title: Start --- // here is an example of a pre-registered command <> // This command doesn't exist. Its fine, but you can see in the example a way to handle unexpected commands <> Welcome to my story! Press space to advance the dialogue. <> Did you notice the background changed a bit? That was from a custom command. Press space to keep going. <> === title: second --- <> <> <> Oh! It changed again. How... exciting. Keep pressing space I guess. Using Yarn you can sometimes select a response from a list of options. In this demo, when you see some options, they'll have a number next to them. Press that number to select the dialogue option. So, do you want to pick option one or option three (press space)? -> Option 1 You chose option one! CharacterA: Hi <> Are you ready for some nested options? -> Yes <> -> No <> -> Option 2 <> You chose option two... wait what this shouldn't be possible. <> -> Option 3 You chose option three but pressed two, how weird. Check out the kitchen_sink.yarn file to see if you can work out why. <> === title: option1 --- This is option 1 <> === title: option2 --- This is option 2 <> === title: option3 --- This is option 3 <> === title: end --- Did you know the value of $my_var was {$my_var}? -THE END- ===