mod common; use crate::common::{build_git_repo, with_temp_dir}; use benchie::{append_benchmark, load_all_benchmarks, Benchmark, ExecutionResult, GitInfo, Value}; use serial_test::serial; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env::set_current_dir; use std::fs; use std::fs::create_dir; use std::path::Path; use std::time::Duration; #[test] #[serial] fn test_with_missing_dir() { with_temp_dir(|temp_dir| { let data_file_path = temp_dir.path().join(".benchie/data.json"); assert!(!data_file_path.exists()); let result = load_all_benchmarks(); assert!( result.is_ok(), "should not fail to read data with missing benchie directory" ); assert!( !data_file_path.exists(), "should not have created a file, while reading" ); let result = append_benchmark(&create_benchmark()); assert!(result.is_ok(), "should not fail with empty dir"); assert!( data_file_path.exists(), "should have created a file as a result" ); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn test_with_existing_dir_but_missing_data() { with_temp_dir(|temp_dir| { let benchie_dir = temp_dir.path().join(".benchie"); let data_file_path = benchie_dir.join("data.json"); let _ = create_dir(&benchie_dir); assert!(benchie_dir.exists()); assert!(!data_file_path.exists()); let result = load_all_benchmarks(); assert!( result.is_ok(), "should not fail to read data with empty dir" ); assert!( !data_file_path.exists(), "should not have created a file as a result" ); let result = append_benchmark(&create_benchmark()); assert!(result.is_ok(), "should not fail with empty dir"); assert!( data_file_path.exists(), "should have created a file as a result" ); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn test_with_existing_dir_and_data() { with_temp_dir(|temp_dir| { let benchie_dir = temp_dir.path().join(".benchie"); let data_file_path = benchie_dir.join("data.json"); let _ = create_dir(&benchie_dir); let benchmark = create_benchmark(); let data = format!( "{{ \"schema\": 1, \"benchmarks\": [{}]}}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&benchmark).unwrap() ); let _ = fs::write(&data_file_path, data); let result = load_all_benchmarks(); assert!( result.is_ok(), "should not fail to read data with missing data file" ); assert_eq!( result.unwrap().len(), 1, "should be able to load pre saved benchmark" ); let result = append_benchmark(&create_benchmark()); assert!(result.is_ok(), "should succeed to append a benchmark"); let result = load_all_benchmarks(); assert!( result.is_ok(), "should successfully load multiple benchmarks" ); assert_eq!(result.unwrap().len(), 2, "should have added a benchmark"); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn should_save_tags_in_benchmark() { with_temp_dir(|_| { append_benchmark(&create_benchmark()).expect("should succeed to append a benchmark"); let benchmarks = load_all_benchmarks().expect("should successfully load benchmarks"); let benchmark = benchmarks.get(0).expect("should have loaded one benchmark"); assert_eq!("key"), Some(&Value::String(String::from("value"))), "should have added a key=value pair" ); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn should_use_git_repo_as_base_path_if_repo_discovered() { with_temp_dir(|dir| { build_git_repo(dir.path()); let subpath = dir.path().join("something"); let _ = create_dir(&subpath); let _ = set_current_dir(&subpath); append_benchmark(&create_benchmark()).expect("should succeed to append a benchmark"); assert!( dir.path().join(".benchie/data.json").exists(), "should have created a benchie data file in git root" ); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn should_use_current_dir_as_base_path_if_repo_can_not_be_found() { with_temp_dir(|dir| { let subpath = dir.path().join("something"); let _ = create_dir(&subpath); let _ = set_current_dir(&subpath); append_benchmark(&create_benchmark()).expect("should succeed to append a benchmark"); assert!( dir.path().join("something/.benchie/data.json").exists(), "should have created a benchie data file in current directory root" ); }) } fn create_execution_result() -> ExecutionResult { ExecutionResult { real_time: Duration::from_secs(1), ..Default::default() } } fn create_benchmark() -> Benchmark { let result = create_execution_result(); let info = GitInfo { commit_id: "adfadsfasd".to_string(), commit_message: "hello commit".to_string(), branch: Some("master".to_string()), is_dirty: false, path: Path::new("bla").to_path_buf(), }; let mut tags = HashMap::new(); tags.insert(String::from("key"), String::from("value")); Benchmark::new( &["ls".to_string(), "-la".to_string()], &result, &Some(info), &tags, ) }