use bevy::{ecs::system::Resource, prelude::*}; use bevy_ecs_tilemap::prelude::*; mod helpers; use helpers::camera::movement as camera_movement; // Press SPACE to change map type. Hover over a tile to highlight its label (red) and those of its // neighbors (blue). Press and hold one of keys 0-5 to mark the neighbor in that direction (green). // You can increase the MAP_SIDE_LENGTH, in order to test larger maps but just make sure that you run // in release mode (`cargo run --release --example hexagon_generation`) otherwise things might be too // slow. const MAP_SIDE_LENGTH: u32 = 8; const TILE_SIZE_HEX_ROW: TilemapTileSize = TilemapTileSize { x: 50.0, y: 58.0 }; const TILE_SIZE_HEX_COL: TilemapTileSize = TilemapTileSize { x: 58.0, y: 50.0 }; const GRID_SIZE_HEX_ROW: TilemapGridSize = TilemapGridSize { x: 50.0, y: 58.0 }; const GRID_SIZE_HEX_COL: TilemapGridSize = TilemapGridSize { x: 58.0, y: 50.0 }; #[derive(Deref, Resource)] pub struct TileHandleHexRow(Handle); #[derive(Deref, Resource)] pub struct TileHandleHexCol(Handle); #[derive(Deref, Resource)] pub struct TileHandleSquare(Handle); #[derive(Deref, Resource)] pub struct TileHandleIso(Handle); #[derive(Deref, Resource)] pub struct FontHandle(Handle); impl FromWorld for TileHandleHexCol { fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self { let asset_server = world.resource::(); Self(asset_server.load("bw-tile-hex-col.png")) } } impl FromWorld for TileHandleHexRow { fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self { let asset_server = world.resource::(); Self(asset_server.load("bw-tile-hex-row.png")) } } impl FromWorld for FontHandle { fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self { let asset_server = world.resource::(); Self(asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf")) } } // Generates the initial tilemap, which is a square grid. fn spawn_tilemap(mut commands: Commands, tile_handle_hex_row: Res) { commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle::default()); let map_size = TilemapSize { x: MAP_SIDE_LENGTH, y: MAP_SIDE_LENGTH, }; let mut tile_storage = TileStorage::empty(map_size); let tilemap_entity = commands.spawn_empty().id(); let tilemap_id = TilemapId(tilemap_entity); let hex_coord_system = HexCoordSystem::Row; fill_tilemap_hexagon( TileTextureIndex(0), TilePos { x: MAP_SIDE_LENGTH / 2, y: MAP_SIDE_LENGTH / 2, }, MAP_SIDE_LENGTH / 2, hex_coord_system, tilemap_id, &mut commands, &mut tile_storage, ); let tile_size = TILE_SIZE_HEX_ROW; let grid_size = GRID_SIZE_HEX_ROW; let map_type = TilemapType::Hexagon(hex_coord_system); commands.entity(tilemap_entity).insert(TilemapBundle { grid_size, size: map_size, storage: tile_storage, texture: TilemapTexture::Single(tile_handle_hex_row.clone()), tile_size, map_type, transform: get_tilemap_center_transform(&map_size, &grid_size, &map_type, 0.0), ..Default::default() }); } #[derive(Component)] pub struct MapTypeLabel; // Generates the map type label: e.g. `Square { diagonal_neighbors: false }` fn spawn_map_type_label( mut commands: Commands, font_handle: Res, windows: Query<&Window>, map_type_q: Query<&TilemapType>, ) { let text_style = TextStyle { font: font_handle.clone(), font_size: 20.0, color: Color::BLACK, }; let text_justify = JustifyText::Center; for window in windows.iter() { for map_type in map_type_q.iter() { // Place the map type label somewhere in the top left side of the screen let transform = Transform { translation: Vec2::new(-0.5 * window.width() / 2.0, 0.8 * window.height() / 2.0) .extend(1.0), ..Default::default() }; commands.spawn(( Text2dBundle { text: Text::from_section(format!("{map_type:?}"), text_style.clone()) .with_justify(text_justify), transform, ..default() }, MapTypeLabel, )); } } } // Swaps the map type, when user presses SPACE #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn swap_map_type( mut commands: Commands, mut tilemap_query: Query<( Entity, &mut Transform, &TilemapSize, &mut TilemapType, &mut TilemapGridSize, &mut TilemapTexture, &mut TilemapTileSize, &mut TileStorage, )>, keyboard_input: Res>, mut map_type_label_q: Query<&mut Text, With>, tile_handle_hex_row: Res, tile_handle_hex_col: Res, ) { if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) { for ( map_id, mut map_transform, map_size, mut map_type, mut grid_size, mut map_texture, mut tile_size, mut tile_storage, ) in tilemap_query.iter_mut() { // Remove all previously spawned tiles. for possible_entity in tile_storage.iter_mut() { // see documentation for take to understand how it works: // if let Some(entity) = possible_entity.take() { commands.entity(entity).despawn_recursive(); } } let new_coord_sys = match map_type.as_ref() { TilemapType::Hexagon(HexCoordSystem::Row) => HexCoordSystem::Column, TilemapType::Hexagon(HexCoordSystem::Column) => HexCoordSystem::Row, _ => unreachable!(), }; *map_type = TilemapType::Hexagon(new_coord_sys); if new_coord_sys == HexCoordSystem::Column { *map_texture = TilemapTexture::Single((*tile_handle_hex_col).clone()); *tile_size = TILE_SIZE_HEX_COL; *grid_size = GRID_SIZE_HEX_COL; } else if new_coord_sys == HexCoordSystem::Row { *map_texture = TilemapTexture::Single((*tile_handle_hex_row).clone()); *tile_size = TILE_SIZE_HEX_ROW; *grid_size = GRID_SIZE_HEX_ROW; } *map_transform = get_tilemap_center_transform(map_size, &grid_size, &map_type, 0.0); // Re-generate tiles in a hexagonal pattern. fill_tilemap_hexagon( TileTextureIndex(0), TilePos { x: MAP_SIDE_LENGTH / 2, y: MAP_SIDE_LENGTH / 2, }, MAP_SIDE_LENGTH / 2, new_coord_sys, TilemapId(map_id), &mut commands, &mut tile_storage, ); for mut label_text in map_type_label_q.iter_mut() { label_text.sections[0].value = format!("{:?}", map_type.as_ref()); } } } } fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins( DefaultPlugins .set(WindowPlugin { primary_window: Some(Window { title: String::from("Generating a hexagonal hex map"), ..Default::default() }), ..default() }) .set(ImagePlugin::default_nearest()), ) .add_plugins(TilemapPlugin) .init_resource::() .init_resource::() .init_resource::() .add_systems( Startup, (spawn_tilemap, apply_deferred, spawn_map_type_label).chain(), ) .add_systems(Update, camera_movement) .add_systems(Update, swap_map_type) .run(); }