/* * Copyright (c) 2011, Tom Distler (http://tdistler.com) * All rights reserved. * * The BSD License * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the tdistler.com nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _SSIM_H_ #define _SSIM_H_ #include "convolve.h" /* * Circular-symmetric Gaussian weighting. * h(x,y) = hg(x,y)/SUM(SUM(hg)) , for normalization to 1.0 * hg(x,y) = e^( -0.5*( (x^2+y^2)/sigma^2 ) ) , where sigma was 1.5 */ #define GAUSSIAN_LEN 11 static const float g_gaussian_window[GAUSSIAN_LEN][GAUSSIAN_LEN] = { {0.000001f, 0.000008f, 0.000037f, 0.000112f, 0.000219f, 0.000274f, 0.000219f, 0.000112f, 0.000037f, 0.000008f, 0.000001f}, {0.000008f, 0.000058f, 0.000274f, 0.000831f, 0.001619f, 0.002021f, 0.001619f, 0.000831f, 0.000274f, 0.000058f, 0.000008f}, {0.000037f, 0.000274f, 0.001296f, 0.003937f, 0.007668f, 0.009577f, 0.007668f, 0.003937f, 0.001296f, 0.000274f, 0.000037f}, {0.000112f, 0.000831f, 0.003937f, 0.011960f, 0.023294f, 0.029091f, 0.023294f, 0.011960f, 0.003937f, 0.000831f, 0.000112f}, {0.000219f, 0.001619f, 0.007668f, 0.023294f, 0.045371f, 0.056662f, 0.045371f, 0.023294f, 0.007668f, 0.001619f, 0.000219f}, {0.000274f, 0.002021f, 0.009577f, 0.029091f, 0.056662f, 0.070762f, 0.056662f, 0.029091f, 0.009577f, 0.002021f, 0.000274f}, {0.000219f, 0.001619f, 0.007668f, 0.023294f, 0.045371f, 0.056662f, 0.045371f, 0.023294f, 0.007668f, 0.001619f, 0.000219f}, {0.000112f, 0.000831f, 0.003937f, 0.011960f, 0.023294f, 0.029091f, 0.023294f, 0.011960f, 0.003937f, 0.000831f, 0.000112f}, {0.000037f, 0.000274f, 0.001296f, 0.003937f, 0.007668f, 0.009577f, 0.007668f, 0.003937f, 0.001296f, 0.000274f, 0.000037f}, {0.000008f, 0.000058f, 0.000274f, 0.000831f, 0.001619f, 0.002021f, 0.001619f, 0.000831f, 0.000274f, 0.000058f, 0.000008f}, {0.000001f, 0.000008f, 0.000037f, 0.000112f, 0.000219f, 0.000274f, 0.000219f, 0.000112f, 0.000037f, 0.000008f, 0.000001f}, }; /* * Equal weight square window. * Each pixel is equally weighted (1/64) so that SUM(x) = 1.0 */ #define SQUARE_LEN 8 static const float g_square_window[SQUARE_LEN][SQUARE_LEN] = { {0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f}, {0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f}, {0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f}, {0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f}, {0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f}, {0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f}, {0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f}, {0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f, 0.015625f}, }; /* Holds intermediate SSIM values for map-reduce operation. */ struct _ssim_int { double l; double c; double s; }; /* Defines the pointers to the map-reduce functions. */ typedef int (*_map)(const struct _ssim_int *, void *); typedef float (*_reduce)(int, int, void *); /* Arguments for map-reduce. The 'context' is user-defined. */ struct _map_reduce { _map map; _reduce reduce; void *context; }; /** * Private method that calculates the SSIM value on a pre-processed image. * * The input images must have stride==width. This method does not scale. * * @note Image buffers are modified. * * Map-reduce is used for doing the final SSIM calculation. The map function is * called for every pixel, and the reduce is called at the end. The context is * caller-defined and *not* modified by this method. * * @param ref Original reference image * @param cmp Distorted image * @param w Width of the images * @param h Height of the images * @param k The kernel used as the window function * @param mr Optional map-reduce functions to use to calculate SSIM. Required * if 'args' is not null. Ignored if 'args' is null. * @param args Optional SSIM arguments for fine control of the algorithm. 0 for defaults. * Defaults are a=b=g=1.0, L=255, K1=0.01, K2=0.03 * @return The mean SSIM over the entire image (MSSIM), or INFINITY if error. */ float _iqa_ssim(float *ref, float *cmp, int w, int h, const struct _kernel *k, const struct _map_reduce *mr, const struct iqa_ssim_args *args); #endif /* _SSIM_H_ */