# Bevy GLTF Extended Loader (BGEL) ## What does this do? This tool applies some (at the moment one) [Khronos glTF Extensions](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/blob/main/extensions/README.md) to the relevant materials. Here is a list of the currently supported extensions. Feel free to ask for more or even open a pull request, if you have some implementation: - [x] KHR_materials_emissive_strength ## Usage - Add the `GLTFExtender` plugin - Add a meta file to your gltf, which includes includes the ```include_sources: true,``` flag (see material_test.glb.meta) - For every added gltf do the following: ```rust let my_gltf = assets.load("material_test.glb"); commands.spawn(SpawnAsset { handle: my_gltf }); ``` ## Examples ### Emissive Example ``` cargo run --example emissive_example ``` Shows an emissive example with massive bloom. ![Without bloom](./resources/example_emissive_without.png) ![With bloom](./resources/example_emissive_with.png) ## Changes ### 0.1.0 Initial release #### Features - Simple support for KHR_materials_emissive_strength - Multiplies the emissive strength of the material by this value ### 0.1.1 #### Changes - The library is now internally also called bgel - Fixed usage section in readme ### 0.1.2 #### Fixes - Complex models wouldn't be extended, since they take too long to load. Now only after the asset has been found, the request for modification is deleted.