use bevy::app::{App, Startup, Update}; use bevy::DefaultPlugins; use bevy::prelude::{Camera2dBundle, Color, Commands, Query, TextBundle}; use bevy::text::{Text, TextStyle}; use bevy::utils::default; use bevy_async_system::AsyncSystemPlugin; use bevy_async_system::prelude::SpawnAsyncSystem; use bevy_async_system::runner::once; /// You can use [`reqwest`](reqwest). /// /// I haven't confirmed any other async libraries yet, but I hope to be able to mix all async code together in the future. fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(( DefaultPlugins, AsyncSystemPlugin )) .add_systems(Startup, ( setup_ui, setup_async_systems )) .run(); } fn setup_ui(mut commands: Commands) { commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle::default()); commands.spawn(TextBundle::from_section("Loading", TextStyle { font_size: 80., color: Color::BLACK, ..default() })); } fn setup_async_systems(mut commands: Commands) { commands.spawn_async(|schedules| async move { // This is my git repository uri. const URI: &str = ""; let client = reqwest::get(URI).await; schedules.add_system(Update, once::run(move |mut text: Query<&mut Text>| { text.single_mut().sections[0].value = if let Ok(response) = client.as_ref() { format!("status code: {:?}", response.status()) } else { "Failed".to_string() }; })).await; }); }