use bevy_app::App; use bevy_ecs::{component::Component, system::{RunSystemOnce, Commands, Query}, entity::Entity, query::With}; use bevy_hierarchy::BuildChildren; use bevy_salo::{SaveLoadPlugin, methods::{Ron, Postcard, SerdeJson}, Marker, PathName, SaveLoadExtension, All}; use std::borrow::Cow; macro_rules! component { ($($name: ident),*) => { $(#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Component, Default)] struct $name;)* }; } macro_rules! salo { ($($name: ident $body: tt $($self: ident => $expr: expr)?),*) => { $(#[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, Default, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] struct $name $body #[allow(unused)] impl bevy_salo::SaveLoadCore for $name{ fn type_name() -> Cow<'static, str> { Cow::Borrowed(stringify!($name)) } $( fn path_name(&self) -> Option> { let $self = self; Some($expr.clone().into()) } )? })* }; } component!(Units, Players, Enemies); salo!( Unit { name: String, hp: i32, } this =>, Weapon {} this => "mainhand", Offhand {} this => "offhand", Item { // note: not unique name: String }, Buff { stat: String, value: f32 } ); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct BuffPtr(Entity); #[test] pub fn test_cases () { test::>(None); test::>(Some(".ron")); test::>(None); } pub fn test(ext: Option<&str>) { let mut app = App::new(); app.add_plugins(SaveLoadPlugin::new::

() .register::() .register::() .register::() .register::() .register::() );|mut commands: Commands| { commands.spawn(Units).with_children(|builder| { builder.spawn((Players, PathName::new("Players"))).with_children(|builder| { builder.spawn(Unit { name: "John".to_owned(), hp: 32, }).with_children(|b| { b.spawn(( Weapon {}, Item { name: "Rapier".to_owned() }, )).with_children(|b| { b.spawn(Buff { stat: "Damage".to_owned(), value: 12.5, }); b.spawn(Buff { stat: "Speed".to_owned(), value: 4.0, }); }); b.spawn(( Offhand {}, Item { name: "Buckler".to_owned() }, )).with_children(|b| { b.spawn(Buff { stat: "Defense".to_owned(), value: 6.5, }); }); b.spawn(( Item { name: "HP Ring".to_owned() }, )).with_children(|b| { b.spawn(Buff { stat: "Hp".to_owned(), value: 10.0, }); }); b.spawn(Item { name: "HP Potion".to_owned() }); b.spawn(Item { name: "HP Potion".to_owned() }); }); builder.spawn(Unit { name: "Jane".to_owned(), hp: 28, }).with_children(|b| { b.spawn(( Weapon {}, Item { name: "Wooden Staff".to_owned() }, )).with_children(|b| { b.spawn(Buff { stat: "Magic".to_owned(), value: 6.5, }); }); b.spawn(( Item { name: "Fire Ring".to_owned() }, )).with_children(|b| { b.spawn(Buff { stat: "Fire Damage".to_owned(), value: 5.0, }); }); b.spawn(Item { name: "Herb".to_owned() }); b.spawn(Item { name: "Mana Potion".to_owned() }); }); }); builder.spawn((Enemies, PathName::new("Enemies"))); }); }); let buffer =>().unwrap();

(); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Units>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Players>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Enemies>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Unit>| e.iter().count()), 0); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Weapon>| e.iter().count()), 0); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Offhand>| e.iter().count()), 0); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Item>| e.iter().count()), 0); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Buff>| e.iter().count()), 0);

(&buffer); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Units>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Players>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Enemies>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Unit>| e.iter().count()), 2); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Weapon>| e.iter().count()), 2); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Offhand>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Item>| e.iter().count()), 9); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Buff>| e.iter().count()), 6); // Load again, note Unit, Weapon and Offhand are named, they should not duplicate and just update.

(&buffer); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Units>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Players>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Enemies>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Unit>| e.iter().count()), 2); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Weapon>| e.iter().count()), 2); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Offhand>| e.iter().count()), 1); // 3 of these are associated with Weapon or Offhand. assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Item>| e.iter().count()), (9 - 3) * 2 + 3); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Buff>| e.iter().count()), 6 * 2); // swap enemy and player|mut q: Query<&mut PathName, With>| { q.single_mut().set_static("OriginalPlayers") });|mut q: Query<&mut PathName, With>| { q.single_mut().set_static("Players") }); // This doubles the amount of units due to new paths

(&buffer); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Units>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Players>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Enemies>| e.iter().count()), 1); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Unit>| e.iter().count()), 4); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Weapon>| e.iter().count()), 4); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Offhand>| e.iter().count()), 2); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Item>| e.iter().count()), 15 + 9); assert_eq!(|e: Query<&Buff>| e.iter().count()), 6 * 2 + 6); if let Some(ext) = ext{

(&format!("test_buffs{}", ext)); } }