/*==========================================================================; * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: d3d9types.h * Content: Direct3D capabilities include file * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _d3d9TYPES_H_ #define _d3d9TYPES_H_ #ifndef DIRECT3D_VERSION #define DIRECT3D_VERSION 0x0900 #endif //DIRECT3D_VERSION // include this file content only if compiling for DX9 interfaces #if(DIRECT3D_VERSION >= 0x0900) #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #if _MSC_VER >= 1200 #pragma warning(push) #endif #pragma warning(disable:4201) // anonymous unions warning #if defined(_X86_) || defined(_IA64_) #pragma pack(4) #endif #endif // _MSC_VER // D3DCOLOR is equivalent to D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 #ifndef D3DCOLOR_DEFINED typedef DWORD D3DCOLOR; #define D3DCOLOR_DEFINED #endif // maps unsigned 8 bits/channel to D3DCOLOR #define D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a,r,g,b) \ ((D3DCOLOR)((((a)&0xff)<<24)|(((r)&0xff)<<16)|(((g)&0xff)<<8)|((b)&0xff))) #define D3DCOLOR_RGBA(r,g,b,a) D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a,r,g,b) #define D3DCOLOR_XRGB(r,g,b) D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0xff,r,g,b) #define D3DCOLOR_XYUV(y,u,v) D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0xff,y,u,v) #define D3DCOLOR_AYUV(a,y,u,v) D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a,y,u,v) // maps floating point channels (0.f to 1.f range) to D3DCOLOR #define D3DCOLOR_COLORVALUE(r,g,b,a) \ D3DCOLOR_RGBA((DWORD)((r)*255.f),(DWORD)((g)*255.f),(DWORD)((b)*255.f),(DWORD)((a)*255.f)) #ifndef D3DVECTOR_DEFINED typedef struct _D3DVECTOR { float x; float y; float z; } D3DVECTOR; #define D3DVECTOR_DEFINED #endif #ifndef D3DCOLORVALUE_DEFINED typedef struct _D3DCOLORVALUE { float r; float g; float b; float a; } D3DCOLORVALUE; #define D3DCOLORVALUE_DEFINED #endif #ifndef D3DRECT_DEFINED typedef struct _D3DRECT { LONG x1; LONG y1; LONG x2; LONG y2; } D3DRECT; #define D3DRECT_DEFINED #endif #ifndef D3DMATRIX_DEFINED typedef struct _D3DMATRIX { union { struct { float _11, _12, _13, _14; float _21, _22, _23, _24; float _31, _32, _33, _34; float _41, _42, _43, _44; }; float m[4][4]; }; } D3DMATRIX; #define D3DMATRIX_DEFINED #endif typedef struct _D3DVIEWPORT9 { DWORD X; DWORD Y; /* Viewport Top left */ DWORD Width; DWORD Height; /* Viewport Dimensions */ float MinZ; /* Min/max of clip Volume */ float MaxZ; } D3DVIEWPORT9; /* * Values for clip fields. */ // Max number of user clipping planes, supported in D3D. #define D3DMAXUSERCLIPPLANES 32 // These bits could be ORed together to use with D3DRS_CLIPPLANEENABLE // #define D3DCLIPPLANE0 (1 << 0) #define D3DCLIPPLANE1 (1 << 1) #define D3DCLIPPLANE2 (1 << 2) #define D3DCLIPPLANE3 (1 << 3) #define D3DCLIPPLANE4 (1 << 4) #define D3DCLIPPLANE5 (1 << 5) // The following bits are used in the ClipUnion and ClipIntersection // members of the D3DCLIPSTATUS9 // #define D3DCS_LEFT 0x00000001L #define D3DCS_RIGHT 0x00000002L #define D3DCS_TOP 0x00000004L #define D3DCS_BOTTOM 0x00000008L #define D3DCS_FRONT 0x00000010L #define D3DCS_BACK 0x00000020L #define D3DCS_PLANE0 0x00000040L #define D3DCS_PLANE1 0x00000080L #define D3DCS_PLANE2 0x00000100L #define D3DCS_PLANE3 0x00000200L #define D3DCS_PLANE4 0x00000400L #define D3DCS_PLANE5 0x00000800L #define D3DCS_ALL (D3DCS_LEFT | \ D3DCS_RIGHT | \ D3DCS_TOP | \ D3DCS_BOTTOM | \ D3DCS_FRONT | \ D3DCS_BACK | \ D3DCS_PLANE0 | \ D3DCS_PLANE1 | \ D3DCS_PLANE2 | \ D3DCS_PLANE3 | \ D3DCS_PLANE4 | \ D3DCS_PLANE5) typedef struct _D3DCLIPSTATUS9 { DWORD ClipUnion; DWORD ClipIntersection; } D3DCLIPSTATUS9; typedef struct _D3DMATERIAL9 { D3DCOLORVALUE Diffuse; /* Diffuse color RGBA */ D3DCOLORVALUE Ambient; /* Ambient color RGB */ D3DCOLORVALUE Specular; /* Specular 'shininess' */ D3DCOLORVALUE Emissive; /* Emissive color RGB */ float Power; /* Sharpness if specular highlight */ } D3DMATERIAL9; typedef enum _D3DLIGHTTYPE { D3DLIGHT_POINT = 1, D3DLIGHT_SPOT = 2, D3DLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL = 3, D3DLIGHT_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DLIGHTTYPE; typedef struct _D3DLIGHT9 { D3DLIGHTTYPE Type; /* Type of light source */ D3DCOLORVALUE Diffuse; /* Diffuse color of light */ D3DCOLORVALUE Specular; /* Specular color of light */ D3DCOLORVALUE Ambient; /* Ambient color of light */ D3DVECTOR Position; /* Position in world space */ D3DVECTOR Direction; /* Direction in world space */ float Range; /* Cutoff range */ float Falloff; /* Falloff */ float Attenuation0; /* Constant attenuation */ float Attenuation1; /* Linear attenuation */ float Attenuation2; /* Quadratic attenuation */ float Theta; /* Inner angle of spotlight cone */ float Phi; /* Outer angle of spotlight cone */ } D3DLIGHT9; /* * Options for clearing */ #define D3DCLEAR_TARGET 0x00000001l /* Clear target surface */ #define D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER 0x00000002l /* Clear target z buffer */ #define D3DCLEAR_STENCIL 0x00000004l /* Clear stencil planes */ /* * The following defines the rendering states */ typedef enum _D3DSHADEMODE { D3DSHADE_FLAT = 1, D3DSHADE_GOURAUD = 2, D3DSHADE_PHONG = 3, D3DSHADE_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DSHADEMODE; typedef enum _D3DFILLMODE { D3DFILL_POINT = 1, D3DFILL_WIREFRAME = 2, D3DFILL_SOLID = 3, D3DFILL_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DFILLMODE; typedef enum _D3DBLEND { D3DBLEND_ZERO = 1, D3DBLEND_ONE = 2, D3DBLEND_SRCCOLOR = 3, D3DBLEND_INVSRCCOLOR = 4, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA = 5, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA = 6, D3DBLEND_DESTALPHA = 7, D3DBLEND_INVDESTALPHA = 8, D3DBLEND_DESTCOLOR = 9, D3DBLEND_INVDESTCOLOR = 10, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHASAT = 11, D3DBLEND_BOTHSRCALPHA = 12, D3DBLEND_BOTHINVSRCALPHA = 13, D3DBLEND_BLENDFACTOR = 14, /* Only supported if D3DPBLENDCAPS_BLENDFACTOR is on */ D3DBLEND_INVBLENDFACTOR = 15, /* Only supported if D3DPBLENDCAPS_BLENDFACTOR is on */ /* D3D9Ex only -- */ #if !defined(D3D_DISABLE_9EX) D3DBLEND_SRCCOLOR2 = 16, D3DBLEND_INVSRCCOLOR2 = 17, #endif // !D3D_DISABLE_9EX /* -- D3D9Ex only */ D3DBLEND_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DBLEND; typedef enum _D3DBLENDOP { D3DBLENDOP_ADD = 1, D3DBLENDOP_SUBTRACT = 2, D3DBLENDOP_REVSUBTRACT = 3, D3DBLENDOP_MIN = 4, D3DBLENDOP_MAX = 5, D3DBLENDOP_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DBLENDOP; typedef enum _D3DTEXTUREADDRESS { D3DTADDRESS_WRAP = 1, D3DTADDRESS_MIRROR = 2, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP = 3, D3DTADDRESS_BORDER = 4, D3DTADDRESS_MIRRORONCE = 5, D3DTADDRESS_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DTEXTUREADDRESS; typedef enum _D3DCULL { D3DCULL_NONE = 1, D3DCULL_CW = 2, D3DCULL_CCW = 3, D3DCULL_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DCULL; typedef enum _D3DCMPFUNC { D3DCMP_NEVER = 1, D3DCMP_LESS = 2, D3DCMP_EQUAL = 3, D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL = 4, D3DCMP_GREATER = 5, D3DCMP_NOTEQUAL = 6, D3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL = 7, D3DCMP_ALWAYS = 8, D3DCMP_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DCMPFUNC; typedef enum _D3DSTENCILOP { D3DSTENCILOP_KEEP = 1, D3DSTENCILOP_ZERO = 2, D3DSTENCILOP_REPLACE = 3, D3DSTENCILOP_INCRSAT = 4, D3DSTENCILOP_DECRSAT = 5, D3DSTENCILOP_INVERT = 6, D3DSTENCILOP_INCR = 7, D3DSTENCILOP_DECR = 8, D3DSTENCILOP_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DSTENCILOP; typedef enum _D3DFOGMODE { D3DFOG_NONE = 0, D3DFOG_EXP = 1, D3DFOG_EXP2 = 2, D3DFOG_LINEAR = 3, D3DFOG_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DFOGMODE; typedef enum _D3DZBUFFERTYPE { D3DZB_FALSE = 0, D3DZB_TRUE = 1, // Z buffering D3DZB_USEW = 2, // W buffering D3DZB_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DZBUFFERTYPE; // Primitives supported by draw-primitive API typedef enum _D3DPRIMITIVETYPE { D3DPT_POINTLIST = 1, D3DPT_LINELIST = 2, D3DPT_LINESTRIP = 3, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST = 4, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP = 5, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN = 6, D3DPT_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DPRIMITIVETYPE; typedef enum _D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE { D3DTS_VIEW = 2, D3DTS_PROJECTION = 3, D3DTS_TEXTURE0 = 16, D3DTS_TEXTURE1 = 17, D3DTS_TEXTURE2 = 18, D3DTS_TEXTURE3 = 19, D3DTS_TEXTURE4 = 20, D3DTS_TEXTURE5 = 21, D3DTS_TEXTURE6 = 22, D3DTS_TEXTURE7 = 23, D3DTS_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE; #define