use bevy::app::AppExit; use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_mod_scripting::{api::rhai::bevy::RhaiBevyAPIProvider, prelude::*}; use bevy_mod_scripting_rhai::rhai::Engine; use bevy_script_api::rhai::{std::RegisterVecType, RegisterForeignRhaiType}; #[derive(Component, Default, Reflect)] #[reflect(Component)] pub struct MyComponent { quat: Quat, vec2: Vec2, usize: usize, f32: f32, mat3: Mat3, option_vec3: Option, vec_of_option_bools: Vec>, option_vec_of_bools: Option>, } pub struct MyAPIProvider; // unlike mlua, rhai does not have the concept of generic types, all functionality is based around // registering monomorphized functions, therefore we must register functions of generic types for every type we want // to use them with, it's less convenient and is what the compiler would do anyway but hey it works! impl APIProvider for MyAPIProvider { type APITarget = Engine; type ScriptContext = RhaiContext; type DocTarget = RhaiDocFragment; fn attach_api(&mut self, api: &mut Self::APITarget) -> Result<(), ScriptError> { api.set_max_expr_depths(999, 999); api.register_vec_functions::>(); api.register_vec_functions::(); Ok(()) } } fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let mut app = App::new(); app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugins(ScriptingPlugin) .register_type::() .register_foreign_rhai_type::>() .register_foreign_rhai_type::>>() .register_foreign_rhai_type::>>() // note the implementation for Option is there, but we must register `LuaProxyable` for it // this system set handles addition and removal of script contexts, we can safely use `CoreSet::PostUpdate` .add_script_host::>(PostUpdate) .add_api_provider::>(Box::new(RhaiBevyAPIProvider)) .add_api_provider::>(Box::new(MyAPIProvider)) .add_systems(Update, |world: &mut World| { let entity = world .spawn(()) .insert(MyComponent { usize: 5, vec2: Vec2::new(1.0, 2.0), f32: 6.7, mat3: Mat3::from_cols( Vec3::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), Vec3::new(4.0, 5.0, 6.0), Vec3::new(7.0, 8.0, 9.0), ), quat: Quat::from_xyzw(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), option_vec3: Some(Vec3::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)), vec_of_option_bools: vec![Some(true), None, Some(false)], option_vec_of_bools: Some(vec![true, true, true]), }) .id(); // run script world.resource_scope(|world, mut host: Mut>| { host.run_one_shot( r#" fn once() { print(world); debug(world.get_children(entity)); // we first retrieve ID's for our component and resource by their short name (long name/full path also work) let my_component_type = world.get_type_by_name("MyComponent"); // then ask the world to give us a reference to `MyComponent` on the entity we just spawned // resources work the same way, but we use `get_resource` instead of `get_component` // the comp object is resolved to a `bevy_script_api::script_ref::ReflectValue`. // we can use a custom proxy instead (by implementing RhaiProxyable), but this is the simplest way to get started. let comp = world.get_component(entity,my_component_type); print("Before script: " + comp); print("============="); comp.usize = 2; print("comp.usize: after assigning to 2: " + comp.usize); // not supported yet (no Bevy proxies yet) // print("comp.option_vec3 before: " + comp.option_vec3); // comp.option_vec3 = Vec3::new(2,1,3); // print("comp.option_vec3 after: " + comp.option_vec3); // print("comp.option_vec3[0] before: " + comp.option_vec3[0]); // comp.option_vec3[1] = 5; // print("comp.option_vec3[0] after: " + comp.option_vec3[0]); print("============="); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools before: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools); comp.vec_of_option_bools = [true,false,true]; print("comp.vec_of_option_bools after: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools[0] before: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools[0]); comp.vec_of_option_bools[0] = false; print("comp.vec_of_option_bools[0] after: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools[0]); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools before insert: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools); comp.vec_of_option_bools.insert(1,()); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools after insert: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools before push: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools); comp.vec_of_option_bools.push(false); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools after push: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools len after push: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools.len()); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools before pop: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools); print(comp.vec_of_option_bools.pop()); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools after pop: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools); print("the elements inside comp.vec_of_option_bools: "); for e in comp.vec_of_option_bools { print(`elem: ${e}`); } comp.vec_of_option_bools.clear(); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools after clear: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools); print("comp.vec_of_option_bools len after clear: " + comp.vec_of_option_bools.len()); print("============="); print("comp.option_vec_of_bools before: " + comp.option_vec_of_bools); print(comp.option_vec_of_bools.pop()); print("comp.option_vec_of_bools after pop: " + comp.option_vec_of_bools); print("comp.option_vec_of_bools len after pop: " + comp.option_vec_of_bools.len()); print("the elements inside comp.option_vec_of_bools: "); for e in comp.option_vec_of_bools { print(`elem: ${e}`); } print("============="); let comp_after = world.get_component(entity, my_component_type); print("after script:"); print(comp_after); } "# .as_bytes(), "script.rhai", entity, world, RhaiEvent { hook_name: "once".to_owned(), args: (), recipients: Recipients::All, }, ) .expect("Something went wrong in the script!"); }); world.send_event(AppExit::Success); });; Ok(()) }