use std::time::Duration; use bevy::{log::LogPlugin, prelude::*, time::common_conditions::on_timer}; use bevy_mod_reqwest::*; use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct Bored { pub activity: String, pub price: f32, pub participants: f32, } fn send_requests(mut client: BevyReqwest) { let url = ""; // use regular reqwest http calls, then poll them to completion. let reqwest_request = client.get(url).build().unwrap(); client // Sends the created http request .send(reqwest_request) // The response from the http request can be reached using an observersystem .on_json_response(|trigger: Trigger<JsonResponse<Bored>>| { let data: &Bored = &trigger.event().0; // let headers = req.response_headers(); bevy::log::info!("data: {data:?}"); }) // In case of request error, it can be reached using an observersystem .on_error(|trigger: Trigger<ReqwestErrorEvent>| { let e = &trigger.event().0; bevy::log::info!("error: {e:?}"); }); } fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(MinimalPlugins) .add_plugins(LogPlugin::default()) .add_plugins(ReqwestPlugin::default()) .add_systems( Update, send_requests.run_if(on_timer(Duration::from_secs(5))), ) .run(); }