use git2::Repository; use std::env::{current_dir, set_current_dir}; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::process::Command; use std::sync::Arc; use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir}; pub fn with_temp_dir(f: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(Arc) -> R, { let temp_dir = Arc::new(tempdir().unwrap()); let old_cd = current_dir().unwrap(); let _ = set_current_dir(temp_dir.path()); let result = f(temp_dir); let _ = set_current_dir(old_cd); result } pub fn build_git_repo>(path: P) { let _ = Repository::init(path).unwrap(); let _ = fs::write("./", "# Header"); commit(&[""], "initial commit"); } pub fn commit(files: &[&str], msg: &str) { let _ = Command::new("git") .args([&["add"], files].concat()) .output() .expect("failed to execute process"); let _ = Command::new("git") .env("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", "benchie") .env("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", "") .env("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", "benchie") .env("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", "") .args(["commit", "-m", msg, "--no-gpg-sign", "--no-verify"]) .output() .expect("failed to execute process"); }