use bevy::{ core_pipeline::{ bloom::BloomSettings, core_3d::ScreenSpaceTransmissionQuality, experimental::taa::{TemporalAntiAliasBundle, TemporalAntiAliasPlugin}, tonemapping::Tonemapping, }, input::keyboard::KeyboardInput, prelude::*, }; use bevy_vox_scene::VoxScenePlugin; use rand::Rng; use std::f32::consts::PI; use utilities::{PanOrbitCamera, PanOrbitCameraPlugin}; /// Uses an observer triggered by `VoxelModelInstance` being added to add extra components into the scene graph. /// Press any key to toggle the fish tank black-light on and off fn main() { let mut app = App::new(); app.add_plugins(( DefaultPlugins, PanOrbitCameraPlugin, VoxScenePlugin::default(), )) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems( Update, ( toggle_black_light.run_if(on_event::()), swim_fish, ), ); // *Note:* TAA is not _required_ for specular transmission, but // it _greatly enhances_ the look of the resulting blur effects. // Sadly, it's not available under WebGL. #[cfg(not(all(feature = "webgl2", target_arch = "wasm32")))] app.insert_resource(Msaa::Off) .add_plugins(TemporalAntiAliasPlugin);; } // Systems fn setup(mut commands: Commands, assets: Res) { commands.spawn(( Camera3dBundle { camera: Camera { hdr: true, ..Default::default() }, camera_3d: Camera3d { screen_space_specular_transmission_quality: ScreenSpaceTransmissionQuality::High, screen_space_specular_transmission_steps: 1, ..default() }, transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 1.5, 8.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y), tonemapping: Tonemapping::SomewhatBoringDisplayTransform, ..Default::default() }, PanOrbitCamera::default(), BloomSettings { intensity: 0.3, ..default() }, #[cfg(not(all(feature = "webgl2", target_arch = "wasm32")))] TemporalAntiAliasBundle::default(), EnvironmentMapLight { diffuse_map: assets.load("pisa_diffuse.ktx2"), specular_map: assets.load("pisa_specular.ktx2"), intensity: 500.0, }, )); commands.spawn(SceneBundle { // "tank" is the name of the group containing the glass walls, the body of water, the scenery in the tank and the fish scene: assets.load("study.vox#tank"), transform: Transform::from_scale(Vec3::splat(0.05)), ..default() }); commands.observe(on_spawn_voxel_instance); } // Will run against every named child entity that gets spawned in the scene fn on_spawn_voxel_instance( trigger: Trigger, model_query: Query<&Name>, mut commands: Commands, assets: Res, ) { let mut entity_commands = commands.entity(trigger.entity()); let name = model_query.get(trigger.entity()).unwrap().as_str(); match name { "tank/black-light" => { entity_commands.insert(EmissiveToggle { is_on: true, on_material: assets.load("study.vox#material"), // emissive texture off_material: assets.load("study.vox#material-no-emission"), // non-emissive texture }); } "tank/goldfish" | "tank/tetra" => { // Make fish go brrrrr let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); // random speed entity_commands.insert(Fish(rng.gen_range(5.0..10.0))); } _ => {} } } fn toggle_black_light( mut commands: Commands, keys: Res>, mut query: Query<(Entity, &mut EmissiveToggle)>, ) { if keys.get_just_pressed().next().is_none() { return; }; let Ok((entity, mut emissive_toggle)) = query.get_single_mut() else { return; }; emissive_toggle.toggle(); commands .entity(entity) .insert(emissive_toggle.material().clone()); } fn swim_fish(mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, &Fish)>, time: Res