.md) - [TagTypes](docs/TagTypes.md) - [Tags](docs/Tags.md) ## Documentation For Authorization ## XBellhopEmail - **Type**: API key Example ``` auth := context.WithValue(context.TODO(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{ Key: "APIKEY", Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary. }) r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args) ``` ## Author