use bevy::{ color::palettes, prelude::*, render::{ mesh::PrimitiveTopology, render_asset::RenderAssetUsages }, }; use bevy_logic::prelude::*; use crate::{ camera_rig::UiWorldPosition, helpers::*, triangulation::* }; pub fn gizmo_wires( mut gizmos: Gizmos, query_wires: Query<(&Wire, &Signal)>, query_fans: Query< (&Signal, &GlobalTransform, Option<&UiWorldPosition>), (With, Without) > ) { for (signal, gt, _) in query_fans.iter() {, Dir3::Z, 0.08, if signal.is_truthy() { Color::from(palettes::basic::GREEN) } else { palettes::basic::GRAY.into() }); } for (wire, signal) in query_wires.iter() { let Ok(from) = query_fans.get(wire.from).map(|(_, t, maybe_ui_pos)| { if let Some(ui_pos) = maybe_ui_pos { ui_pos.0 } else { t.translation() } }) else { continue; }; let Ok(to) = query_fans.get(|(_, t, maybe_ui_pos)| { if let Some(ui_pos) = maybe_ui_pos { ui_pos.0 } else { t.translation() } }) else { continue; }; let color = if signal.is_truthy() { (palettes::basic::GREEN.into(), palettes::css::DARK_GREEN.into()) } else { (palettes::basic::GRAY.into(), Color::BLACK) }; gizmos.line_gradient(from, to, color.0, color.1); } } /// Return a list of points around an arc. fn sample_arc(size: Vec2, subdivisions: usize) -> Vec { let step = std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2 / ((subdivisions - 1) as f32); (0..subdivisions) .map(|i| { let angle = step * (i as f32); let (sin, cos) = angle.sin_cos(); Vec2::new(sin, cos) * size }) .collect::>() } /// Generate points for a rounded rectangle in clockwise order. /// /// The `size` is the full size of the rectangle. /// The `corner_half_size` is the half size of the corner. /// The number of `subdivisions` determines the smoothness of the corners. fn round_rect_points(size: Vec2, corner_half_size: Vec2, subdivisions: usize) -> Vec { let body_size = size - corner_half_size * 2.0; let body_half_size = body_size * 0.5; let tr_corner_pos = body_half_size; let br_corner_pos = body_half_size * Vec2::new(1.0, -1.0); let bl_corner_pos = -body_half_size; let tl_corner_pos = body_half_size * Vec2::new(-1.0, 1.0); let tr_corner = sample_arc(corner_half_size, subdivisions); let br_corner = tr_corner .iter() .map(|v| { Vec2::new(v.x, -v.y) }) .rev() .collect::>(); let bl_corner = br_corner .iter() .map(|v| { Vec2::new(-v.x, v.y) }) .rev() .collect::>(); let tl_corner = tr_corner .iter() .map(|v| { Vec2::new(-v.x, v.y) }) .rev() .collect::>(); tr_corner .translate(tr_corner_pos) .into_iter() .chain(br_corner.translate(br_corner_pos)) .chain(bl_corner.translate(bl_corner_pos)) .chain(tl_corner.translate(tl_corner_pos)) .collect() } /// Triangulate a 2.5D mesh from a 2D contour. fn round_rect_mesh(points: Vec, half_thickness: f32) -> Mesh { let Triangulation2_5D { points, indices } = points.triangulate_2_5d(half_thickness); let indices = bevy::render::mesh::Indices::U16( indices .into_iter() .map(|i| { i as u16 }) .collect() ); let mut mesh = Mesh::new(PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList, RenderAssetUsages::default()); mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, points); mesh.insert_indices(indices); mesh.duplicate_vertices(); mesh.compute_flat_normals(); mesh } /// Construct a mesh for a logic gate. pub fn build_mesh(num_inputs: usize, num_outputs: usize, num_special_inputs: usize) -> Mesh { let num_fans = num_inputs.max(num_outputs); let height = ((num_fans as f32) * 0.5 * GATE_UNIT_SIZE).max(GATE_UNIT_SIZE); let width = ((num_special_inputs as f32) * 0.5 * GATE_UNIT_SIZE).max(GATE_UNIT_SIZE); let size = Vec2::new(width, height); let points = round_rect_points(size, Vec2::splat(0.1), 4); round_rect_mesh(points, GATE_UNIT_HALF_THICKNESS) }