/* * bibutils.h * * Copyright (c) Chris Putnam 2005-2020 * * Source code released under GPL version 2 * */ #ifndef BIBUTILS_H #define BIBUTILS_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #include #include "bibdefs.h" #include "bibl.h" #include "slist.h" #include "charsets.h" #include "str_conv.h" #define BIBL_FIRSTIN (100) #define BIBL_MODSIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN) #define BIBL_BIBTEXIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+1) #define BIBL_RISIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+2) #define BIBL_ENDNOTEIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+3) #define BIBL_COPACIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+4) #define BIBL_ISIIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+5) #define BIBL_MEDLINEIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+6) #define BIBL_ENDNOTEXMLIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+7) #define BIBL_BIBLATEXIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+8) #define BIBL_EBIIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+9) #define BIBL_WORDIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+10) #define BIBL_NBIBIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+11) #define BIBL_LASTIN (BIBL_FIRSTIN+11) #define BIBL_FIRSTOUT (200) #define BIBL_MODSOUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT) #define BIBL_BIBTEXOUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT+1) #define BIBL_RISOUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT+2) #define BIBL_ENDNOTEOUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT+3) #define BIBL_ISIOUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT+4) #define BIBL_WORD2007OUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT+5) #define BIBL_ADSABSOUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT+6) #define BIBL_NBIBOUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT+7) #define BIBL_BIBLATEXOUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT+8) #define BIBL_LASTOUT (BIBL_FIRSTOUT+8) #define BIBL_FORMAT_VERBOSE (1) #define BIBL_FORMAT_BIBOUT_FINALCOMMA (2) #define BIBL_FORMAT_BIBOUT_SINGLEDASH (4) #define BIBL_FORMAT_BIBOUT_WHITESPACE (8) #define BIBL_FORMAT_BIBOUT_BRACKETS (16) #define BIBL_FORMAT_BIBOUT_UPPERCASE (32) #define BIBL_FORMAT_BIBOUT_STRICTKEY (64) #define BIBL_FORMAT_BIBOUT_SHORTTITLE (128) #define BIBL_FORMAT_BIBOUT_DROPKEY (256) #define BIBL_FORMAT_MODSOUT_DROPKEY (512) #define BIBL_RAW_WITHCHARCONVERT (4) #define BIBL_RAW_WITHMAKEREFID (8) #define BIBL_CHARSET_UNKNOWN CHARSET_UNKNOWN #define BIBL_CHARSET_UNICODE CHARSET_UNICODE #define BIBL_CHARSET_GB18030 CHARSET_GB18030 #define BIBL_CHARSET_DEFAULT CHARSET_DEFAULT #define BIBL_CHARSET_UTF8_DEFAULT CHARSET_UTF8_DEFAULT #define BIBL_CHARSET_BOM_DEFAULT CHARSET_BOM_DEFAULT #define BIBL_SRC_DEFAULT (0) /* value from program default */ #define BIBL_SRC_FILE (1) /* value from file, priority over default */ #define BIBL_SRC_USER (2) /* value from user, priority over file, default */ #define BIBL_XMLOUT_FALSE STR_CONV_XMLOUT_FALSE #define BIBL_XMLOUT_TRUE STR_CONV_XMLOUT_TRUE #define BIBL_XMLOUT_ENTITIES STR_CONV_XMLOUT_ENTITIES typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef struct param { int readformat; int writeformat; int charsetin; uchar charsetin_src; /*BIBL_SRC_DEFAULT, BIBL_SRC_FILE, BIBL_SRC_USER*/ uchar latexin; uchar utf8in; uchar xmlin; uchar nosplittitle; int charsetout; uchar charsetout_src; /* BIBL_SRC_PROG, BIBL_SRC_USER */ uchar latexout; /* If true, write Latex codes */ uchar utf8out; /* If true, write characters encoded by utf8 */ uchar utf8bom; /* If true, write utf8 byte-order-mark */ uchar xmlout; /* If true, write characters in XML entities */ int format_opts; /* options for specific formats */ int addcount; /* add reference count to reference id */ uchar output_raw; uchar verbose; uchar singlerefperfile; slist asis; /* Names that shouldn't be mangled */ slist corps; /* Names that shouldn't be mangled-MODS corporation type */ char *progname; int (*readf)(FILE*,char*,int,int*,str*,str*,int*); int (*processf)(fields*,const char*,const char*,long,struct param*); int (*cleanf)(bibl*,struct param*); int (*typef) (fields*,const char*,int,struct param*); int (*convertf)(fields*,fields*,int,struct param*); void (*headerf)(FILE*,struct param*); void (*footerf)(FILE*); int (*assemblef)(fields*,fields*,struct param*,unsigned long); int (*writef)(fields*,FILE*,struct param*,unsigned long); variants *all; int nall; } param; int bibl_initparams( param *p, int readmode, int writemode, char *progname ); void bibl_freeparams( param *p ); int bibl_readasis( param *p, char *filename ); int bibl_addtoasis( param *p, char *entry ); int bibl_readcorps( param *p, char *filename ); int bibl_addtocorps( param *p, char *entry ); int bibl_read( bibl *b, FILE *fp, char *filename, param *p ); int bibl_write( bibl *b, FILE *fp, param *p ); void bibl_reporterr( int err ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif