# BIIR - Brainfuck Interpreter In Rust [![tests](https://gitlab.com/MaksRawski/biir/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/MaksRawski/biir/-/commits/master) [![coverage](https://codecov.io/gh/MaksRawski/biir/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=6YIXCT104V)](https://codecov.io/gh/MaksRawski/biir) # Installation `cargo install biir` # Usage `biir filename.bf` ## Numerical mode Available through `-n` or `--numerical-mode`. Prints byte values instead of their ascii representations. ## Debug mode Entered via `-d` or `--debug-mode`. Allows the usage of `!TAPE` to print 10 nearby (already created) cells and also prints some debug info at the end of the execution. ## Notes * `!TAPE` can be put at any point in the program, but will only do anything when running in debug mode. * Every `,` (comma) will take input the same way as `getchar` in C. It's also possible to provide it externally using pipes, however it will exit once the whole input was consumed. * (note to point above) Keep in mind that by default `echo` passes `\n` as last character. This behaviour can be avoided by using its `-n` flag. # TODO: - [ ] add a cool logo