use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_mod_scripting::{api::impl_tealr_type, prelude::*}; use std::sync::Mutex; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct MyLuaArg; impl<'lua> IntoLua<'lua> for MyLuaArg { fn into_lua(self, _lua: &'lua Lua) -> mlua::Result> { Ok(Value::Nil) } } #[derive(Clone)] /// This is acts as a documentation and function holder /// We can add some general documentation about what it holds /// but also specific function level documenation pub struct APIModule; impl_tealr_type!(APIModule); impl TealData for APIModule { fn add_methods<'lua, T: tealr::mlu::TealDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut T) { methods .document_type("This is type level documentation for our api, it will be shown first"); methods.document_type(""); methods.document("Here we document the next function"); methods.document("## Markdown!:"); methods.document( "```lua local hello = \"string\" \n```", ); methods.add_function("my_function", |_, ()| Ok("hello world!")); methods.generate_help(); } } /// This is tealr's way to export global items /// Here `my_api` will be available globally in the lua script #[derive(Default)] struct Export; impl tealr::mlu::ExportInstances for Export { fn add_instances<'lua, T: tealr::mlu::InstanceCollector<'lua>>( self, instance_collector: &mut T, ) -> mlua::Result<()> { instance_collector.document_instance("Documentation for the exposed global variable"); instance_collector.add_instance("my_api", |_| Ok(APIModule))?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct LuaAPIProvider; impl APIProvider for LuaAPIProvider { type APITarget = Mutex; type DocTarget = LuaDocFragment; type ScriptContext = Mutex; fn attach_api(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Self::APITarget) -> Result<(), ScriptError> { Ok(()) } fn get_doc_fragment(&self) -> Option { Some(LuaDocFragment::new("MyAPI", |tw| // we must select items we want included in the documentation tw.process_type::() .document_global_instance::().unwrap())) } fn register_with_app(&self, _app: &mut App) {} } fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut app = App::new(); app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugins(ScriptingPlugin) // add the providers and script host .add_script_host::>(PostUpdate) .add_api_provider::>(Box::new(LuaAPIProvider)) .add_api_provider::>(Box::new(LuaCoreBevyAPIProvider)) .add_api_provider::>(Box::new(LuaBevyAPIProvider)) // this needs to be placed after any `add_api_provider` and `add_script_host` calls // it will generate `doc` and `types` folders under `assets/scripts` containing the documentation and teal declaration files // respectively. See example asset folder to see how they look like. The `` script in example assets shows the usage of one of those // declaration files, use the teal vscode extension to explore the type hints! // Note: This is a noop in optimized builds unless the `doc_always` feature is enabled! .update_documentation::>() .add_script_handler::, 0, 0>(PostUpdate); Ok(()) }