use bevy::app::ScheduleRunnerSettings; use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy_spicy_networking::{ConnectionId, NetworkData, NetworkServer, ServerNetworkEvent}; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::time::Duration; mod shared; fn main() { let mut app = App::build(); app.insert_resource(ScheduleRunnerSettings::run_loop(Duration::from_secs_f64( 1.0 / 60.0, ))); app.add_plugins(MinimalPlugins); app.add_plugin(bevy::log::LogPlugin::default()); // Before we can register the potential message types, we // need to add the plugin app.add_plugin(bevy_spicy_networking::ServerPlugin); // A good way to ensure that you are not forgetting to register // any messages is to register them where they are defined! shared::server_register_network_messages(&mut app); app.add_startup_system(setup_networking.system()); app.add_system(handle_connection_events.system()); app.add_system(handle_messages.system());; } // On the server side, you need to setup networking. You do not need to do so at startup, and can start listening // at any time. fn setup_networking(mut net: ResMut) { let ip_address = "".parse().expect("Could not parse ip address"); info!("Address of the server: {}", ip_address); let socket_address = SocketAddr::new(ip_address, 9999); match net.listen(socket_address) { Ok(_) => (), Err(err) => { error!("Could not start listening: {}", err); panic!(); } } info!("Started listening for new connections!"); } struct Player(ConnectionId); fn handle_connection_events( mut commands: Commands, net: Res, mut network_events: EventReader, ) { for event in network_events.iter() { if let ServerNetworkEvent::Connected(conn_id) = event { commands.spawn_bundle((Player(*conn_id),)); // Broadcasting sends the message to all connected players! (Including the just connected one in this case) net.broadcast(shared::NewChatMessage { name: String::from("SERVER"), message: format!("New user connected; {}", conn_id), }); info!("New player connected: {}", conn_id); } } } // Receiving a new message is as simple as listening for events of `NetworkData` fn handle_messages( mut new_messages: EventReader>, net: Res, ) { for message in new_messages.iter() { let user = message.source(); info!("Received message from user: {}", message.message); net.broadcast(shared::NewChatMessage { name: format!("{}", user), message: message.message.clone(), }); } }