[package] name = "bevy_procedural_vegetation" description = "A procedural vegetation system for the Bevy game engine." version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" categories = ["graphics", "rendering", "game-development", "simulation"] keywords = ["gamedev", "graphics", "bevy", "procedural", "vegetation"] homepage = "https://bevy-procedural.org/vegetation" license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" readme = "README.md" repository = "https://github.com/bevy-procedural/vegetation" documentation = "https://docs.bevy-procedural.org/vegetation" rust-version = "1.76.0" [lib] name = "bevy_procedural_vegetation" path = "src/lib.rs" crate-type = ["rlib", "dylib"] [workspace] members = ["editor"] [workspace.lints.clippy] type_complexity = "allow" doc_markdown = "warn" manual_let_else = "warn" undocumented_unsafe_blocks = "warn" redundant_else = "warn" match_same_arms = "warn" semicolon_if_nothing_returned = "warn" map_flatten = "warn" ptr_as_ptr = "warn" ptr_cast_constness = "warn" ref_as_ptr = "warn" [workspace.lints.rust] unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn = "warn" # missing_docs = "warn" [lints] workspace = true [dependencies] bevy = { version = "^0.13.1", default-features = false, features = [ "bevy_pbr", "bevy_sprite", "tonemapping_luts", ] } bevy_procedural_meshes = "^0.13.1" render-to-texture = "^0.13.0" bevy-inspector-egui = "^0.23.4" image = "0.25.1" [features] default = [] dynamic = ["bevy/dynamic_linking", "bevy/file_watcher"] [[example]] name = "simple" path = "examples/simple.rs" doc-scrape-examples = true # Optional: Uncommenting the following improves compile times, but reduces the amount of debug info to 'line number tables only' # In most cases the gains are negligible, but if you are on macos and have slow compile times you should see significant gains. #[profile.dev] #debug = 1 # Enable a small amount of optimization in debug mode [profile.fast-dev] inherits = "dev" opt-level = 1 # Enable high optimizations for dependencies (incl. Bevy), but not for our code: [profile.fast-dev.package."*"] inherits = "dev" opt-level = 3 [profile.fast-dev.package.gfx-backend-vulkan] inherits = "dev" opt-level = 3 debug-assertions = false