# Changelog ## Version 0.12.0 - [Update to Bevy 0.15][103] - [Add `SequentialActions` marker for required components][106] - [Add skip amount in `ModifyActions::skip`][105] - [Add multiple actions with a tuple][104] - Removes `add_many` as `add` can now be used instead - [Add cleanup of actions for despawned agents][101] - `on_stop`, `on_remove` and `on_drop` in the `Action` trait now take `Option` for `agent` in order to respond to despawns - Replaces all unwraps with logging - Adds `on_remove_hook` and `on_remove_trigger` for both `CurrentAction` and `ActionQueue` [106]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/106 [105]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/105 [104]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/104 [103]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/103 [101]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/101 ## Version 0.11.0 - [Update to Bevy 0.14][97] [97]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/97 ## Version 0.10.0 - [Update to Bevy 0.13][95] - [fix: Removed Unwrap from plugin agent check][94] [95]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/95 [94]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/94 ## Version 0.9.0 - [Update to Bevy 0.12][91] - [Move `ActionHandler` methods to `SequentialActionsPlugin`][90] [91]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/91 [90]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/90 ## Version 0.8.0 - [Update to Bevy 0.11][85] - [Add downcasting for boxed actions][84] - [Rework actions to be both more composable and simpler][83] - Adds four new methods to the `Action` trait: - `is_finished` which determines if an action is finished or not. - `on_add` which is called when an action is added to the queue. - `on_remove` which is called when an action is removed from the queue. - `on_drop` which is the last method to be called and gives full ownership. - Changes `Action::on_start` to now return a `bool` for immediate action queue advancement. - Removes `ActionCommands` struct for modifying actions inside the action trait. - Removes `ActionFinished` component. - Removes `Repeat` configuration. - Removes parallel and linked actions. - Removes tuple closure for anonymous actions with both `on_start` and `on_stop`. - Renames `add_sequential` to `add_many`. - Exposes the `ActionQueue` and `CurrentAction` components used by agents. - Exposes the `ActionHandler` struct that contains the system and methods used by this library. [85]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/85 [84]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/84 [83]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/83 ## Version 0.7.0 - [Update to Bevy 0.10][73] - [Add linked actions][63] - Replaces the `add_many` method with `add_sequence` and `add_parallel` - [Add `execute` method to `ModifyActions` trait][68] - [Replace `config` with `start`, `order` and `repeat` methods][64] - [Replace `IntoBoxedAction` trait with `From>`][65] - [Don't advance the action queue when canceling][67] - [Use `Command` and `CommandQueue` in `ActionCommands`][71] [73]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/73 [71]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/71 [68]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/68 [67]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/67 [65]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/65 [64]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/64 [63]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/63 ## Version 0.6.0 - [Update to Bevy 0.9][55] - [Add parallel actions][45] - Introduces the `SequentialActionsPlugin` - Replaces the `finish` method with the `ActionFinished` component - Replaces the `stop(reason)` method with `cancel` and `pause` - [Add `SequentialActionsPlugin::get_systems` for scheduling the systems yourself][53] - [Add `actions!` helper macro for creating a collection of boxed actions][47] - [Add `Repeat::None`][50] - [Add `ActionsBundle::new`][52] - [Rename `ActionCommands::custom` method to `add`][48] - [Remove `ActionMarker` component][49] [55]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/55 [53]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/53 [52]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/52 [50]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/50 [49]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/49 [48]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/48 [47]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/47 [45]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/45 ## Version 0.5.0 - [Replace `builder` constructs with `add_many` method][40] - [Replace repeat bool with a `Repeat` enum][41] [41]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/41 [40]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/40 ## Version 0.4.0 - [Add `ActionBuilder` trait][28] - [Add `skip` method for skipping the next action in the queue][30] - [Add `ActionMarker` component to `ActionsBundle`][31] - [Add an anonymous action using a closure][34] - [Add deferred `World` mutation when modifying actions using `ActionCommands`][36] [36]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/36 [34]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/34 [31]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/31 [30]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/30 [28]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/28 ## Version 0.3.0 - [Update to Bevy 0.8][26] - [Rename `Action` trait methods, add `StopReason` enum and other stuff][25] - Adds `StopReason` enum for `Action::on_stop` method - Removes the `Action::remove` trait method - Renames `Action::start` method to `Action::on_start` - Renames `Action::stop` method to `Action::on_stop` - Renames `action(entity)` method to `actions(entity)` for modifying actions [26]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/26 [25]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/25 ## Version 0.2.0 - [Relicense to dual MIT or Apache 2.0][13] - [New simplified API for modifying actions][12] - Renames `Action::add` method to `Action::start` - [Allow despawning an entity as its _last_ action][11] [13]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/13 [12]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/12 [11]: https://github.com/hikikones/bevy-sequential-actions/pull/11 ## Version 0.1.0 First release! 🎉