use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy::color::palettes::css::{GREEN, BLUE, GOLD}; use bevy::sprite::MaterialMesh2dBundle; use bevy_guessture::{GuessturePlugin, GestureRecord, GestureState, RecordedPath, GestureTemplates}; use guessture::{Template, find_matching_template_with_defaults}; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; #[derive(Copy, Clone)] enum RecordType { Template, Attempt, } #[derive(Default, Resource)] struct RecordState { state: Option, } fn main() { App::new() .insert_resource(Msaa::Off) .insert_resource(ClearColor(Color::BLACK)) .init_resource::() .add_event::() .add_event::() .add_systems(Update, ( recorded_path, keyboard_input, create_visible_path, fade_visible_path, update_text, )) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin { primary_window: Some(Window { title: "Gesture trainer".to_string(), canvas: Some("#bevy".to_owned()), prevent_default_event_handling: false, ..default() }), ..default() })) .add_plugins(GuessturePlugin::default()) .run(); } fn setup( mut commands: Commands, ) { commands.spawn((Camera2dBundle::default(), MainCamera)); commands.spawn(( TextBundle::from_section( "Space: record a template\nShift: attempt a gesture\nEnter: save all templates\nO: load templates", TextStyle { font_size: 20.0, color: Color::WHITE, ..default() } ).with_style( Style { position_type: PositionType::Absolute, top: Val::Px(5.0), left: Val::Px(15.0), ..default() }, ), )); } #[derive(Event)] struct VisiblePathEvent { path: Vec<(f32, f32)>, color: Color, } #[derive(Component)] struct PathComponent; #[derive(Component)] struct MainCamera; const RADIUS: f32 = 50.; fn create_visible_path( mut events: EventReader, mut meshes: ResMut>, mut materials: ResMut>, mut commands: Commands, q_camera: Query<(&Camera, &GlobalTransform), With>, ) { for ev in { let (camera, camera_transform) = q_camera.single(); for point in &ev.path { let Some(remapped) = camera.viewport_to_world_2d( camera_transform, Vec2::new(point.0, point.1), ) else { continue }; commands.spawn(( PathComponent, MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(RADIUS)).into(), material: materials.add(ColorMaterial::from(ev.color)), transform: Transform::from_translation( Vec3::new(remapped.x, remapped.y, 0.), ), ..default() }, )); } } } fn fade_visible_path( mut path: Query<(Entity, &mut Transform), With>, mut commands: Commands, ) { for (entity, mut transform) in &mut path { transform.scale.x *= 0.9; transform.scale.y *= 0.9; if transform.scale.x < 0.01 { commands.entity(entity).despawn(); } } } fn recorded_path( mut events: EventReader, mut state: ResMut, mut path_events: EventWriter, mut record_state: ResMut, ) { for event in { match record_state.state.as_ref().unwrap() { RecordType::Attempt => { let matched_template = find_matching_template_with_defaults( &state.templates, &event.path, ); match matched_template { Ok((template, score)) if score >= 0.8 => { println!("matched {} with score {}",, score); path_events.send(VisiblePathEvent { color: GREEN.into(), path: event.path.points(), }); } Ok((template, score)) => { println!("matched {} but with score {}",, score); } Err(err) => println!("failed to match: {:?}", err), } } RecordType::Template => { let Ok(template) = Template::new( state.templates.len().to_string(), &event.path, ) else { continue; }; println!("done recording template {}",; state.templates.push(template); path_events.send(VisiblePathEvent { color: BLUE.into(), path: event.path.points(), }); } } record_state.state = None; } } fn save_templates(state: &GestureState) -> Result<(), ()> { let serialized = state.serialize_templates()?; let path = Path::new("data.gestures"); let mut f = File::create(path).map_err(|_| ())?; f.write(serialized.as_bytes()).map_err(|_| ())?; Ok(()) } fn keyboard_input( keys: Res>, mut record_events: EventWriter, mut ui_events: EventWriter, state: Res, server: Res, mut record_state: ResMut, ) { if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::ShiftLeft) { record_state.state = Some(RecordType::Attempt); record_events.send(GestureRecord::Start); ui_events.send(TextEvent::Show("Recording".to_owned())); } if keys.just_released(KeyCode::ShiftLeft) { record_events.send(GestureRecord::Stop); ui_events.send(TextEvent::Hide); } if keys.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) { record_state.state = Some(RecordType::Template); record_events.send(GestureRecord::Start); ui_events.send(TextEvent::Show("Recording template".to_owned())); } if keys.just_released(KeyCode::Space) { record_events.send(GestureRecord::Stop); ui_events.send(TextEvent::Hide); } if keys.just_released(KeyCode::Enter) { match save_templates(&state) { Ok(()) => { ui_events.send(TextEvent::Show("Saved templates".to_owned())); } Err(()) => { ui_events.send(TextEvent::Show("Error saving templates".to_owned())); } } } if keys.just_released(KeyCode::KeyO) { let _handle: Handle = server.load("data.gestures"); ui_events.send(TextEvent::Show("Loading templates".to_owned())); } } #[derive(Event)] enum TextEvent { Show(String), Hide, } #[derive(Component)] struct UiText; fn update_text( mut events: EventReader, query: Query>, mut commands: Commands, ) { for event in { for entity in &query { commands.entity(entity).despawn(); } match event { TextEvent::Show(ref text) => { commands.spawn(( UiText, TextBundle::from_section( text.clone(), TextStyle { font_size: 50.0, color: GOLD.into(), ..default() } ).with_style( Style { position_type: PositionType::Absolute, bottom: Val::Px(5.0), left: Val::Px(15.0), ..default() }, ), )); } TextEvent::Hide => () } } }