D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(index) (D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE)(index + 256) #define D3DTS_WORLD D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(0) #define D3DTS_WORLD1 D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(1) #define D3DTS_WORLD2 D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(2) #define D3DTS_WORLD3 D3DTS_WORLDMATRIX(3) typedef enum _D3DRENDERSTATETYPE { D3DRS_ZENABLE = 7, /* D3DZBUFFERTYPE (or TRUE/FALSE for legacy) */ D3DRS_FILLMODE = 8, /* D3DFILLMODE */ D3DRS_SHADEMODE = 9, /* D3DSHADEMODE */ D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE = 14, /* TRUE to enable z writes */ D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE = 15, /* TRUE to enable alpha tests */ D3DRS_LASTPIXEL = 16, /* TRUE for last-pixel on lines */ D3DRS_SRCBLEND = 19, /* D3DBLEND */ D3DRS_DESTBLEND = 20, /* D3DBLEND */ D3DRS_CULLMODE = 22, /* D3DCULL */ D3DRS_ZFUNC = 23, /* D3DCMPFUNC */ D3DRS_ALPHAREF = 24, /* D3DFIXED */ D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC = 25, /* D3DCMPFUNC */ D3DRS_DITHERENABLE = 26, /* TRUE to enable dithering */ D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE = 27, /* TRUE to enable alpha blending */ D3DRS_FOGENABLE = 28, /* TRUE to enable fog blending */ D3DRS_SPECULARENABLE = 29, /* TRUE to enable specular */ D3DRS_FOGCOLOR = 34, /* D3DCOLOR */ D3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE = 35, /* D3DFOGMODE */ D3DRS_FOGSTART = 36, /* Fog start (for both vertex and pixel fog) */ D3DRS_FOGEND = 37, /* Fog end */ D3DRS_FOGDENSITY = 38, /* Fog density */ D3DRS_RANGEFOGENABLE = 48, /* Enables range-based fog */ D3DRS_STENCILENABLE = 52, /* BOOL enable/disable stenciling */ D3DRS_STENCILFAIL = 53, /* D3DSTENCILOP to do if stencil test fails */ D3DRS_STENCILZFAIL = 54, /* D3DSTENCILOP to do if stencil test passes and Z test fails */ D3DRS_STENCILPASS = 55, /* D3DSTENCILOP to do if both stencil and Z tests pass */ D3DRS_STENCILFUNC = 56, /* D3DCMPFUNC fn. Stencil Test passes if ((ref & mask) stencilfn (stencil & mask)) is true */ D3DRS_STENCILREF = 57, /* Reference value used in stencil test */ D3DRS_STENCILMASK = 58, /* Mask value used in stencil test */ D3DRS_STENCILWRITEMASK = 59, /* Write mask applied to values written to stencil buffer */ D3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR = 60, /* D3DCOLOR used for multi-texture blend */ D3DRS_WRAP0 = 128, /* wrap for 1st texture coord. set */ D3DRS_WRAP1 = 129, /* wrap for 2nd texture coord. set */ D3DRS_WRAP2 = 130, /* wrap for 3rd texture coord. set */ D3DRS_WRAP3 = 131, /* wrap for 4th texture coord. set */ D3DRS_WRAP4 = 132, /* wrap for 5th texture coord. set */ D3DRS_WRAP5 = 133, /* wrap for 6th texture coord. set */ D3DRS_WRAP6 = 134, /* wrap for 7th texture coord. set */ D3DRS_WRAP7 = 135, /* wrap for 8th texture coord. set */ D3DRS_CLIPPING = 136, D3DRS_LIGHTING = 137, D3DRS_AMBIENT = 139, D3DRS_FOGVERTEXMODE = 140, D3DRS_COLORVERTEX = 141, D3DRS_LOCALVIEWER = 142, D3DRS_NORMALIZENORMALS = 143, D3DRS_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE = 145, D3DRS_SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE = 146, D3DRS_AMBIENTMATERIALSOURCE = 147, D3DRS_EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE = 148, D3DRS_VERTEXBLEND = 151, D3DRS_CLIPPLANEENABLE = 152, D3DRS_POINTSIZE = 154, /* float point size */ D3DRS_POINTSIZE_MIN = 155, /* float point size min threshold */ D3DRS_POINTSPRITEENABLE = 156, /* BOOL point texture coord control */ D3DRS_POINTSCALEENABLE = 157, /* BOOL point size scale enable */ D3DRS_POINTSCALE_A = 158, /* float point attenuation A value */ D3DRS_POINTSCALE_B = 159, /* float point attenuation B value */ D3DRS_POINTSCALE_C = 160, /* float point attenuation C value */ D3DRS_MULTISAMPLEANTIALIAS = 161, // BOOL - set to do FSAA with multisample buffer D3DRS_MULTISAMPLEMASK = 162, // DWORD - per-sample enable/disable D3DRS_PATCHEDGESTYLE = 163, // Sets whether patch edges will use float style tessellation D3DRS_DEBUGMONITORTOKEN = 165, // DEBUG ONLY - token to debug monitor D3DRS_POINTSIZE_MAX = 166, /* float point size max threshold */ D3DRS_INDEXEDVERTEXBLENDENABLE = 167, D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE = 168, // per-channel write enable D3DRS_TWEENFACTOR = 170, // float tween factor D3DRS_BLENDOP = 