#!/bin/sh # # $1 = version number # $2 = postfix # # # Build up this directory tree/files # # update/debian/ # /DEBIAN/ # control # postinst.bibutils # postrm.bibutils # /usr/local/bibutils-${1}/ # programs # # Then run dpkg on this to build a .deb package # programs="biblatex2xml bib2xml copac2xml ebi2xml end2xml endx2xml isi2xml med2xml modsclean ris2xml wordbib2xml xml2ads xml2bib xml2end xml2isi xml2ris xml2wordbib" VERSION=$1 POSTFIX=$2 if [ "$2" = "_i386" ] ; then ARCH="i386" elif [ "$2" = "_amd64" ] ; then ARCH="i386" elif [ "$2" = "_osx" ] ; then ARCH="darwin-powerpc" else echo "Can only accept _i386 _amd64 and _osx as postfixes." echo "Skipping make deb for this architecture." exit fi # # Clean up any old version # if [ -e update/debian ] ; then rm -r update/debian fi if [ -e update/bibutils-${VERSION}.deb ] ; then rm -f update/*.deb fi mkdir -p update/debian/DEBIAN cd update OUTDIR="debian" PKGDIR="debian/DEBIAN" # # Build control file # CNTRL="${PKGDIR}/control" echo "Package: bibutils" > ${CNTRL} echo "Version:" ${VERSION} >> ${CNTRL} echo "Essential: no" >> ${CNTRL} echo "Maintainer: Chris Putnam [cdputnam@ucsd.edu]" >> ${CNTRL} echo "Provides: bibutils" >> ${CNTRL} echo "Architecture: ${ARCH}" >> ${CNTRL} echo "Description: Bibutils converts between bibliography formats" >> ${CNTRL} echo " including BibTeX, RIS, Endnote (Refer), ISI," >> ${CNTRL} echo " COPAC, and Medline XML using a MODS v3.0 XML intermediate." >> ${CNTRL} # # Build post-install script # POSTINST="${PKGDIR}/postinst.bibutils" echo '#!/bin/sh' > ${POSTINST} # # Build un-install script # POSTRM="${PKGDIR}/postrm.bibutils" echo '#!/bin/sh' > ${POSTRM} # # Build binaries directory # # Fink installs on MacOSX install to /sw/bin # if [ "${POSTFIX}" = "_i386" ] ; then BINARYDIR="${OUTDIR}/usr/local/bin" elif [ "${POSTFIX}" = "_amd64" ] ; then BINARYDIR="${OUTDIR}/usr/local/bin" elif [ "${POSTFIX}" = "_osx" ] ; then BINARYDIR="${OUTDIR}/sw/bin" fi mkdir -p ${BINARYDIR} for program in ${programs} ; do cp ../bin/${program} ${BINARYDIR}/. done # # Build update # PATH=${PATH}:/sw/bin/:~/src/bibutils/dpkg-1.10.28/main:~/src/bibutils/dpkg-1.10.28/dpkg-deb dpkg --build ${OUTDIR} bibutils-${VERSION}${POSTFIX}.deb rm -r ${OUTDIR}