use std::{ env, fs::{self, File}, io::Write, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use symphonia::core::formats::FormatOptions; use symphonia::core::io::MediaSourceStream; use symphonia::core::meta::MetadataOptions; use symphonia::core::probe::Hint; use symphonia::default::get_probe; const ASSET_PATH_VAR: &str = "BEVY_ASSET_PATH"; const OUTPUT_FILE_NAME: &str = ""; fn main() { cargo_emit::rerun_if_env_changed!(ASSET_PATH_VAR); let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let mut marker_file = File::create(Path::new(&out_dir).join(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME)).unwrap(); let mut files = Vec::new(); // Check if env variable is set for the assets folder if let Some(dir) = env::var(ASSET_PATH_VAR) .ok() .map(|v| Path::new(&v).to_path_buf()) .and_then(|path| { if path.exists() { Some(path) } else { cargo_emit::warning!( "${} points to an unknown folder: {}", ASSET_PATH_VAR, path.to_string_lossy() ); None } }) // Otherwise, search for the target folder and look for an assets folder next to it .or_else(|| { env::var("OUT_DIR") .ok() .map(|v| Path::new(&v).to_path_buf()) .and_then(|path| { for ancestor in path.ancestors() { if let Some(last) = ancestor.file_name() { if last == "target" { return ancestor.parent().map(|parent| { let imported_dir = parent.join("imported_assets"); if imported_dir.exists() { imported_dir.join("Default") } else { parent.join("assets") } }); } } } None }) .and_then(|path| { if path.exists() { Some(path) } else { cargo_emit::warning!( "Could not find asset folder from Cargo build directory" ); None } }) }) { cargo_emit::rerun_if_changed!(dir.to_string_lossy()); // cargo_emit::warning!("Asset folder found: {}", dir.to_string_lossy()); let building_for_wasm = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH") == Ok("wasm32".to_string()); visit_dirs(&dir) .iter() .map(|path| (path, path.strip_prefix(&dir).unwrap())) .for_each(|(full_path, path)| { let mut path = path.to_string_lossy().to_string(); if building_for_wasm { // building for wasm. replace paths with forward slash in case we're building from windows path = path.replace(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, "/"); } cargo_emit::rerun_if_changed!(full_path.to_string_lossy()); if let Some(duration) = get_audio_duration(&full_path) { files.push(AudioFile { path, duration }); } }); } else if std::env::var("DOCS_RS").is_ok() { // let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); // let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); // let mut file = File::create(dest_path).unwrap(); // file.write_all( // "/// Generated function that will return the length of the input audio file. It does not panic if a file is missing but will log a warning. // fn include_all_assets(registry: impl EmbeddedRegistry){}" // .as_ref(), // ) // .unwrap(); } else { cargo_emit::warning!( "Could not find asset folder, please specify its path with ${}", ASSET_PATH_VAR ); // panic!("No asset folder found"); } // Write the markers marker_file .write_all( format!( r#"pub mod markers {{ #![allow(unused)] use bevy::ecs::component::Component; #[cfg(feature = "inspect")] use bevy::{{ecs::reflect::ReflectComponent, reflect::Reflect}}; {} }} "#, files .iter() .map(|f| f.get_marker_struct()) .collect::>() .join("\n") ) .as_ref(), ) .unwrap(); // Write the insert_audio_track trait for entity commands so we can do some jank component inserts marker_file .write_all( format!( r#" mod ac_traits {{ #![allow(unused)] use bevy::ecs::system::EntityCommands; use super::{{audio_files::*, markers::*}}; pub(crate) trait CommandAudioTracks {{ fn insert_audio_track(&mut self, id: &AudioFiles) -> &mut Self; fn remove_audio_track(&mut self, id: &AudioFiles) -> &mut Self; }} impl<'a> CommandAudioTracks for EntityCommands<'a> {{ fn insert_audio_track(&mut self, id: &AudioFiles) -> &mut EntityCommands<'a> {{ match id {{ {} AudioFiles::Unknown => self, }} }} fn remove_audio_track(&mut self, id: &AudioFiles) -> &mut EntityCommands<'a> {{ match id {{ {} AudioFiles::Unknown => self, }} }} }} }} "#, files .iter() .map(|f| f.insert_audio_track_impl()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), files .iter() .map(|f| f.remove_audio_track_impl()) .collect::>() .join("\n ") ) .as_ref(), ) .unwrap(); // Write the enum for the audio files marker_file .write_all( format!