171, // D3DBLENDOP setting D3DRS_POSITIONDEGREE = 172, // NPatch position interpolation degree. D3DDEGREE_LINEAR or D3DDEGREE_CUBIC (default) D3DRS_NORMALDEGREE = 173, // NPatch normal interpolation degree. D3DDEGREE_LINEAR (default) or D3DDEGREE_QUADRATIC D3DRS_SCISSORTESTENABLE = 174, D3DRS_SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS = 175, D3DRS_ANTIALIASEDLINEENABLE = 176, D3DRS_MINTESSELLATIONLEVEL = 178, D3DRS_MAXTESSELLATIONLEVEL = 179, D3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_X = 180, D3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_Y = 181, D3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_Z = 182, D3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_W = 183, D3DRS_ENABLEADAPTIVETESSELLATION = 184, D3DRS_TWOSIDEDSTENCILMODE = 185, /* BOOL enable/disable 2 sided stenciling */ D3DRS_CCW_STENCILFAIL = 186, /* D3DSTENCILOP to do if ccw stencil test fails */ D3DRS_CCW_STENCILZFAIL = 187, /* D3DSTENCILOP to do if ccw stencil test passes and Z test fails */ D3DRS_CCW_STENCILPASS = 188, /* D3DSTENCILOP to do if both ccw stencil and Z tests pass */ D3DRS_CCW_STENCILFUNC = 189, /* D3DCMPFUNC fn. ccw Stencil Test passes if ((ref & mask) stencilfn (stencil & mask)) is true */ D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE1 = 190, /* Additional ColorWriteEnables for the devices that support D3DPMISCCAPS_INDEPENDENTWRITEMASKS */ D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE2 = 191, /* Additional ColorWriteEnables for the devices that support D3DPMISCCAPS_INDEPENDENTWRITEMASKS */ D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE3 = 192, /* Additional ColorWriteEnables for the devices that support D3DPMISCCAPS_INDEPENDENTWRITEMASKS */ D3DRS_BLENDFACTOR = 193, /* D3DCOLOR used for a constant blend factor during alpha blending for devices that support D3DPBLENDCAPS_BLENDFACTOR */ D3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE = 194, /* Enable rendertarget writes to be DE-linearized to SRGB (for formats that expose D3DUSAGE_QUERY_SRGBWRITE) */ D3DRS_DEPTHBIAS = 195, D3DRS_WRAP8 = 198, /* Additional wrap states for vs_3_0+ attributes with D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD */ D3DRS_WRAP9 = 199, D3DRS_WRAP10 = 200, D3DRS_WRAP11 = 201, D3DRS_WRAP12 = 202, D3DRS_WRAP13 = 203, D3DRS_WRAP14 = 204, D3DRS_WRAP15 = 205, D3DRS_SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE = 206, /* TRUE to enable a separate blending function for the alpha channel */ D3DRS_SRCBLENDALPHA = 207, /* SRC blend factor for the alpha channel when D3DRS_SEPARATEDESTALPHAENABLE is TRUE */ D3DRS_DESTBLENDALPHA = 208, /* DST blend factor for the alpha channel when D3DRS_SEPARATEDESTALPHAENABLE is TRUE */ D3DRS_BLENDOPALPHA = 209, /* Blending operation for the alpha channel when D3DRS_SEPARATEDESTALPHAENABLE is TRUE */ D3DRS_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DRENDERSTATETYPE; // Maximum number of simultaneous render targets D3D supports #define D3D_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_RENDERTARGETS 4 // Values for material source typedef enum _D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE { D3DMCS_MATERIAL = 0, // Color from material is used D3DMCS_COLOR1 = 1, // Diffuse vertex color is used D3DMCS_COLOR2 = 2, // Specular vertex color is used D3DMCS_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, // force 32-bit size enum } D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE; // Bias to apply to the texture coordinate set to apply a wrap to. #define D3DRENDERSTATE_WRAPBIAS 128UL /* Flags to construct the WRAP render states */ #define D3DWRAP_U 0x00000001L #define D3DWRAP_V 0x00000002L #define D3DWRAP_W 0x00000004L /* Flags to construct the WRAP render states for 1D thru 4D texture coordinates */ #define D3DWRAPCOORD_0 0x00000001L // same as D3DWRAP_U #define D3DWRAPCOORD_1 0x00000002L // same as D3DWRAP_V #define D3DWRAPCOORD_2 0x00000004L // same as D3DWRAP_W #define D3DWRAPCOORD_3 0x00000008L /* Flags to construct D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE */ #define D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_RED (1L<<0) #define D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_GREEN (1L<<1) #define D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_BLUE (1L<<2) #define D3DCOLORWRITEENABLE_ALPHA (1L<<3) /* * State enumerants for per-stage processing of fixed function pixel processing * Two of these affect fixed function vertex processing as well: TEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS and TEXCOORDINDEX. */ typedef enum _D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE { D3DTSS_COLOROP = 1, /* D3DTEXTUREOP - per-stage blending controls for color channels */ D3DTSS_COLORARG1 = 2, /* D3DTA_* (texture arg) */ D3DTSS_COLORARG2 = 3, /* D3DTA_* (texture arg) */ D3DTSS_ALPHAOP = 4, /* D3DTEXTUREOP - per-stage blending controls for alpha channel */ D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1 = 5, /* D3DTA_* (texture arg) */ D3DTSS_ALPHAARG2 = 6, /* D3DTA_* (texture arg) */ D3DTSS_BUMPENVMAT00 = 7, /* float (bump mapping matrix) */ D3DTSS_BUMPENVMAT01 = 8, /* float (bump mapping matrix) */ D3DTSS_BUMPENVMAT10 = 9, /* float (bump mapping matrix) */ D3DTSS_BUMPENVMAT11 = 10, /* float (bump mapping matrix) */ D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX = 11, /* identifies which set of texture coordinates index this texture */ D3DTSS_BUMPENVLSCALE = 22, /* float scale for bump map luminance */ D3DTSS_BUMPENVLOFFSET = 23, /* float offset for bump map luminance */ D3DTSS_TEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS = 24, /* D3DTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS controls texture transform */ D3DTSS_COLORARG0 = 26, /* D3DTA_* third arg for triadic ops */ D3DTSS_ALPHAARG0 = 27, /* D3DTA_* third arg for triadic ops */ D3DTSS_RESULTARG = 28, /* D3DTA_* arg for result (CURRENT or TEMP) */ D3DTSS_CONSTANT = 32, /* Per-stage constant D3DTA_CONSTANT */ D3DTSS_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE; /* * State enumerants for per-sampler texture processing. */ typedef enum _D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE { D3DSAMP_ADDRESSU = 1, /* D3DTEXTUREADDRESS for U coordinate */ D3DSAMP_ADDRESSV = 2, /* D3DTEXTUREADDRESS for V coordinate */ D3DSAMP_ADDRESSW = 3, /* D3DTEXTUREADDRESS for W coordinate */ D3DSAMP_BORDERCOLOR = 4, /* D3DCOLOR */ D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER = 5, /* D3DTEXTUREFILTER filter to use for magnification */ D3DSAMP_MINFILTER = 6, /* D3DTEXTUREFILTER filter to use for minification */ D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER = 7, /* D3DTEXTUREFILTER filter to use between mipmaps during minification */ D3DSAMP_MIPMAPLODBIAS = 8, /* float Mipmap LOD bias */ D3DSAMP_MAXMIPLEVEL = 9, /* DWORD 0..(n-1) LOD index of largest map to use (0 == largest) */ D3DSAMP_MAXANISOTROPY = 10, /* DWORD maximum anisotropy */ D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE = 11, /* Default = 0 (which means Gamma 1.0, no correction required.) else correct for Gamma = 2.2 */ D3DSAMP_ELEMENTINDEX = 12, /* When multi-element texture is assigned to sampler, this indicates which element index to use. Default = 0. */ D3DSAMP_DMAPOFFSET = 13, /* Offset in vertices in the pre-sampled displacement map. Only valid for D3DDMAPSAMPLER sampler */ D3DSAMP_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */ } D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE; /* Special sampler which is used in the tesselator */ #define D3DDMAPSAMPLER 256 // Samplers used in vertex shaders #define D3DVERTEXTEXTURESAMPLER0 (D3DDMAPSAMPLER+1) #define D3DVERTEXTEXTURESAMPLER1 (D3DDMAPSAMPLER+2) #define D3DVERTEXTEXTURESAMPLER2 (D3DDMAPSAMPLER+3) #define D3DVERTEXTEXTURESAMPLER3 (D3DDMAPSAMPLER+4) // Values, used with D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX, to specify that the vertex data(position // and normal in the camera space) should be taken as texture coordinates // Low 16 bits are used to specify texture coordinate index, to take the WRAP mode from // #define D3DTSS_TCI_PASSTHRU 0x00000000 #define D3DTSS_TCI_CAMERASPACENORMAL 0x00010000 #define D3DTSS_TCI_CAMERASPACEPOSITION 0x00020000 #define D3DTSS_TCI_CAMERASPACEREFLECTIONVECTOR 0x00030000 #define D3DTSS_TCI_SPHEREMAP 0x00040000 /* * Enumerations for COLOROP and ALPHAOP texture blending operations set in * texture processing stage controls in D3DTSS. */ typedef enum _D3DTEXTUREOP { // Control D3DTOP_DISABLE = 1, // disables stage D3DTOP_SELECTARG1 = 2, // the default D3DTOP_SELECTARG2 = 3, // Modulate D3DTOP_MODULATE = 4, // multiply args together D3DTOP_MODULATE2X = 