from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image from typing import Optional import numpy as np import os from safetensors import safe_open from safetensors.torch import save_file import torch from import DataLoader, Dataset import torchvision.transforms as transforms from torchvision.utils import save_image import bevy_zeroverse_ffi def normalize_hdr_image_tonemap(hdr_image: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ normalizes an HDR image using reinhard tone mapping to handle high dynamic range values. Args: hdr_image (torch.Tensor): the input HDR image with shape (view, height, width, channel). Returns: torch.Tensor: normalized HDR image with values in [0, 1]. """ assert hdr_image.dim() == 4, "expected input shape to be (view, height, width, channel)." # apply reinhard tone mapping: L/(1 + L), where L is the luminance value tonemapped_image = hdr_image / (hdr_image + 1.0) min_val = torch.amin(tonemapped_image, dim=(1, 2, 3), keepdim=True) max_val = torch.amax(tonemapped_image, dim=(1, 2, 3), keepdim=True) normalized_image = (tonemapped_image - min_val) / (max_val - min_val + 1e-8) return normalized_image.clamp(0.0, 1.0) # TODO: add sample-level world rotation augment class View: def __init__(self, color, depth, world_from_view, fovy, near, far, width, height): self.color = color self.depth = depth self.world_from_view = world_from_view self.fovy = fovy self.near = near self.far = far self.width = width self.height = height @classmethod def from_rust(cls, rust_view, width, height): width = int(width) height = int(height) def reshape_data(data, dtype): return np.frombuffer(data, dtype=dtype).reshape(height, width, 4) if len(rust_view.color) == 0: print("empty color buffer") color = reshape_data(rust_view.color, np.float32) depth = reshape_data(rust_view.depth, np.float32) world_from_view = np.array(rust_view.world_from_view) fovy = rust_view.fovy near = rust_view.near far = rust_view.far return cls(color, depth, world_from_view, fovy, near, far, width, height) def to_tensors(self): color_tensor = torch.tensor(self.color, dtype=torch.float32) color_tensor = color_tensor[..., :3] depth_tensor = torch.tensor(self.depth, dtype=torch.float32) depth_tensor = depth_tensor[..., 0:1] world_from_view_tensor = torch.tensor(self.world_from_view, dtype=torch.float32) fovy_tensor = torch.tensor(self.fovy, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(-1) near_tensor = torch.tensor(self.near, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(-1) far_tensor = torch.tensor(self.far, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(-1) return { 'color': color_tensor, 'depth': depth_tensor, 'world_from_view': world_from_view_tensor, 'fovy': fovy_tensor, 'near': near_tensor, 'far': far_tensor, } class Sample: def __init__(self, views, aabb): self.views = views self.aabb = aabb @classmethod def from_rust(cls, rust_sample, width, height): views = [View.from_rust(view, width, height) for view in rust_sample.views] aabb = np.array(rust_sample.aabb) return cls(views, aabb) def to_tensors(self): tensor_dict = { 'color': [], 'depth': [], 'world_from_view': [], 'fovy': [], 'near': [], 'far': [], } if len(self.views) == 0: print("empty views") return tensor_dict for view in self.views: tensors = view.to_tensors() for key in tensor_dict: tensor_dict[key].append(tensors[key]) for key in tensor_dict: tensor_dict[key] = torch.stack(tensor_dict[key], dim=0) tensor_dict['aabb'] = torch.tensor(self.aabb, dtype=torch.float32) tensor_dict['color'] = normalize_hdr_image_tonemap(tensor_dict['color']) tensor_dict['depth'] = normalize_hdr_image_tonemap(tensor_dict['depth']) return tensor_dict # TODO: add dataset seed parameter to config class BevyZeroverseDataset(Dataset): scene_map = { 'cornell_cube': bevy_zeroverse_ffi.ZeroverseSceneType.CornellCube, 'object': bevy_zeroverse_ffi.ZeroverseSceneType.Object, 'room': bevy_zeroverse_ffi.ZeroverseSceneType.Room, } def __init__( self, editor, headless, num_cameras, width, height, num_samples, root_asset_folder=None, scene_type='object', max_camera_radius=0.0, ): self.editor = editor self.headless = headless self.num_cameras = num_cameras self.width = width self.height = height self.num_samples = int(num_samples) self.initialized = False self.root_asset_folder = root_asset_folder self.scene_type = scene_type self.max_camera_radius = max_camera_radius def initialize(self): config = bevy_zeroverse_ffi.BevyZeroverseConfig() config.editor = self.editor config.headless = self.headless config.image_copiers = True config.num_cameras = self.num_cameras config.width = self.width config.height = self.height config.scene_type = BevyZeroverseDataset.scene_map[self.scene_type] config.max_camera_radius = self.max_camera_radius config.regenerate_scene_material_shuffle_period = 256 bevy_zeroverse_ffi.initialize( config, self.root_asset_folder, ) self.initialized = True def __len__(self): return self.num_samples def __getitem__(self, idx): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() rust_sample = sample = Sample.from_rust(rust_sample, self.width, self.height) return