# Bevy Skybox Provides a skybox from a given image that can be attached to a [bevy](https://docs.rs/bevy) camera. Assumes that the image is of the same format as the examples given in the `assets` folder: a net of six squares in the same shape as these examples, exactly aligned with the image rectangle and filling most of its width and height. ## Usage The usage is documented in the module comment at the top of `src/lib.rs`. To demonstrate this, `examples\board_flyover.rs` puts a skybox around a flat "board". Key/mouse camera movement is provided by `bevy_fly_camera`. ![Board Flyover example](docs/board_flyover.png) Skybox images come from the following sources. * **sky1.png** - https://www.cleanpng.com/png-skybox-cube-mapping-texture-mapping-terragen-textu-1384141 * **sky2.png** - https://www.cleanpng.com/png-skybox-texture-mapping-cube-mapping-sky-cloud-920475 (flipped) ## Image processing Many skybox are available as net images. `bevy_skybox` assumes that the image is a specific net of a cube. The assumptions about the image are listed in `src/image.rs`, but the image is measured like this. ![Measuring the cube net](docs/measuring_the_net.png) ## Build Build using `stable` or `nightly` toolchain, e.g. ``` cargo run --release --example board_flyover ```