5, // multiply and 1 bit D3DTOP_MODULATE4X = 6, // multiply and 2 bits // Add D3DTOP_ADD = 7, // add arguments together D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED = 8, // add with -0.5 bias D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X = 9, // as above but left 1 bit D3DTOP_SUBTRACT = 10, // Arg1 - Arg2, with no saturation D3DTOP_ADDSMOOTH = 11, // add 2 args, subtract product // Arg1 + Arg2 - Arg1*Arg2 // = Arg1 + (1-Arg1)*Arg2 // Linear alpha blend: Arg1*(Alpha) + Arg2*(1-Alpha) D3DTOP_BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA = 12, // iterated alpha D3DTOP_BLENDTEXTUREALPHA = 13, // texture alpha D3DTOP_BLENDFACTORALPHA = 14, // alpha from D3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR // Linear alpha blend with pre-multiplied arg1 input: Arg1 + Arg2*(1-Alpha) D3DTOP_BLENDTEXTUREALPHAPM = 15, // texture alpha D3DTOP_BLENDCURRENTALPHA = 16, // by alpha of current color // Specular mapping D3DTOP_PREMODULATE = 17, // modulate with next texture before use D3DTOP_MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR = 18, // Arg1.RGB + Arg1.A*Arg2.RGB // COLOROP only D3DTOP_MODULATECOLOR_ADDALPHA = 19, // Arg1.RGB*Arg2.RGB + Arg1.A // COLOROP only D3DTOP_MODULATEINVALPHA_ADDCOLOR = 20, // (1-Arg1.A)*Arg2.RGB + Arg1.RGB // COLOROP only D3DTOP_MODULATEINVCOLOR_ADDALPHA = 21, // (1-Arg1.RGB)*Arg2.RGB + Arg1.A // COLOROP only // Bump mapping D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAP = 22, // per pixel env map perturbation D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAPLUMINANCE = 23, // with luminance channel // This can do either diffuse or specular bump mapping with correct input. // Performs the function (Arg1.R*Arg2.R + Arg1.G*Arg2.G + Arg1.B*Arg2.B) // where each component has been scaled and offset to make it signed. // The result is replicated into all four (including alpha) channels. // This is a valid COLOROP only. D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3 = 24, // Triadic ops D3DTOP_MULTIPLYADD = 25, // Arg0 + Arg1*Arg2 D3DTOP_LERP = 26, // (Arg0)*Arg1 + (1-Arg0)*Arg2 D3DTOP_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, } D3DTEXTUREOP; /* * Values for COLORARG0,1,2, ALPHAARG0,1,2, and RESULTARG texture blending * operations set in texture processing stage controls in D3DRENDERSTATE. */ #define D3DTA_SELECTMASK 0x0000000f // mask for arg selector #define D3DTA_DIFFUSE 0x00000000 // select diffuse color (read only) #define D3DTA_CURRENT 0x00000001 // select stage destination register (read/write) #define D3DTA_TEXTURE 0x00000002 // select texture color (read only) #define D3DTA_TFACTOR 0x00000003 // select D3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR (read only) #define D3DTA_SPECULAR 0x00000004 // select specular color (read only) #define D3DTA_TEMP 0x00000005 // select temporary register color (read/write) #define D3DTA_CONSTANT 0x00000006 // select texture stage constant #define D3DTA_COMPLEMENT 0x00000010 // take 1.0 - x (read modifier) #define D3DTA_ALPHAREPLICATE 0x00000020 // replicate alpha to color components (read modifier) // // Values for D3DSAMP_***FILTER texture stage states // typedef enum _D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE { D3DTEXF_NONE = 0, // filtering disabled (valid for mip filter only) D3DTEXF_POINT = 1, // nearest D3DTEXF_LINEAR = 2, // linear interpolation D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC = 3, // anisotropic D3DTEXF_PYRAMIDALQUAD = 6, // 4-sample tent D3DTEXF_GAUSSIANQUAD = 7, // 4-sample gaussian /* D3D9Ex only -- */ #if !defined(D3D_DISABLE_9EX) D3DTEXF_CONVOLUTIONMONO = 8, // Convolution filter for monochrome textures #endif // !D3D_DISABLE_9EX /* -- D3D9Ex only */ D3DTEXF_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, // force 32-bit size enum } D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE; /* Bits for Flags in ProcessVertices call */ #define D3DPV_DONOTCOPYDATA (1 << 0) //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Flexible vertex format bits // #define D3DFVF_RESERVED0 0x001 #define D3DFVF_POSITION_MASK 0x400E #define D3DFVF_XYZ 0x002 #define D3DFVF_XYZRHW 0x004 #define D3DFVF_XYZB1 0x006 #define D3DFVF_XYZB2 0x008 #define D3DFVF_XYZB3 0x00a #define D3DFVF_XYZB4 0x00c #define D3DFVF_XYZB5 0x00e #define D3DFVF_XYZW 0x4002 #define D3DFVF_NORMAL 