/* * endx2xml.c * * Copyright (c) Chris Putnam 2006-2020 * * Program and source code released under the GPL version 2 * */ #include #include #include "bibutils.h" #include "bibformats.h" #include "tomods.h" #include "bibprog.h" char help1[] = "Converts a Endnote XML file (v8 or later) into MODS XML\n\n"; char help2[] = "endnotexml_file"; const char progname[] = "endx2xml"; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { param p; endxmlin_initparams( &p, progname ); modsout_initparams( &p, progname ); tomods_processargs( &argc, argv, &p, help1, help2 ); bibprog( argc, argv, &p ); bibl_freeparams( &p ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }