use std::iter::{Cycle, Peekable}; use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_egui::{ egui::{ self, load::SizedTexture, Color32, ColorImage, ImageButton, Key, TextureHandle, TextureOptions, Ui, }, EguiContext, EguiPlugin, }; use bevy_midi::prelude::*; use strum::{EnumCount, EnumIter, IntoEnumIterator}; //Adapted to bevy_egui from //All credits goes to @gamercade-io | Apache-2.0, MIT license fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugins(EguiPlugin) // Systems that create Egui widgets should be run during the `CoreStage::Update` stage, // or after the `EguiSystem::BeginFrame` system (which belongs to the `CoreStage::PreUpdate` stage). .add_systems(Update, ui_example) .init_resource::() .run(); } const BOTTOM_NOTE_INDEX_START: usize = 36; const KEYBOARD_KEY_COUNT: usize = 24; const TOTAL_NOTES_COUNT: usize = 96; const FIRST_NOTE_OFFSET: usize = 2; const NOTE_SPACING: f32 = 1.0; const TOP_KEY_SIZE: bevy_egui::egui::Vec2 = bevy_egui::egui::Vec2::new(12.0, 32.0); const BOTTOM_KEY_SIZE: bevy_egui::egui::Vec2 = bevy_egui::egui::Vec2::new( (((TOP_KEY_SIZE.x + NOTE_SPACING) * TOTAL_NOTES_COUNT as f32) - (NOTE_SPACING * 56.0)) / 56.0, 24.0, ); const KEYS: &[Key; KEYBOARD_KEY_COUNT] = &[ Key::Z, Key::S, Key::X, Key::D, Key::C, Key::V, Key::G, Key::B, Key::H, Key::N, Key::J, Key::M, Key::Q, Key::Num2, Key::W, Key::Num3, Key::E, Key::R, Key::Num5, Key::T, Key::Num6, Key::Y, Key::Num7, Key::U, ]; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, EnumIter, EnumCount, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum NoteName { A, ASharp, B, C, CSharp, D, DSharp, E, F, FSharp, G, GSharp, } impl NoteName { pub fn get_key_color(self) -> NoteColor { use NoteColor::*; match self { NoteName::A => White, NoteName::ASharp => Black, NoteName::B => White, NoteName::C => White, NoteName::CSharp => Black, NoteName::D => White, NoteName::DSharp => Black, NoteName::E => White, NoteName::F => White, NoteName::FSharp => Black, NoteName::G => White, NoteName::GSharp => Black, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, EnumIter, EnumCount, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Octave { One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum NoteColor { White, Black, } pub struct NotesIter { count: usize, name_iter: Cycle, octave_iter: Peekable, } impl Default for NotesIter { fn default() -> Self { let octave_iter = Octave::iter().peekable(); //Start at 1 let mut name_iter = NoteName::iter().cycle(); // Start at A name_iter.nth(FIRST_NOTE_OFFSET); // Advance to C1 Self { count: 0, name_iter, octave_iter, } } } impl Iterator for NotesIter { type Item = (NoteName, Octave); fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.count >= TOTAL_NOTES_COUNT { None } else { self.count += 1; let name =; if name == NoteName::A {; }; let octave = self.octave_iter.peek().unwrap(); Some((name, *octave)) } } } #[derive(Resource, Clone)] pub struct PianoRoll { default_piano_texture: Option, bottom_note_index: usize, key_states: [bool; KEYBOARD_KEY_COUNT], //key_channels: [Option; KEYBOARD_KEY_COUNT], } impl Default for PianoRoll { fn default() -> Self { Self { default_piano_texture: Default::default(), bottom_note_index: BOTTOM_NOTE_INDEX_START, key_states: Default::default(), //key_channels: Default::default(), } } } impl PianoRoll { fn key_in_keyboard_range(&self, index: usize) -> bool { index >= self.bottom_note_index && index < self.bottom_note_index + KEYBOARD_KEY_COUNT } fn update_key_states(&mut self, ui: &mut Ui) { let _input = ui.input(|i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::A)); let next_keys = std::array::from_fn(|index| ui.input(|i| i.key_down(KEYS[index]))); self.key_states .iter() .zip(next_keys.iter()) .enumerate() .for_each(|(index, (prev, next))| { if prev != next { println!( "Pressed {}{}", KEY_RANGE[index % 12], (self.bottom_note_index + index) / 12 ); /* if *next { /*let assigned_channel = sync.play_note(index + self.bottom_note_index, selected_instrument);*/ //self.key_channels[index] = Some(assigned_channel); } else if let Some(assigned_channel) = self.key_channels[index] { //sync.stop_note(assigned_channel); println!("{}", assigned_channel); } else { println!("Err: Released key for an unknown note!") } */ } }); self.key_states = next_keys; } fn get_key_texture_tint(&self, note: NoteName, index: usize) -> Color32 { const OUT_OF_RANGE: &[Color32; 2] = &[Color32::GRAY, Color32::BLACK]; const IN_RANGE: &[Color32; 2] = &[Color32::WHITE, Color32::DARK_GRAY]; const ACTIVE: &[Color32; 2] = &[Color32::GREEN, Color32::DARK_GREEN]; let color = match note.get_key_color() { NoteColor::White => 0, NoteColor::Black => 1, }; let position = if self.key_in_keyboard_range(index) { let inner_index = index - self.bottom_note_index; if self.key_states[inner_index] { ACTIVE } else { IN_RANGE } } else { OUT_OF_RANGE }; position[color] } fn draw_piano_keys( &mut self, ui: &mut Ui, //selected_instrument: usize, ) { let texture_id = self .default_piano_texture .get_or_insert_with(|| { ui.ctx().load_texture( "default piano texture", ColorImage::from_rgba_unmultiplied([1, 1], &[255, 255, 255, 255]), TextureOptions::NEAREST, ) }) .id(); // Draw the actual piano keys for clicking ui.vertical(|ui| { ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = bevy_egui::egui::Vec2 { x: NOTE_SPACING, y: 0.0, }; ui.spacing_mut().button_padding = bevy_egui::egui::Vec2 { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }; ui.horizontal(|ui| { let all_notes_iter = NotesIter::default().enumerate(); all_notes_iter.for_each(|(index, (note, _octave))| { let color = self.get_key_texture_tint(note, index); let button_top = ImageButton::new(SizedTexture::new(texture_id, TOP_KEY_SIZE)).tint(color); if ui.add(button_top).clicked() { //sync.trigger_note(index, selected_instrument); println!("Pressed {}{}", KEY_RANGE[index % 12], index / 12); }; }); }); ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = bevy_egui::egui::Vec2 { x: NOTE_SPACING, y: 0.0, }; ui.horizontal(|ui| { let mut white_notes_iter = NotesIter::default().enumerate(); for (index, (note, _octave)) in white_notes_iter.by_ref() { if note.get_key_color() == NoteColor::White { let tint = self.get_key_texture_tint(note, index); let button_bottom = ImageButton::new(SizedTexture::new(texture_id, BOTTOM_KEY_SIZE)) .tint(tint); if ui.add(button_bottom).clicked() { //sync.trigger_note(index, selected_instrument); println!("Pressed {}{}", KEY_RANGE[index % 12], index / 12); }; } } }) }); } } fn ui_example(egui_context: Query<&EguiContext>, mut piano: ResMut) { if let Ok(ctx) = egui_context.get_single() { egui::Window::new("Virtual Keyboard Piano").show(ctx.get(), |ui| { ui.label(format!( "Octave {}-{}", piano.bottom_note_index / 12 + 1, piano.bottom_note_index / 12 + 2 )); piano.update_key_states(ui); // Draws the left/right buttons, and handles // Arrow keys going left or right ui.horizontal(|ui| { let go_left = ui.button("<--").clicked() || (ui.input(|i| i.key_pressed(Key::ArrowLeft))); let go_right = ui.button("-->").clicked() || (ui.input(|i| i.key_pressed(Key::ArrowRight))); if go_left && piano.bottom_note_index > 0 { piano.bottom_note_index -= 12 } else if go_right && piano.bottom_note_index < TOTAL_NOTES_COUNT - KEYBOARD_KEY_COUNT { piano.bottom_note_index += 12 } piano.draw_piano_keys(ui /*, sync, selected_instrument*/); }); }); } }