;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by update_lit_checks.py --output=fuzz-exec and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --fuzz-exec -q -o /dev/null 2>&1 | filecheck %s (module (tag $e-i32 (param i32)) ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling throw ;; CHECK-NEXT: [exception thrown: e-i32 1] (func $throw (export "throw") (throw $e-i32 (i32.const 1)) ) ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling try-catch (func $try-catch (export "try-catch") (try (do (throw $e-i32 (i32.const 2)) ) (catch $e-i32 (drop (pop i32)) ) ) ) ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling catchless-try ;; CHECK-NEXT: [exception thrown: e-i32 3] (func $catchless-try (export "catchless-try") (try (do (throw $e-i32 (i32.const 3)) ) ) ) ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling try-delegate ;; CHECK-NEXT: [exception thrown: e-i32 4] (func $try-delegate (export "try-delegate") (try $l0 (do (try (do (throw $e-i32 (i32.const 4)) ) (delegate $l0) ) ) ) ) ) ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling throw ;; CHECK-NEXT: [exception thrown: e-i32 1] ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling try-catch ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling catchless-try ;; CHECK-NEXT: [exception thrown: e-i32 3] ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling try-delegate ;; CHECK-NEXT: [exception thrown: e-i32 4] ;; CHECK-NEXT: [fuzz-exec] comparing catchless-try ;; CHECK-NEXT: [fuzz-exec] comparing throw ;; CHECK-NEXT: [fuzz-exec] comparing try-catch ;; CHECK-NEXT: [fuzz-exec] comparing try-delegate