;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by update_lit_checks.py --output=fuzz-exec and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --fuzz-exec -q -o /dev/null 2>&1 | filecheck %s (module (type $A (struct (field (mut (ref null $A))))) ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling test (func $test (export "test") (local $a (ref $A)) ;; This function makes a self-cycle where the local $a's ref field points to ;; itself. This test checks that we do not error, even in sanitizers, when ;; such cycles are created (at the time of creating this test, we represent ;; GC data using std::shared_ptr, which does not handle cycles, and so by ;; default leak checks will error if not suppressed). (local.set $a (struct.new $A (ref.null $A) ) ) (struct.set $A 0 (local.get $a) (local.get $a) ) ) ) ;; CHECK: [fuzz-exec] calling test ;; CHECK-NEXT: [fuzz-exec] comparing test