// Copyright 2022 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package google.cloud.networkanalyzer.logging.v1; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.NetworkAnalyzer.Logging.V1"; option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/networkanalyzer/logging/apiv1/loggingpb;loggingpb"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "AnalyzerLogProto"; option java_package = "com.google.cloud.networkanalyzer.logging.v1"; option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\NetworkAnalyzer\\Logging\\V1"; option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::NetworkAnalyzer::Logging::V1"; enum ReportCauseCode { REPORT_CAUSE_CODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // VPC Basics ROUTE_INVALID_NEXT_HOP_VM_IP_FORWARDING_DISABLED = 1; ROUTE_INVALID_NEXT_HOP_VM_DELETED = 2; ROUTE_INVALID_NEXT_HOP_VM_STOPPED = 3; ROUTE_INVALID_NEXT_HOP_ILB_MISCONFIGURED = 4; ROUTE_INVALID_NEXT_HOP_VPN_TUNNEL_DELETED = 5; ROUTE_INVALID_NEXT_HOP_ILB_BACKEND_IP_FORWARDING_DISABLED = 6; IP_UTILIZATION_IP_ALLOCATION_RATIO_HIGH = 20; // Summary of ip utilization of all subnet ranges in the project. IP_UTILIZATION_IP_ALLOCATION_SUMMARY = 21; // Kubernetes Engine GKE_NODE_TO_CONTROL_PLANE_BLOCKED_BY_ROUTING_ISSUE = 201; GKE_NODE_TO_CONTROL_PLANE_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT_BLOCKED_BY_EGRESS_FIREWALL = 202; GKE_NODE_TO_CONTROL_PLANE_PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_BLOCKED_BY_EGRESS_FIREWALL = 203; GKE_CONTROL_PLANE_TO_NODE_BLOCKED_BY_ROUTING_ISSUE = 211; GKE_CONTROL_PLANE_TO_NODE_BLOCKED_BY_INGRESS_FIREWALL_ON_NODE = 212; GKE_IP_UTILIZATION_POD_RANGES_ALLOCATION_HIGH = 221; GKE_IP_UTILIZATION_POD_RANGES_ALLOCATION_LIMITES_AUTOSCALING = 222; // Managed Services CLOUD_SQL_PRIVATE_IP_BLOCKED_BY_EGRESS_FIREWALL = 601; CLOUD_SQL_PRIVATE_IP_BLOCKED_BY_ROUTING_ISSUE = 602; CLOUD_SQL_PRIVATE_IP_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING = 603; // Hybrid Connectivity DYNAMIC_ROUTE_SHADOWED_FULLY_SHADOWED_BY_SUBNET_ROUTE = 801; DYNAMIC_ROUTE_SHADOWED_FULLY_SHADOWED_BY_PEERING_SUBNET_ROUTE = 802; DYNAMIC_ROUTE_SHADOWED_FULLY_SHADOWED_BY_STATIC_ROUTE = 803; DYNAMIC_ROUTE_SHADOWED_FULLY_SHADOWED_BY_PEERING_STATIC_ROUTE = 804; DYNAMIC_ROUTE_SHADOWED_PARTIALLY_SHADOWED_BY_SUBNET_ROUTE = 805; DYNAMIC_ROUTE_SHADOWED_PARTIALLY_SHADOWED_BY_PEERING_SUBNET_ROUTE = 806; DYNAMIC_ROUTE_SHADOWED_PARTIALLY_SHADOWED_BY_STATIC_ROUTE = 807; DYNAMIC_ROUTE_SHADOWED_PARTIALLY_SHADOWED_BY_PEERING_STATIC_ROUTE = 808; // Network Services LOAD_BALANCER_HEALTH_CHECK_FIREWALL_HEALTH_CHECK_FIREWALL_NOT_CONFIGURED = 1001; LOAD_BALANCER_HEALTH_CHECK_FIREWALL_HEALTH_CHECK_RANGE_BLOCKED = 1002; LOAD_BALANCER_HEALTH_CHECK_FIREWALL_FIREWALL_CONFIG_INCONSISTENT = 1003; LOAD_BALANCER_HEALTH_CHECK_FIREWALL_HEALTH_CHECK_RANGE_PARTIALLY_BLOCKED = 1004; LOAD_BALANCER_BEST_PRACTICES_BACKEND_SERVICE_BALANCING_MODE_BREAKS_SESSION_AFFINITY = 1021; LOAD_BALANCER_BEST_PRACTICES_BACKEND_SERVICE_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT_MISMATCH = 1024; } message IpUtilizationInfo { message SubnetIpUtilization { // URI of subnet. string subnet_uri = 1; // Secondary range name. If the range is the primary range of the subnet, // this field is empty. string secondary_range_name = 2; // Total number of usable IP addresses in the IP range. uint64 total_usable_addresses = 3; // The ratio of allocated IP addresses from the total usable addresses. double allocation_ratio = 4; } repeated SubnetIpUtilization subnet_ip_utilization = 1; } // Log entry that describes a report from Network Analyzer. message Report { // Priority level of an report. enum Priority { SEVERITY_UNSPECIFIED = 0; CRITICAL = 1; HIGH = 2; MEDIUM = 3; LOW = 4; } // Type of an report. enum Type { REPORT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; INFO = 1; WARNING = 2; ERROR = 3; } // Status of an report. enum ReportStatus { REPORT_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0; ACTIVE = 1; FIXED = 2; DISMISSED = 3; } // Groups of an report. enum ReportGroup { CATEGORY_UNSPECIFIED = 0; VPC_NETWORK = 1; NETWORK_SERVICES = 2; KUBERNETES_ENGINE = 3; HYBRID_CONNECTIVITY = 4; MANAGED_SERVICES = 5; } // The unique identifier of the report. string id = 1; // Priority of the report. Priority priority = 2; // Type of the report. Type type = 3; // Status of the report. ReportStatus status = 4; // The timestamp when the report was first discovered by Network Analyzer. google.protobuf.Timestamp first_report_time = 9; // Cause code of the report. ReportCauseCode cause_code = 12; // The resource that are reported with the report. // Contains the fully qualified resource name. // e.g., // `//compute.googleapis.com/projects/{project_id}/global/networks/{network}` string resource_name = 15; // Location associated with the report. It can be global or GCP regions // and zones. e.g., https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/ string location = 16; // URI to the documentation of the report. string report_documentation_uri = 17; // The groups of the report. One report may be present in multiple groups. repeated ReportGroup report_groups = 18; oneof content { IpUtilizationInfo ip_utilization_info = 19; } }