sample.to_tensors() def chunk_and_save( dataset, output_dir: Path, bytes_per_chunk: Optional[int] = int(256 * 1024 * 1024), samples_per_chunk: Optional[int] = None, n_workers: int = 1, ): """ if samples_per_chunk is not None, the dataset will be chunked into chunks of size samples_per_chunk, regardless of bytes_per_chunk. """ output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) existing_chunks = sorted(output_dir.glob("*.safetensors")) if existing_chunks: latest_chunk = existing_chunks[-1] chunk_index = int(latest_chunk.stem) print(f"resuming from chunk {chunk_index}.") else: chunk_index = 0 chunk_size = 0 chunk = [] chunk_file_paths = [output_dir / f"{int(chunk.stem):0>6}.safetensors" for chunk in existing_chunks] def save_chunk(): nonlocal chunk_size, chunk_index, chunk, chunk_file_paths chunk_key = f"{chunk_index:0>6}" print(f"saving chunk {chunk_key} of {len(dataset)} ({chunk_size / 1e6:.2f} MB).") file_path = output_dir / f"{chunk_key}.safetensors" batch = {} for sample in chunk: for key, tensor in sample.items(): if key not in batch: batch[key] = [] batch[key].append(tensor) # Stack the tensors for each key flat_tensors = {key: torch.stack(tensors, dim=0) for key, tensors in batch.items()} save_file(flat_tensors, str(file_path)) chunk_file_paths.append(file_path) chunk_size = 0 chunk_index += 1 chunk = [] del batch torch.cuda.empty_cache() import gc gc.collect() dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, num_workers=n_workers, shuffle=False) for idx, sample in enumerate(dataloader): sample = {k: v.squeeze(0) for k, v in sample.items()} sample_size = sum(tensor.numel() * tensor.element_size() for tensor in sample.values()) chunk.append(sample) chunk_size += sample_size print(f" added sample {idx} to chunk ({sample_size / 1e6:.2f} MB).") if samples_per_chunk is not None: if len(chunk) >= samples_per_chunk: save_chunk() continue if chunk_size >= bytes_per_chunk: save_chunk() if chunk_size > 0: save_chunk() return chunk_file_paths class ChunkedDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, output_dir: Path): self.output_dir = Path(output_dir) self.chunk_files = sorted(self.output_dir.glob("*.safetensors")) def load_chunk(self, file_path: Path): with safe_open(str(file_path), framework="pt", device="cpu") as f: return {key: f.get_tensor(key) for key in f.keys()} def __len__(self): return len(self.chunk_files) def __getitem__(self, idx): chunk_file = self.chunk_files[idx] return self.load_chunk(chunk_file) def save_to_folders(dataset, output_dir: Path, n_workers: int = 1): """ Saves each sample from the dataset into a folder structure. Args: dataset (Dataset): The dataset to save. output_dir (Path): The directory where the dataset will be saved. n_workers (int): Number of worker processes for data loading. """ output_dir = Path(output_dir) output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, num_workers=n_workers, shuffle=False) for idx, sample in enumerate(dataloader): sample = {k: v.squeeze(0) for k, v in sample.items()} # Remove batch dimension scene_dir = output_dir / f"{idx:06d}" scene_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) color_tensor = sample['color'] depth_tensor = sample['depth'] views = color_tensor.shape[0] for view_idx in range(views): view_color = color_tensor[view_idx].permute(2, 0, 1) image_filename = scene_dir / f"color_{view_idx:02d}.jpg" save_image(view_color, str(image_filename)) view_depth = depth_tensor[view_idx].permute(2, 0, 1) depth_filename = scene_dir / f"depth_{view_idx:02d}.jpg" save_image(view_depth, str(depth_filename)) meta_tensors = { 'world_from_view': sample['world_from_view'], 'fovy': sample['fovy'], 'near': sample['near'], 'far': sample['far'], 'aabb': sample['aabb'], } meta_filename = scene_dir / "meta.safetensors" save_file(meta_tensors, str(meta_filename)) print(f"Saved sample {idx} to {scene_dir}") class FolderDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, output_dir: Path): self.output_dir = Path(output_dir) self.scene_dirs = sorted([d for d in self.output_dir.iterdir() if d.is_dir()]) self.transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]) def __len__(self): return len(self.scene_dirs) def __getitem__(self, idx): scene_dir = self.scene_dirs[idx] meta_filename = scene_dir / "meta.safetensors" with safe_open(str(meta_filename), framework="pt", device="cpu") as f: meta_tensors = {key: f.get_tensor(key) for key in f.keys()} color_images = sorted(scene_dir.glob("color_*.jpg")) color_tensors = [] depth_tensors = [] for image_file in color_images: image ="RGB") color_tensor = self.transform(image).permute(1, 2, 0) color_tensors.append(color_tensor) depth_file ="color", "depth") if os.path.exists(depth_file): depth_image_file = image_file.with_name() depth ="RGB") depth_tensor = self.transform(depth).permute(1, 2, 0) depth_tensors.append(depth_tensor) color_tensor = torch.stack(color_tensors, dim=0) if len(depth_tensors) == 0: depth_tensor = torch.zeros_like(color_tensor) else: depth_tensor = torch.stack(depth_tensors, dim=0) meta_tensors['color'] = color_tensor meta_tensors['depth'] = depth_tensor return meta_tensors