use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, BenchmarkId, Criterion, Throughput}; use bls12_381::Bls12; use ff::Field; use rand::thread_rng; use bellman::groth16::{ batch, create_random_proof, generate_random_parameters, prepare_verifying_key, verify_proof, }; #[path = "../tests/common/"] mod common; use common::*; fn bench_batch_verify(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Batch Verification"); for &n in [8usize, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64].iter() { group.throughput(Throughput::Elements(n as u64)); let mut rng = thread_rng(); // Generate the MiMC round constants let constants = (0..MIMC_ROUNDS) .map(|_| bls12_381::Scalar::random(&mut rng)) .collect::>(); // Create parameters for our circuit let params = { let c = MiMCDemo { xl: None, xr: None, constants: &constants, }; generate_random_parameters::(c, &mut rng).unwrap() }; // Prepare the verification key (for proof verification) let pvk = prepare_verifying_key(¶ms.vk); let proofs = { std::iter::repeat_with(|| { // Generate a random preimage and compute the image let xl = bls12_381::Scalar::random(&mut rng); let xr = bls12_381::Scalar::random(&mut rng); let image = mimc(xl, xr, &constants); // Create an instance of our circuit (with the // witness) let c = MiMCDemo { xl: Some(xl), xr: Some(xr), constants: &constants, }; // Create a groth16 proof with our parameters. let proof = create_random_proof(c, ¶ms, &mut rng).unwrap(); (proof, image) }) } .take(n) .collect::>(); group.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new("Unbatched verification", n), &proofs, |b, proofs| { b.iter(|| { for (proof, input) in proofs.iter() { let _ = verify_proof(&pvk, proof, &[*input]); } }) }, ); group.bench_with_input( BenchmarkId::new("Batched verification", n), &proofs, |b, proofs| { b.iter(|| { let mut batch = batch::Verifier::new(); for (proof, input) in proofs.iter() { batch.queue((proof.clone(), vec![*input])); } batch.verify(&mut rng, ¶ms.vk) }) }, ); } group.finish(); } criterion_group!(benches, bench_batch_verify); criterion_main!(benches);