# bevy_shape_draw
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A [Bevy](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy) plugin for drawing a shape using raycasting in 3d space with a mouse. This plugin is build on and relies on [`bevy_mod_raycast`](https://github.com/aevyrie/bevy_mod_picking). The only shape that can be drawn at the moment is a box of fixed height Add the plugin to the `[dependencies]` in `Cargo.toml` ```toml bevy_shape_draw = "0.1" ``` You will need to add the Draw Shape Plugin. ```rust .add_plugin(bevy_shape_draw::DrawShapePlugin) ``` Then you will have to add the raycast source to your camera. ```rust .insert(bevy_shape_draw::ShapeDrawRaycastSource::new()) ``` Finally, mark any meshes that you want to be able to draw shapes on. ```rust .insert(bevy_shape_draw::ShapeDrawRaycastMesh::default()) ``` ## Example ```shell cargo run --example simple ``` ```shell cargo run --example events ```