# Examples **Enable `multi-threaded` feature for better performance if possible.** | Name | Description | Screenshot | Required Features (Add this after `--features=`) | Notice | | ----------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `animation` | Introduces the way to use animated tiles on your tilemaps. | ![](../docs/imgs/animation.gif) | None | None | | `baking` | Introduces the way to bake the tilemap into a static image to get better performance. | ![](../docs/imgs/baking.png) | `baking` | None | | `basic` | Introduces the way to create square/isometric/non-texture tilemaps. | ![](../docs/imgs/basic.png) | None | None | | `chunk_unloading` | Introduces the way to detect if the camera is entered/left the chunk, and to load/unload chunks. | ![](../docs/imgs/chunk_unloading.gif) | `"debug,serializing,physics"` | You need to save the tilemap to your disk first. Please follow the instructions in the file. | | `isometric_cubes` | Introduces the way to put cubic tiles on isometric tilemaps. | ![](../docs/imgs/isometric_cubes.png) | None | None | | `custom_material` | Introduces the way to use your custom material on the tilemap. | ![](../docs/imgs/custom_material.gif) | None | None | | `ldtk_wfc` | Introduces the way to perform wave function collapse (wfc) algorithm using LDtk levels. | ![](../docs/imgs/ldtk_wfc.gif) | `"algorithm,ldtk,physics"` | The screenshot shows the `LdtkWfcMode::MultiMap` mode which requires you to move the little player around using arrow keys. But the actual example is using `LdtkWfcMode::SingleMap` as default so you will see the entire tilemap directly. | | `ldtk` | Introduces the way to load/unload/switching between LDtk levels, and some extra functionalities including automatically generate the `PathTilemap` and `PhysicsTilemap` according to the specific int grid layers, map the `tile_id` to animations. | ![](../docs/imgs/ldtk.png) | `"debug,ldtk,physics"` | You need to rename the LDtk map filename first. Please follow the instructions in the file. You will see nothing until press the number keys. See `load` function for more info. | | `multiple_tilesets` | Introduces the way to use multiple tilesets on one tilemap, with and without `atlas` feature. | ![](../docs/imgs/multiple_tilesets.png) | None | `atlas` feature is optional. If you want to enable it, you need to uncomment the specific code first. | | `pathfinding` | Introduces the way to perform asynchronous A* pathfinding on tilemaps. | ![](../docs/imgs/pathfinding.png) | `"algorithm,multi-threaded"` | None | | `pathfinding_single_threaded` | Introduces the way to perform synchronous A* pathfinding on tilemaps. | ![](../docs/imgs/pathfinding.png) | `"algorithm"` | Almost the same with `pathfinding`, but run this if targeting wasm, or with bevy `multi-threaded` disabled. | | `physics` | Introduces the way to use `PhysicsTilemap` to add colliders to tiles, and the `DataTilemap` which allows you to represent the colliders in an array and `entitiles` will figure out the lease colliders to fill them | ![](../docs/imgs/physics.png) | `"physics"` | None | | `save_and_load` | Introduces the way to save/load tilemaps from your disk. | ![](../docs/imgs/save_and_load.gif) | `"seriaizing,algorithm,physics"` | Press space to save and right-alt to load. | | `tiled` | Introduces the way to load/unload/switching beteen Tiled tilemaps. This example is pretty simliar to `ldtk` | ![](../docs/imgs/tiled.gif) | `"tiled,physics"` | Press number keys to switch between tilemaps. | | `wfc_pattern` | Introduces the way to perform wave function collapse (wfc) algorithm using tilemap patterns. | ![](../docs/imgs/wfc_pattern.png) | `algorithm` | Youe need to save the patterns to your disk first. Please follow the instructions in the file. Disable `multi-threaded` feature if targeting wasm. | | `wfc` | Introduces the way to perform wave function collapse (wfc) algorithm using single tiles generated according to texture indices. | ![](../docs/imgs/wfc.png) | `algorithm` | Disable `multi-threaded` feature if targeting wasm. |