0x010 #define D3DFVF_PSIZE 0x020 #define D3DFVF_DIFFUSE 0x040 #define D3DFVF_SPECULAR 0x080 #define D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_MASK 0xf00 #define D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_SHIFT 8 #define D3DFVF_TEX0 0x000 #define D3DFVF_TEX1 0x100 #define D3DFVF_TEX2 0x200 #define D3DFVF_TEX3 0x300 #define D3DFVF_TEX4 0x400 #define D3DFVF_TEX5 0x500 #define D3DFVF_TEX6 0x600 #define D3DFVF_TEX7 0x700 #define D3DFVF_TEX8 0x800 #define D3DFVF_LASTBETA_UBYTE4 0x1000 #define D3DFVF_LASTBETA_D3DCOLOR 0x8000 #define D3DFVF_RESERVED2 0x6000 // 2 reserved bits //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vertex Shaders // // Vertex shader declaration // Vertex element semantics // typedef enum _D3DDECLUSAGE { D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION = 0, D3DDECLUSAGE_BLENDWEIGHT, // 1 D3DDECLUSAGE_BLENDINDICES, // 2 D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL, // 3 D3DDECLUSAGE_PSIZE, // 4 D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD, // 5 D3DDECLUSAGE_TANGENT, // 6 D3DDECLUSAGE_BINORMAL, // 7 D3DDECLUSAGE_TESSFACTOR, // 8 D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITIONT, // 9 D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR, // 10 D3DDECLUSAGE_FOG, // 11 D3DDECLUSAGE_DEPTH, // 12 D3DDECLUSAGE_SAMPLE, // 13 } D3DDECLUSAGE; #define MAXD3DDECLUSAGE D3DDECLUSAGE_SAMPLE #define MAXD3DDECLUSAGEINDEX 15 #define MAXD3DDECLLENGTH 64 // does not include "end" marker vertex element typedef enum _D3DDECLMETHOD { D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT = 0, D3DDECLMETHOD_PARTIALU, D3DDECLMETHOD_PARTIALV, D3DDECLMETHOD_CROSSUV, // Normal D3DDECLMETHOD_UV, D3DDECLMETHOD_LOOKUP, // Lookup a displacement map D3DDECLMETHOD_LOOKUPPRESAMPLED, // Lookup a pre-sampled displacement map } D3DDECLMETHOD; #define MAXD3DDECLMETHOD D3DDECLMETHOD_LOOKUPPRESAMPLED // Declarations for _Type fields // typedef enum _D3DDECLTYPE { D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1 = 0, // 1D float expanded to (value, 0., 0., 1.) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2 = 1, // 2D float expanded to (value, value, 0., 1.) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3 = 2, // 3D float expanded to (value, value, value, 1.) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4 = 3, // 4D float D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR = 4, // 4D packed unsigned bytes mapped to 0. to 1. range // Input is in D3DCOLOR format (ARGB) expanded to (R, G, B, A) D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4 = 5, // 4D unsigned byte D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2 = 6, // 2D signed short expanded to (value, value, 0., 1.) D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4 = 7, // 4D signed short // The following types are valid only with vertex shaders >= 2.0 D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4N = 8, // Each of 4 bytes is normalized by dividing to 255.0 D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2N = 9, // 2D signed short normalized (v[0]/32767.0,v[1]/32767.0,0,1) D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4N = 10, // 4D signed short normalized (v[0]/32767.0,v[1]/32767.0,v[2]/32767.0,v[3]/32767.0) D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT2N = 11, // 2D unsigned short normalized (v[0]/65535.0,v[1]/65535.0,0,1) D3DDECLTYPE_USHORT4N = 12, // 4D unsigned short normalized (v[0]/65535.0,v[1]/65535.0,v[2]/65535.0,v[3]/65535.0) D3DDECLTYPE_UDEC3 = 13, // 3D unsigned 10 10 10 format expanded to (value, value, value, 1) D3DDECLTYPE_DEC3N = 14, // 3D signed 10 10 10 format normalized and expanded to (v[0]/511.0, v[1]/511.0, v[2]/511.0, 1) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT16_2 = 15, // Two 16-bit floating point values, expanded to (value, value, 0, 1) D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT16_4 = 16, // Four 16-bit floating point values D3DDECLTYPE_UNUSED = 17, // When the type field in a decl is unused. } D3DDECLTYPE; #define MAXD3DDECLTYPE D3DDECLTYPE_UNUSED typedef struct _D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 { WORD Stream; // Stream index WORD Offset; // Offset in the stream in bytes BYTE Type; // Data type BYTE Method; // Processing method BYTE Usage; // Semantics BYTE UsageIndex; // Semantic index } D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, *LPD3DVERTEXELEMENT9; // This is used to initialize the last vertex element in a vertex declaration // array // #define D3DDECL_END() {0xFF,0,D3DDECLTYPE_UNUSED,0,0,0} // Maximum supported number of texture coordinate sets #define D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD 8 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Values for IDirect3DDevice9::SetStreamSourceFreq's Setting parameter //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #define D3DSTREAMSOURCE_INDEXEDDATA (1<<30) #define D3DSTREAMSOURCE_INSTANCEDATA (2<<30) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The internal format of Pixel Shader (PS) & Vertex Shader (VS) // Instruction Tokens is defined in the Direct3D Device Driver Kit // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Instruction Token Bit Definitions // #define D3DSI_OPCODE_MASK 0x0000FFFF #define D3DSI_INSTLENGTH_MASK 0x0F000000 #define D3DSI_INSTLENGTH_SHIFT 24 typedef enum _D3DSHADER_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_TYPE { D3DSIO_NOP = 0, D3DSIO_MOV , D3DSIO_ADD , D3DSIO_SUB , D3DSIO_MAD , D3DSIO_MUL , D3DSIO_RCP , D3DSIO_RSQ , D3DSIO_DP3 , D3DSIO_DP4 , D3DSIO_MIN , D3DSIO_MAX , D3DSIO_SLT , D3DSIO_SGE , D3DSIO_EXP , D3DSIO_LOG , D3DSIO_LIT , D3DSIO_DST , D3DSIO_LRP , D3DSIO_FRC , D3DSIO_M4x4 , D3DSIO_M4x3 , D3DSIO_M3x4 , D3DSIO_M3x3 , D3DSIO_M3x2 , D3DSIO_CALL , D3DSIO_CALLNZ , D3DSIO_LOOP , D3DSIO_RET , D3DSIO_ENDLOOP , D3DSIO_LABEL , D3DSIO_DCL , D3DSIO_POW , D3DSIO_CRS , D3DSIO_SGN , D3DSIO_ABS , D3DSIO_NRM , D3DSIO_SINCOS , D3DSIO_REP , D3DSIO_ENDREP , D3DSIO_IF , D3DSIO_IFC , D3DSIO_ELSE , D3DSIO_ENDIF , D3DSIO_BREAK , D3DSIO_BREAKC , D3DSIO_MOVA , D3DSIO_DEFB , D3DSIO_DEFI , D3DSIO_TEXCOORD = 64, D3DSIO_TEXKILL , D3DSIO_TEX , D3DSIO_TEXBEM , D3DSIO_TEXBEML , D3DSIO_TEXREG2AR , D3DSIO_TEXREG2GB , D3DSIO_TEXM3x2PAD , D3DSIO_TEXM3x2TEX , D3DSIO_TEXM3x3PAD , D3DSIO_TEXM3x3TEX , D3DSIO_RESERVED0 , D3DSIO_TEXM3x3SPEC , D3DSIO_TEXM3x3VSPEC , D3DSIO_EXPP , D3DSIO_LOGP , D3DSIO_CND , D3DSIO_DEF , D3DSIO_TEXREG2RGB , D3DSIO_TEXDP3TEX , D3DSIO_TEXM3x2DEPTH , D3DSIO_TEXDP3 , D3DSIO_TEXM3x3 , D3DSIO_TEXDEPTH , D3DSIO_CMP , D3DSIO_BEM , D3DSIO_DP2ADD , D3DSIO_DSX , D3DSIO_DSY , D3DSIO_TEXLDD , D3DSIO_SETP , D3DSIO_TEXLDL , D3DSIO_BREAKP , D3DSIO_PHASE = 0xFFFD, D3DSIO_COMMENT = 0xFFFE, D3DSIO_END = 0xFFFF, D3DSIO_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, // force 32-bit size enum } D3DSHADER_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_TYPE; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use these constants with D3DSIO_SINCOS macro as SRC2, SRC3 // #define D3DSINCOSCONST1 -1.5500992e-006f, -2.1701389e-005f, 0.0026041667f, 0.00026041668f #define D3DSINCOSCONST2 -0.020833334f, -0.12500000f, 1.0f, 0.50000000f //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Co-Issue Instruction Modifier - if set then this instruction is to be // issued in parallel with the previous instruction(s) for which this bit // is not set. // #define D3DSI_COISSUE 0x40000000 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Opcode specific controls #define D3DSP_OPCODESPECIFICCONTROL_MASK 0x00ff0000 #define D3DSP_OPCODESPECIFICCONTROL_SHIFT 16 // ps_2_0 texld controls #define D3DSI_TEXLD_PROJECT (0x01 << D3DSP_OPCODESPECIFICCONTROL_SHIFT) #define D3DSI_TEXLD_BIAS (0x02 << D3DSP_OPCODESPECIFICCONTROL_SHIFT) // Comparison for dynamic conditional instruction opcodes (i.e. if, breakc) typedef enum _D3DSHADER_COMPARISON { // < = > D3DSPC_RESERVED0= 0, // 0 0 0 D3DSPC_GT = 1, // 0 0 1 D3DSPC_EQ = 2, // 0 1 0 D3DSPC_GE = 3, // 0 1 1 D3DSPC_LT = 4, // 1 0 0 D3DSPC_NE = 5, // 1 0 1 D3DSPC_LE = 6, // 1 1 0 D3DSPC_RESERVED1= 7 // 1 1 1 } D3DSHADER_COMPARISON; // Comparison is part of instruction opcode token: #define D3DSHADER_COMPARISON_SHIFT D3DSP_OPCODESPECIFICCONTROL_SHIFT #define D3DSHADER_COMPARISON_MASK (0x7<>8)&0xFF) #define D3DSHADER_VERSION_MINOR(_Version) (((_Version)>>0)&0xFF) // destination/source parameter register type #define D3DSI_COMMENTSIZE_SHIFT 16 #define D3DSI_COMMENTSIZE_MASK 0x7FFF0000 #define D3DSHADER_COMMENT(_DWordSize) \ ((((_DWordSize)<= 1200 #pragma warning(pop) #else #pragma warning(default:4201) #endif #endif // _MSC_VER #endif /* (DIRECT3D_VERSION >= 0x0900) */ #endif /* _d3d9TYPES(P)_H_ */