use bevy::{color::palettes::css::*, prelude::*}; use bevy_tweening::{lens::*, *}; use std::time::Duration; mod utils; fn main() { App::default() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin { primary_window: Some(Window { title: "Sequence".to_string(), resolution: (600., 600.).into(), present_mode: bevy::window::PresentMode::Fifo, // vsync ..default() }), ..default() })) .add_systems(Update, utils::close_on_esc) .add_plugins(TweeningPlugin) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, update_text) .run(); } #[derive(Component)] struct RedProgress; #[derive(Component)] struct BlueProgress; #[derive(Component)] struct RedSprite; #[derive(Component)] struct BlueSprite; #[derive(Component)] struct ProgressValue; fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res) { commands.spawn(Camera2d::default()); let font = asset_server.load("fonts/FiraMono-Regular.ttf"); let text_font = TextFont { font, font_size: 50.0, ..default() }; let text_color_red = TextColor(RED.into()); let text_color_blue = TextColor(BLUE.into()); let justify = JustifyText::Center; // Text with the index of the active tween in the sequence commands .spawn(( Text2d::default(), TextLayout::new_with_justify(justify), Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0., 40., 0.)), RedProgress, )) .with_children(|children| { children.spawn(( TextSpan::new("progress: "), text_font.clone(), text_color_red.clone(), )); children.spawn(( TextSpan::new("0%"), text_font.clone(), text_color_red.clone(), ProgressValue, )); }); // Text with progress of the active tween in the sequence commands .spawn(( Text2d::default(), TextLayout::new_with_justify(justify), Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0., -40., 0.)), BlueProgress, )) .with_children(|children| { children.spawn(( TextSpan::new("progress: "), text_font.clone(), text_color_blue.clone(), )); children.spawn(( TextSpan::new("0%"), text_font.clone(), text_color_blue.clone(), ProgressValue, )); }); let size = 25.; let margin = 40.; let screen_x = 600.; let screen_y = 600.; let center = Vec3::new(screen_x / 2., screen_y / 2., 0.); // Run around the window from corner to corner let dests = &[ Vec3::new(margin, margin, 0.), Vec3::new(screen_x - margin, margin, 0.), Vec3::new(screen_x - margin, screen_y - margin, 0.), Vec3::new(margin, screen_y - margin, 0.), Vec3::new(margin, margin, 0.), ]; // Build a sequence from an iterator over a Tweenable (here, a // Tracks) let seq = Sequence::new(|(index, pair)| { Tracks::new([ Tween::new( EaseFunction::QuadraticInOut, Duration::from_millis(250), TransformRotateZLens { start: 0., end: 180_f32.to_radians(), }, ) .with_repeat_count(RepeatCount::Finite(4)) .with_repeat_strategy(RepeatStrategy::MirroredRepeat), Tween::new( EaseFunction::QuadraticInOut, Duration::from_secs(1), TransformPositionLens { start: pair[0] - center, end: pair[1] - center, }, ) // Get an event after each segment .with_completed_event(index as u64), ]) })); commands.spawn(( Sprite { color: RED.into(), custom_size: Some(Vec2::new(size, size)), ..default() }, RedSprite, Animator::new(seq), )); // First move from left to right, then rotate around self 180 degrees while // scaling size at the same time. let tween_move = Tween::new( EaseFunction::QuadraticInOut, Duration::from_secs(1), TransformPositionLens { start: Vec3::new(-200., 100., 0.), end: Vec3::new(200., 100., 0.), }, ) .with_completed_event(99); // Get an event once move completed let tween_rotate = Tween::new( EaseFunction::QuadraticInOut, Duration::from_secs(1), TransformRotationLens { start: Quat::IDENTITY, end: Quat::from_rotation_z(180_f32.to_radians()), }, ); let tween_scale = Tween::new( EaseFunction::QuadraticInOut, Duration::from_secs(1), TransformScaleLens { start: Vec3::ONE, end: Vec3::splat(2.0), }, ); // Build parallel tracks executing two tweens at the same time: rotate and // scale. let tracks = Tracks::new([tween_rotate, tween_scale]); // Build a sequence from an heterogeneous list of tweenables by casting them // manually to a BoxedTweenable: first move, then { rotate + scale }. let seq2 = Sequence::new([Box::new(tween_move) as BoxedTweenable<_>, tracks.into()]); commands.spawn(( Sprite { color: BLUE.into(), custom_size: Some(Vec2::new(size * 3., size)), ..default() }, BlueSprite, Animator::new(seq2), )); } fn update_text( query_text_red: Query<&Children, With>, query_text_blue: Query<&Children, With>, mut text_spans: Query<&mut TextSpan, With>, query_anim_red: Query<&Animator, With>, query_anim_blue: Query<&Animator, With>, mut query_event: EventReader, ) { let anim_red = query_anim_red.single(); let progress_red = anim_red.tweenable().progress(); let anim_blue = query_anim_blue.single(); let progress_blue = anim_blue.tweenable().progress(); let red_text_children = query_text_red.single(); let mut red_text = text_spans.get_mut(red_text_children[1]).unwrap(); red_text.0 = format!("{:5.1}%", progress_red * 100.); let blue_text_children = query_text_blue.single(); let mut blue_text = text_spans.get_mut(blue_text_children[1]).unwrap(); blue_text.0 = format!("{:5.1}%", progress_blue * 100.); for ev in { println!( "Event: TweenCompleted entity={:?} user_data={}", ev.entity, ev.user_data ); } }