( r#" pub mod audio_files {{ #![allow(unused)] use std::path::Path; use bevy::{{core::Name, log::warn}}; #[cfg(feature = "inspect")] use bevy::{{ecs::reflect::ReflectComponent, reflect::Reflect}}; /// Contains the path and duration of the audio file #[derive(Debug, Default)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "inspect", derive(Reflect))] pub struct AudioFile {{ pub path: &'static str, pub duration: f32, }} /// This is your "library" of audio files. It is a convenient way to safely spawn audio files in your game without having to rely on "magic strings". /// /// If you need to insert strings dynamically from a file or a network request, you can use the `From<&str>` implementation to convert it to an `AudioFiles` enum. #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "inspect", derive(Reflect))] pub enum AudioFiles {{ #[default] Unknown, {} }} pub(super) const ALL_FILES: [AudioFiles; {}] = [ {} ]; impl ToString for AudioFiles {{ fn to_string(&self) -> String {{ match self {{ {} Self::Unknown => "Unknown", }} .to_string() }} }} impl From<&str> for AudioFiles {{ fn from(file_name: &str) -> Self {{ match file_name.replace('\\', "/").as_str() {{ {} unknown => {{ warn!("Unknown audio file '{{}}' requested", unknown); AudioFiles::Unknown }} }} }} }} impl From for AudioFiles {{ fn from(file_name: String) -> Self {{ Self::from(&file_name) }} }} impl From<&String> for AudioFiles {{ fn from(file_name: &String) -> Self {{ Self::from(file_name.as_str()) }} }} impl From for &str {{ fn from(file_name: AudioFiles) -> &'static str {{ match file_name {{ {} unknown => {{ warn!("Unknown audio file '{{:?}}' requested", unknown); "Unknown" }} }} }} }} impl From<&Name> for AudioFiles {{ fn from(name: &Name) -> Self {{ Self::from(&name.to_string()) }} }} impl AudioFiles {{ {} pub fn get(&self) -> AudioFile {{ match self {{ {} Self::Unknown => {{ warn!("Unknown audio file requested"); AudioFile::default() }} }} }} pub fn duration(&self) -> f32 {{ match self {{ {} Self::Unknown => {{ warn!("Unknown audio duration requested"); 0.0 }} }} }} pub fn path(&self) -> &'static str {{ match self {{ {} Self::Unknown => {{ warn!("Unknown audio file name requested"); "" }} }} }} }} }} "#, files .iter() .map(|f| f.enum_creator()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), files.len(), files .iter() .map(|f| f.build_iterable()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), files .iter() .map(|f| f.get_enum_file_match()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), files .iter() .map(|f| f.get_enum_match()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), files .iter() .map(|f| f.get_enum_file_match()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), files .iter() .map(|f| f.audio_file_struct()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), files .iter() .map(|f| f.get()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), files .iter() .map(|f| f.get_duration()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), files .iter() .map(|f| f.get_path()) .collect::>() .join("\n "), ) .as_ref(), ) .unwrap(); marker_file .write_all( format!( r#" mod ac_assets {{ #![allow(unused)] use bevy::{{ asset::{{AssetServer, Handle}}, audio::AudioSource, ecs::system::{{Res, ResMut, Resource}}, }}; #[cfg(feature = "inspect")] use bevy::{{ecs::reflect::ReflectResource, reflect::Reflect}}; use super::audio_files::AudioFiles; pub(super) fn load_assets( asset_server: Res, mut internal_loader: ResMut, ) {{ {} }} #[derive(Default, Resource)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "inspect", derive(Reflect))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "inspect", reflect(Resource))] pub(super) struct ACAssetLoader {{ {} }} impl ACAssetLoader {{ pub(super) fn get(&self, id: &AudioFiles) -> Option> {{ match id {{ {} AudioFiles::Unknown => None, }} }} }} }} "#, files .iter() .map(|f| f.asset_loader()) .collect::>() .join("\n"), files .iter() .map(|f| f.asset_field()) .collect::>() .join("\n"), files .iter() .map(|f| f.asset_getter()) .collect::>() .join("\n") ) .as_ref(), ) .unwrap(); } struct AudioFile { path: String, duration: f32, } impl AudioFile { fn build_iterable(&self) -> String { format!("AudioFiles::{},", self.pascal_case()) } fn get_enum_match(&self) -> String { let struct_name = self.pascal_case(); format!( "path if Path::new(path) == Path::new(Self::{}.path) => AudioFiles::{},", self.snake_case().to_uppercase(), struct_name ) } fn get_enum_file_match(&self) -> String { format!