use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_generative_grammars::{ generator::*, tracery::{StatefulStringGenerator, TraceryGrammar}, }; use bevy_turborand::rng::Rng; const RULES: &[(&str, &[&str])] = &[ ( "origin", &["[hero:#creature#][obstacle:#noun#]#intro# there was a #hero# that #encountered# #article# #obstacle#.|next"], ), ( "next", &[ "Then, the #hero# decided to #action# #definite# #obstacle#.|finally", "Our adventerous #hero# was ready to #action# #definite# #obstacle#.|finally" ] ), ( "finally", &[ "And so, despite #finale# - our #hero# made it back home.|done", "And so - after #finale# - the lonely #hero# had proven their worth.|done" ] ), ( "intro", &[ "once upon a time", "many years ago", "a long time ago", "in a far away land", ], ), ("creature", &["ant", "rabbit", "giraffe", "lion"]), ("encountered", &["ran into", "found", "saw"]), ("move", &["cross[finale|#went#]","circle[finale|#went#]","explore[finale|#went#]"]), ("fight", &["avoid[finale|#went#]", "fight[finale|#fought#]", "challange[finale|#fought#]"]), ("went", &["a long long journey", "a challanging path"]), ("fought", &["a challanging encounter", "a very close call"]), ("noun", &["[article:a][definite:the][action|#move#]river", "[article:a][definite:the][action|#move#]mountain", "[article:some][definite:them][action|#fight#]monsters"]), ]; fn terminal_runner(mut app: App) { println!("Press Enter to Progress, or type 'exit' to exit"); for line in std::io::stdin().lines() { let typed: String = line.unwrap_or_default(); if typed == "exit" { return; } app.update(); } } fn main() { let grammar = TraceryGrammar::new(RULES, None); App::new() .set_runner(terminal_runner) .insert_resource(grammar) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, progress_story) .run(); } fn setup(mut commands: Commands, grammar: Res) { commands.spawn(( StatefulStringGenerator::clone_grammar(&grammar), NextPrompt("origin".to_string()), )); } #[derive(Component)] struct NextPrompt(String); fn progress_story( mut commands: Commands, mut query: Query<(Entity, &mut StatefulStringGenerator, &mut NextPrompt)>, ) { let mut rng = TurboRandOwned::new(Rng::new()); for (entity, mut generator, mut next_prompt) in query.iter_mut() { if let Some(generated) = generator.generate_at(&next_prompt.0, &mut rng) { let mut split = generated.split('|'); if let Some(generated) = { println!("{generated}"); } if let Some(next_item) = { if next_item != "done" { next_prompt.0 = next_item.to_string(); } else { commands.entity(entity).despawn(); println!("Story Complete..."); } } } else { eprintln!("failed to generate..."); } } println!("Continue...") }