( "AudioFiles::{} => AudioFiles::{}.path,", self.pascal_case(), self.snake_case().to_uppercase(), ) } fn insert_audio_track_impl(&self) -> String { let struct_name = self.pascal_case(); format!( r#"AudioFiles::{} => self.insert({}::default()),"#, struct_name, struct_name ) } fn remove_audio_track_impl(&self) -> String { let struct_name = self.pascal_case(); format!( r#"AudioFiles::{} => self.remove::<{}>(),"#, struct_name, struct_name ) } fn enum_creator(&self) -> String { format!("{},", self.pascal_case()) } fn asset_field(&self) -> String { let field_name = self.snake_case(); format!(r#" pub(super) {}: Handle,"#, field_name) } fn asset_loader(&self) -> String { format!( r#" internal_loader.{} = asset_server.load(AudioFiles::{}.path());"#, self.snake_case(), self.pascal_case() ) } fn asset_getter(&self) -> String { format!( r#" AudioFiles::{} => Some(self.{}.clone()),"#, self.pascal_case(), self.snake_case() ) } fn get(&self) -> String { format!( " Self::{} => Self::{},", self.pascal_case(), self.snake_case().to_uppercase(), ) } fn get_duration(&self) -> String { format!( " Self::{} => Self::{}.duration,", self.pascal_case(), self.snake_case().to_uppercase(), ) } fn get_path(&self) -> String { format!( " Self::{} => Self::{}.path,", self.pascal_case(), self.snake_case().to_uppercase(), ) } fn audio_file_struct(&self) -> String { format!( "const {}: AudioFile = AudioFile {{ path: {:?}, duration: {}, }};", self.snake_case().to_uppercase(), self.path, self.duration ) } fn get_marker_struct(&self) -> String { let struct_name = self.pascal_case(); format!( r#" /// Marker for the audio file: {:?} /// /// This is not meant to be inserted or spawned directly outside of the plugin internals /// /// Only use it for querying #[derive(Debug, Component, Default)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "inspect", derive(Reflect))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "inspect", reflect(Component))] pub struct {};"#, self.path, struct_name, ) } fn pascal_case(&self) -> String { let mut parts: Vec = self .path .split(|c: char| { c.is_whitespace() || "-_.".contains(c) || c == std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR }) .filter(|s| !s.is_empty()) .map(|s| { let mut chars = s.chars(); match { Some(first) => first.to_uppercase().collect::() + chars.as_str(), None => String::new(), } }) .collect(); if let Some(extension) = parts.last_mut() { *extension = extension.to_uppercase(); } parts.concat() } fn snake_case(&self) -> String { let mut snake_case = String::new(); let name = self.path.replace(&['/', '\\', '.', '-'][..], "_"); let mut prev_char = '\0'; for (i, ch) in name.chars().enumerate() { if ch.is_uppercase() && i > 0 && prev_char != '_' { snake_case.push('_'); } snake_case.push(ch.to_ascii_lowercase()); prev_char = ch; } snake_case } } fn visit_dirs(dir: &Path) -> Vec { let mut collected = vec![]; if dir.is_dir() { for entry in fs::read_dir(dir).unwrap() { let entry = entry.unwrap(); let path = entry.path(); if path.is_dir() { collected.append(&mut visit_dirs(&path)); } else { if is_supported_audio_file(&path) { collected.push(path); } } } } collected } fn is_supported_audio_file(path: &Path) -> bool { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut formats = Vec::<&str>::new(); #[cfg(feature = "flac")] formats.push("flac"); #[cfg(feature = "mp3")] formats.push("mp3"); #[cfg(feature = "ogg")] formats.push("ogg"); #[cfg(feature = "wav")] formats.push("wav"); if let Some(ext) = path.extension().and_then(|ext| ext.to_str()) { formats.contains(&ext) } else { return false; } } fn get_audio_duration(path: &Path) -> Option { let file = std::fs::File::open(path).ok()?; let mss = MediaSourceStream::new(Box::new(file), Default::default()); let hint = Hint::new(); let probed = get_probe() .format( &hint, mss, &FormatOptions::default(), &MetadataOptions::default(), ) .ok()?; let mut format = probed.format; if let Some(track) = format.default_track() { let codec_params = &track.codec_params; let sample_rate = codec_params.sample_rate? as f32; let mut decoder = symphonia::default::get_codecs() .make(&codec_params, &Default::default()) .ok()?; let mut total_frames = 0; while let Ok(packet) = format.next_packet() { if let Ok(decoded) = decoder.decode(&packet) { total_frames += decoded.frames(); } } Some(total_frames as f32 / sample_rate) } else { None } }